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Telematics: Interactive Display Using Wireless Communication Jimmy Su Team Whitney April 29, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Telematics: Interactive Display Using Wireless Communication Jimmy Su Team Whitney April 29, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telematics: Interactive Display Using Wireless Communication Jimmy Su Team Whitney April 29, 2002

2 Wireless Communication System Allows communication between Whitney and separate vehicles/computers Processes the data using Visual Basic programming Displays the data through a Graphical User Interface E

3 Wireless Communication System Two RF Transceivers that transmits and receives wireless RS232C Data Process: One Transceiver accepts RS232c data and converts the data to Radio Frequency. The other Transceiver receives the RF data and converts it back to RS232c

4 Wireless Transceiver: Specifications OTEK TR200 Series Transceivers 100/300 feet range 916.5 MHZ Operating Frequency Transmission Rate of 19,200 BPS

5 Wireless Transceiver: Circuit Diagram

6 Wireless Communication: Protocol Sender’s Protocol Proprietary software made by OTEK, manual input that runs on DOS Receiver’s Protocol Program developed in C that parses control and input data, reads and writes to the serial port

7 Interactive Display: Visual Dashboard Purpose: To display real-time information from Whitney to a computer on a separate vehicle

8 Visual Dashboard: State Algorithm Start Process Data Get Input End Load Form User presses GO End of Input

9 Telematics: Summary Wireless Communication proved to be successful, however the proprietary software became a limitation Visual Dashboard Interface can display the information from Whitney, what is the next step? Automotive Telematics has become the new trend in traveling: enabling safety, security, entertainment, and navigation

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