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The morning routine She is a house maid who is there to help out around the house and to cook The breakfast tray was prepared everyday at 7o’clook with.

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2 The morning routine She is a house maid who is there to help out around the house and to cook The breakfast tray was prepared everyday at 7o’clook with a fresh flower in a vase at the top right corner, top center a silver coffee pot with sugar and creamer, lower center the egg cup and juice, with a linen napkin and silverware to the left, along with a small bowl of milk and cat food for Smoky. She would occasionally ask for toast. They put an eggshell into a boiling pot of coffee to settle it. Then you would fluff up Marjorie’s pillows and start a fire in the hearth.

3 Martha’s covering Martha one of Marjorie's other household maids, has a son, Will, who works for her but is more interested in running off with girls. Martha covers for him by pulling both of their weight around the house. In The Yearling Jody was a lot like Will running off and letting his parents pull his weight. But they both feel bad when their parents have to do their work.

4 Surprise Marjorie soon learns out of chance that Idella can read and write. Idella was caught reading a book during her first week of working; afterwards Marjorie loans her books. Marjorie soon learns that Idella can drive, and she is sent on multiple errands for her. This was a shock because not many African Americans were educated back then.

5 Life back then Life back then was hard and strenuous Everything was done by hand There were no toilets and running water in the house for a long time. Laundry was done by hand and was air dried. (they smell good)

6 Work, freedom, and bragging “Soon the house began to shine from all of my hard work” “Little by little Mrs. Rawlings began to relax and to enjoy having things done without having to say much.” Soon Mrs. Rawlings began to brag about her, first in the house then to friends and family, then letters, and finally her books Idella was the “perfect” maid because she knew what to do without being told and because she eased Marjorie's mind Idella eased Marjorie's mind by letting her focus on her writing without having to worry about cooking or the house looking like a pigsty

7 Sundays Idella had to work everyday, which soon became boring, so she did something about it. She talked to Marjorie about it, which caused a heated argument, and storming out of the room, but she was allowed to drive to church Sundays when she wanted. She knew where the keys were.

8 Work today Idella was a house maid Some people still offer services like that today Not many people are rich enough to hire people like that because of the economy Much of her work is now done by vacuums, steam cleaners and chemicals

9 Thanks for watching

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