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Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on Composite Degree Residuosity Classes Presenter: 陳國璋 EUROCRYPT'99, LNCS 1592, pp. 223-238, 1999. By Pascal Paillier Efficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on Composite Degree Residuosity Classes Presenter: 陳國璋 EUROCRYPT'99, LNCS 1592, pp. 223-238, 1999. By Pascal Paillier Efficient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on Composite Degree Residuosity Classes Presenter: 陳國璋 EUROCRYPT'99, LNCS 1592, pp. 223-238, 1999. By Pascal Paillier Efficient Public-Key Cryptosystem Provably Secure against Active Adversaries ASIACRYPT'99, LNCS 1716, pp. 165-179, 1999. By Pascal Paillier and David Pointcheval

2 Outline  Notation and math. assumption  Scheme 1

3 Notation and math. Assumption (1/9)  CR[n] problem deciding n th residuosity. Distinguishing n th residues from non n th residues.

4 Notation and math. Assumption (2/9)  g ∈ Z n 2 *  ε g : Z n × Z n * → Z n 2 * be a integer- valued function defined by ε g (x,y) = g x y n mod n 2

5 Notation and math. Assumption (3/9)   Given base g ∈ B and w ∈ Z n 2 *, we want to find x ∈ Z n and y ∈ Z n * s.t. ε g (x, y) = g x y n mod n 2 = w

6 Notation and math. Assumption (4/9)    

7 Notation and math. Assumption (5/9)  Class[n] problem n th Residuosity Class Problem of base g Computing the class function in base g given w ∈ Z n 2 *, compute [w] g [w] g = x  x is the smallest non-negative integer s.t ε g (x, y) = g x y n mod n 2 = w random-self-reducible problem the bases g are independent

8 Notation and math. Assumption (6/9)      

9 Notation and math. Assumption (7/9)   D-Class[n] problem decisional Class[n] problem given w ∈ Z n 2 *,g ∈ B, x ∈ Z n, decide whether x=[w] g or not 

10 Notation and math. Assumption (8/9)  Fact[n] The factorization of n.  RSA[n] c = m e mod n Extracting e th roots modulo n  CR[n] deciding n th residuosity.

11 Notation and math. Assumption (9/9)  Class[n] Computational composite residuosity class problem given w ∈ Z n 2 * and g ∈ B, compute [w] g  D-Class[n] decisional Class[n] problem given w ∈ Z n 2 *,g ∈ B, x ∈ Z n, decide whether x=[w] g or not 

12 Notions of Security(1/3)  Indistinguishability of encryption(IND)  Non-malleability(NM) Given the encryption of a plaintext x, the attacker cannot produce the encryption of a meaningfully related plaintext x ’.(For example, x ’ =x+1)

13 Notions of Security(2/3)  Chosen-plaintext attack (CPA)  Non-adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA1)  Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA2)  IND-CCA2 and NM-CCA2 are strictly equivalent notions.

14 Notions of Security(3/3)

15 Random Oracle Model  Hash functions are considered to be ideal. i.e. perfect random.  From a security viewpoint, this impacts by giving the attacker an additional access to the random oracles of the scheme.

16 Outline  Notation and math. assumption  Scheme 1

17 Scheme 1(1/4)  New probabilistic encryption scheme 

18 Scheme 1 (2/4)

19 Scheme 1 (3/4)  One-way function Given x, to compute f(x) = y is easy. Given y, to find x s.t. f(x) = y is hard.  One-way trapdoor f() is a one-way function. Given a secret s, given y, to find x s.t. f(x) = y is easy.  Trapdoor permutation f() is a one-way trapdoor. f() is bijective.

20 Scheme 1 (4/4)

21 Security Analysis(1/21)  Against an adaptive chosen- ciphertext attack.(IND-CCA2)  In the scenario, the adversary makes of queries of her choice to a decryption oracle during two stages.

22 Security Analysis(2/21)  The first stage, the find stage Attacker chooses two messages. Requests encryption oracle to encrypted one of them. the encryption oracle makes the secret choice of which one.

23 Security Analysis(3/21)  The second stage, the guess stage To query the decryption oracle with ciphertext of her choice.  Finally, she tell her guess about the choice the encryption oracle made.

24 Security Analysis(4/21)  Random oracle A t-bit random number Two hash functions  G, H: {0,1}* → {0,1} |n|

25 Security Analysis(5/21)  Provided t=Ω(|n| δ ) for δ>0, Scheme 1 is semantically secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2) under the Decision Composite Residuosity assumption (D-Class assumption) in the random oracle.  D-Class[n] decisional Class[n] problem given w ∈ Z n 2 *,g ∈ B, x ∈ Z n, decide whether x=[w] g or not

26 Security Analysis(6/21)  An adversary A=(A 1,A 2 ) against semantic security of scheme 1. A 1 : the find stage A 2 : the guess stage  This adversary to efficiently decide n th residuosity classes.

27 Security Analysis(7/21)  Oracle G Indistinduishability of encryption  Oracle H Adaptive attack

28 Security Analysis(8/21)  Simulation of the Decryption Oracle The attacker asks for a ciphertext c to be decrypted. The simulator checks in the query- history from the random oracle H. Whether some entry leads to the ciphertext c and then return m; otherwise, it return “ failure ”.

29 Security Analysis(9/21)  Quasi-perfect simulation The probability of producing a valid ciphertext without asking the query (m,r) to the random oracle H (whose answer a has to satisfy the test a n = z mod n) is upper bounded by 1/ψ(n) ≦ 2/n, which is clearly negligible.

30 Security Analysis(10/21)  Initialization n=pq, g ∈ Z n 2 * Public: n,g Private: λ

31 Security Analysis(11/21)  Encryption Plaintext: m < 2 |n|-t-1 Randomly select r < 2 t z=H(m,r) n mod n 2 M=m||r +G(z mod n) mod n Ciphertext: c=g M z mod n 2

32 Security Analysis(12/21)  Decryption Ciphertext: c=g M z mod n 2 ∈ Z n 2 * M=[L(c λ mod n 2 )/L(g λ mod n 2 )] mod n z ’ =g -M c mod n m ’ ||r ’ =M-G(z ’ ) mod n If H(m ’,r ’ ) n = z ’ mod n, then the plaintext is m ’ Otherwise, output “ failure ”

33 Security Analysis(13/21)  Attacker A to design a distinguisher B for n th residuosity class.  (w,α) is a instance of the D-Class problem, where α is the n th residuosity class of w.  D-Class[n] decisional Class[n] problem given w ∈ Z n 2 *,g ∈ B, α ∈ Z n, decide whether α=[w] g or not

34 Security Analysis(14/21)  Distinguisher B(1/2) Randomly chooses u ∈ Z n, v ∈ Z n *, 0 ≦ r<2 t. Compute the follows  z=wg -α v n mod n  c=wg u v n mod n 2 Run A 1 and gets two messages m 0,m 1

35 Security Analysis(15/21)  Distinguisher B(2/2) Chooses a bit b Run A 2 on the ciphertext c, supposed to the ciphertext of m b and using the random r.

36 Security Analysis(16/21)  Shut this game down z is asked to the oracle G, shut this game down and B return 1.  This event will be denote by AskG If (m 0,r) or (m 1,r) are asked to the oracle H, shut this geme down and B return 0.  This event will be denote by AskH In any other case, B return 0 when A 2 end.

37 Security Analysis(17/21)  One event AskG or AskH is likely to happen, B terminate the game.  The random choice of r, Pr[AskH]=O(q H /2 t ) in any case, q H =#(queries asked to the oracle H) and 0 ≦ r<2 t.  G and H are seen like random oracles, the attacker has no chance to correctly guess b, during a real attack.

38 Security Analysis(18/21)  In α=[w] g case If none of the events AskG or AskH occur, then  AdvA ≦ Pr[ AskG ∨ AskH | [w]g = α]

39 Security Analysis(19/21)  In α≠[w] g case z is perfectly random (independent of c), then Pr[AskG] ≦ q G /ψ(n), q G =#(queries asked to the oracle G) and u ∈ Z n, v ∈ Z n *, z=wg -α v n mod n

40 Security Analysis(20/21) The advantage of distinguisher B in deciding the n th residuosity classes:

41 Security Analysis(21/21) Reduction Cost –If there exists an active attacker A against semantic security, one can decide n th residuosity classes with an advantage greater then

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