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Click to edit Master subtitle style December 11, 2009 Wind Turbine Project Design Review BGI.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style December 11, 2009 Wind Turbine Project Design Review BGI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style December 11, 2009 Wind Turbine Project Design Review BGI

2 2 Introduction  Jared Freyer (Project Leader, Webmaster)  Senior, Mechanical Engineering  Fahad Ahmad (Recruitment Officer)  Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering  Anthony Christie  Freshman, Engineering  Yuanhua Cheng  Freshman, Engineering Wind Turbine Project BGI

3 3 Project History  Created by Purdue BGI Club  Developed to create a wind turbine feasibility study Wind Turbine Project BGI

4 4 University Need  Promote the sustainability and need for wind power in Indiana  Using the wind turbine as a living laboratory  Possibilities  Design new/efficient turbine blades  Design new/efficient turbine engines  Study wind/weather on Purdue’s campus  Provide power to the intramural field lights and feed power back into the Purdue power grid Wind Turbine Project BGI

5 5 Goals of the Project  Get approval from Capitol Projects Council to allow a wind turbine to be constructed  Fundraise money to construct a wind turbine on campus  Make an educational component to go with the wind turbine Wind Turbine Project BGI

6 6 Past Work (Spring 2009)  Did Initial Planning  Researched Optimal Location for Turbine  Researched Optimal Class of Turbine Wind Turbine Project BGI

7 Location Requirements  Height  Height of turbine and crane for installation restricted to 756 ft above sea level  Due to FAR Part 77  Structure may not be more than 150 ft above airport elevation  Purdue Airport sits at 606 ft above sea level  Electrical Tie-ins  Duke Energy lines west of McCormick Rd  Purdue power lines east of McCormick Rd  Wind Quality  Determine where the most consistent wind power can be found  Generally related to topography of region 7 Wind Turbine Project BGI

8 8

9 Site of Interest  Planned installation near the intramural fields  Site is close to the northwest substation  In close proximity to Purdue power lines  Higher elevation than surrounding area  Highly visible to Purdue students  Proximity to campus would allow for easier educational access 9 Wind Turbine Project BGI

10 10 BGI

11 11 BGI Turbine Site Grid Interconnect

12 12 BGI

13 13 BGI

14 Turbine Selection  Large Wind (≥ 1 MW)  Due to siting restrictions large turbines will not be possible  Medium Wind (50 kW to 500 kW)  More feasible with height restrictions  Less efficient than large wind  Small Wind (1.5 kW to 50 kW)  Much less efficient than larger sizes  Less attention demanded 14 Wind Turbine Project BGI

15 Current Work (Fall 2009)  Finalized Decision on Turbine Selection  Calculated Local Average Wind Speeds  Presented Proposal to ALDP  Submitted CPC-1 Paperwork 15 Wind Turbine Project BGI

16 Turbine Selection 16 Wind Turbine Project BGI Decision MatrixValueReDriven 50kWReDriven 20kWReDriven 10kW Endurance 35kW Endurance 50kW Entegrity 50kW Wind Turbine Ind. 20kW Wind Turbine Ind. 10kW Total Cost6 Company Location2 Power Output6 Wind Efficiency2 Aesthetics4 Ease of Construction4 Braking and Yaw Control2 Lifetime and Warranty2 Data Output2 Total Value302023 18 16.516 Legend Good (1*Value) Average (0.5*Value) Bad (0*Value)

17 Redriven 20 kW  Power output  20 kW rated power output @ 25 mph  240 V /60 hz / 1 Phase  Features  79 ft tall tower  20 ft long blades  61 dB at a distance of 25 feet  Self-erecting  Electric Yaw Controller  Dynamic Brake System 17 Wind Turbine Project BGI

18 Redriven 20 kW 18 Wind Turbine Project BGI

19 19 Wind Turbine Project BGI Average Wind Speeds for West Lafayette Average Wind Speeds: Low Bound: 5.88 m/s High Bound: 7.39 m/s

20 20 Wind Turbine Project BGI Average Power from ReDriven 20kW Average Power: Low Bound: 4.65 kW High Bound: 8.19 kW

21 21 BGI

22 22 BGI

23 23 BGI Turbine: 99 ft (30 m) tall 650 ft (198 m) above sea level Bell Tower: 160 ft (49 m) tall 620 ft (189 m) above sea level

24 Project Expenses 24 Wind Turbine Project BGI ItemProjected Cost Nacelle, Controller and Blades$42,737 Tower$15,391 Installation$41,000 Shipping$9,000 Total Capital Cost$108,128 Annual Maintenance/Project Fees$5,234/year  Total CO2 Offset Per Year  52.5 tons/year (DOE/EPA)  Equivalent to 157,500 miles/year for 30 MPG car

25 CPC Process  Capitol Projects Council  Components  CPC-1 and CPC-2  CPC-1 Program Benchmarks  Relevance to University Strategic Plan  Educational Aspect  Alternatives Considered  Personnel (Construction and Maintenance)  Cost Estimate and Location  ALDP Recommendation 25 Wind Turbine Project BGI

26 University Strategic Plan  New Synergies (2008 – 2014)  Strategies common to all goals  Promote sustainability conscience  Exemplify Purdue as living laboratory  Strategies specific to each goal  Engage students in experimental learning through hands on experiences  Civic engagement through campus design projects 26 Wind Turbine Project BGI

27 Time Table (Fall Semester) Task NameSeptemberOctober November December 7142128512192629162330714 Prepare for Midterm Design Review Presentation Work on Final Presentation and Transition Report Prepare for ALDP Meeting Prepare for CPC-1 Meeting Design 27 BGI

28 28 Future Plans  Analyze safety precautions  Start Fund Raising  Private Funding vs. Actual Fund Raising  Requirements for CPC-2  Maintain Communication with Contracting Company  Educational Component  Develop Website and Monitor Data Wind Turbine Project BGI

29 Educational Component  Website  Real time data  Energy production totals  History of project/construction  Research  Potential for blade design and testing  Data monitoring 29 Wind Turbine Project BGI

30 30 Questions? BGI

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