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Conflict, Cooperation, Trust, & Deviance Chapter 11 (part 2) March 20, 2008.

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1 Conflict, Cooperation, Trust, & Deviance Chapter 11 (part 2) March 20, 2008

2 Deviant Org Behavior Intentional violations of org norms, policies that result in neg outcomes. Workplace violence – –Much attn from media, but still a rare event –Aggression is more common, less severe Examples of passive aggressiveness? –Most often covert rather than overt –What is a likely antecedent?

3 Employee Theft Minor incidents most common Why do it? –Based on social norms and equity perceptions How to reduce it? –Code of Conduct - –Org climate issues -

4 National Crime Victimization Survey (1993-1999) National estimates of reported & unreported crimes (via household survey) Here, focus on nonfatal violence (robbery, rape, assault) Workplace violence = 18% of all violent crime Which occupations had highest and lowest rates?

5 National Crime Victimization Survey (1993-1999, cont.) Wkplc violence rate for whites 25% higher than blacks (reverse of overall) Most incidents intraracial (60%) Men most often victims & offenders 12% victims were injured (most minor) 1/3 rd believed offender was drinking or using drugs Most likely to be victimized by stranger

6 Managing Aggression Through screening –Personality tests –Example? Discipline/punishment – climate issues Focus on procedural justice when imposing unfavorable decision –Structural component – –Social component -

7 Integrity Testing Selection component –Levi Strauss example (El Paso plant) –wanted to reduce ‘unproductive work behaviors’ (fighting) –Hogan Personality Inventory was used – How?

8 Integrity Testing HPI is example of covert test – measures constructs linked to aggression –(rather than overt questions) Concept of continuum of counterproductive behaviors (workplace delinquency), –includes theft, lying, sabotage, absenteeism How was it validated?

9 Context Variables In addition to individual differences in aggressive tendencies, job context may play a role –Fig 11.15 shows job contexts where people experience the most violence –What are common job characteristics that may be related to workplace violence?

10 Glomb (2002) Aggression study In-depth interviews with employees about ‘angry incidents’ at work Usually attributed incident to several factors: –Job stress (hectic/stressful day) –Frustration (w/person or job) –Job-related conflicts –Individual factors (personality) –Perceived threat (power struggle) –Perceived injustice (of others, policy)

11 Glomb (2002) Questionnaire sample – 115 manufacturing ees Asked about aggressive behaviors as target and aggressor What were the most frequent behaviors? Pattern of escalating aggression Murder 9 to 5 Video –Case of Larry Jasion, postal worker who murdered coworkers in Dearborn, Mich. (1993)

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