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High Availability (HA) May 03, 2006. Motivation  New Technology  The opportunity to create a cluster  Exploring with Linux Operating system.

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Presentation on theme: "High Availability (HA) May 03, 2006. Motivation  New Technology  The opportunity to create a cluster  Exploring with Linux Operating system."— Presentation transcript:

1 High Availability (HA) May 03, 2006

2 Motivation  New Technology  The opportunity to create a cluster  Exploring with Linux Operating system

3 Overview  High Availability Clusters (HA)  How a cluster works  Advantages of a cluster  Future Solution  Applications use

4 Clusters  A computer cluster is a group computers connected together through special software and works together as one computer system.  Clusters are viewed as a single computer.  Connected through a Local Area Network (LAN)

5 High Availability Clusters  Are implemented primarily for the purpose of improving availability of services.  They operate by having redundant nodes, which are used to provide service when a system components fail.  Should have 99.9% uptime

6 Requirements  Fedora Core 4  Mpich-1.2.1 (Message Passing Interface)  Two Nodes “master & slave”  Network Switch  Ethernet cables

7 How Clusters work ? Master Node Slave nodes

8 Tests  rcp cpilog node01:/home/Neal  Mpirun –np 1 cpilog  Mpirun –np 2 pmandel ?  Xhost + ?

9 With One Node [root@Master /]# mpirun -np 1 cpilog Process 0 running on Master pi is approximately 3.1415926535897634 wall clock time = 0.482186 Mpirun –np 1 cpilog

10 With Two Nodes [root@Master /]# mpirun -np 2 cpilog connect to address port 544: Process 0 running on Master Process 1 running on Slave pi is approximately 3.1415926535899401, wall clock time = 0.262906 Mpirun –np 2 cpilog

11 Scope Master Node Slave nodes

12 Advantages of (HA)  High Availability  Scalability  Manageability

13 Other Solutions The use of MOSIXThe use of MOSIX PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine )PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine ) Clustermatic 5Clustermatic 5

14 Future Works  Configure a web server  Develop a cluster that support more features  Possible make a wireless cluster?

15 References  Cluster Definition:  PVM Information:  How to use PVM:  Cluster configuration:  Animated Siren:  Picture of a four node cluster: Jeremy and Matt’s PowerPoint presentation  Types of Cluster Architecture: Linux Cluster Architecture: Alex Vrenios

16 Questions ?

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