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Ontologies for Data Integration: A Semantic Web Perspective Training Course Olivier Bodenreider Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Bethesda, Maryland - USA May 24, 2006 Schloß Dagstuhl Biomedical Ontology in
2 Outline u u From terminology integration to information integration Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) u u UMLS in use: Mapping across terminologies u u Beyond UMLS: Towards a Biomedical Knowledge Repository
From terminology integration to information integration Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
4 What does UMLS stand for? u Unified u Medical u Language u System UMLS ® Unified Medical Language System ® UMLS Metathesaurus ®
5 Motivation u Started in 1986 u National Library of Medicine u “Long-term R&D project” «[…] the UMLS project is an effort to overcome two significant barriers to effective retrieval of machine-readable information. The first is the variety of ways the same concepts are expressed in different machine-readable sources and by different people. The second is the distribution of useful information among many disparate databases and systems.»
Overview through an example
7 Addison’s disease u Addison's disease is a rare endocrine disorder u Addison's disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone cortisol u For this reason, the disease is sometimes called chronic adrenal insufficiency, or hypocortisolism
8 Adrenal insufficiency Clinical variants u Primary / Secondary l Primary: lesion of the adrenal glands themselves l Secondary: inadequate secretion of ACTH by the pituitary gland u Acute / Chronic u Isolated / Polyendocrine deficiency syndrome ACTH
9 Addison’s disease: Symptoms u Fatigue u Weakness u Low blood pressure u Pigmentation of the skin (exposed and non- exposed parts of the body) u …
10 AD in medical vocabularies u Synonyms: different terms l Addisonian syndrome l Bronzed disease l Addison melanoderma l Asthenia pigmentosa l Primary adrenal deficiency l Primary adrenal insufficiency l Primary adrenocortical insufficiency l Chronic adrenocortical insufficiency u Contexts: different hierarchies symptoms clinical variants eponym
11 Organize terms u Synonymous terms clustered into a concept u Preferred term u Unique identifier (CUI) Addison's disease Addison DiseaseMeSHD000224 Primary hypoadrenalismMedDRA10036696 Primary adrenocortical insufficiencyICD-10E27.1 Addison's disease (disorder)SNOMED CT363732003 C0001403
Diseases of the endocrine system Diseases of the Adrenal Glands Addison’s Disease Diseases/Diagnoses SNOMED International
Endocrine Diseases Adrenal Gland Diseases Addison’s Disease Diseases MeSH Adrenal Gland Hypofunction
Endocrine disorder Adrenal disorder Adrenal cortical disorder Adrenal cortical hypofunction Addison’s Disease AOD
Endocrine disorder Disorder of adrenal gland Hypoadrenalism Adrenal Hypofunction Corticoadrenal insufficiency Addison’s Disease Read Codes
Primary adrenocortical insufficiency Other disorders of adrenal gland Disorders of other endocrine gland ICD-10
17 Organize concepts u Inter-concept relationships: hierarchies from the source vocabularies u Redundancy: multiple paths u One graph instead of multiple trees (multiple inheritance) A BDEHDE B GH EFH C BC A EFD GH
Adrenal Cortex Diseases Hypoadrenalism Adrenal Gland Hypofunction Adrenal cortical hypofunction Endocrine Diseases Adrenal Gland Diseases organize concepts Addison’s Disease UMLS SNOMED MeSH AOD Read Codes
19 Relate to other concepts u Additional hierarchical relationships l link to other trees l make relationships explicit u Non-hierarchical relationships u Co-occurring concepts u Mapping relationships
Endocrine Diseases Adrenal Gland Diseases Adrenal Cortex Diseases Hypoadrenalism Adrenal Gland Hypofunction Adrenal cortical hypofunction Addison’s Disease Adrenal Cortex Dysfunction Adrenal Dysfunction Addison’s disease due to autoimmunity Secondary hypocortisolism Other disorders of adrenal gland Disorders of other endocrine gland Adrenal Glands Adrenal Cortex Endocrine System Endocrine Glands Abdominal organ Diseases relate to other concepts
21 Categorize concepts u High-level categories (semantic types) u Assigned by the Metathesaurus editors u Independently of the hierarchies in which these concepts are located Disease or Syndrome Endocrine Diseases Adrenal Gland Diseases Addison’s Disease Diseases Adrenal Gland Hypofunction
22 How do they do that? u Lexical knowledge u Semantic pre-processing u UMLS editors
23 Lexical knowledge Adrenal gland diseases Adrenal disorder Disorder of adrenal gland Diseases of the adrenal glands C0001621
24 Semantic pre-processing u Metadata in the source vocabularies u Tentative categorization u Positive (or negative) evidence for tentative synonymy relations based on lexical features
25 Additional knowledge: UMLS editors Adrenal Gland Diseases Adrenal Cortex Diseases Adrenal Cortex Dysfunction Hypoadrenalism Adrenal Gland Hypofunction Adrenal cortical hypofunction Addison’s Disease Other disorders of adrenal gland
26 UMLS: 3 components u SPECIALIST Lexicon l 200,000 lexical items l Part of speech and variant information u Metathesaurus l 5M names from over 100 terminologies l 1M concepts l 16M relations u Semantic Network l 135 high-level categories l 7000 relations among them Lexical resources Ontological resources Terminological resources
UMLS Metathesaurus
28 Source Vocabularies u 139 source vocabularies l 17 languages u Broad coverage of biomedicine l 5.1M names l 1.3M concepts l 16M relations u Common presentation (2006AB)
29 Addison’s Disease: Concept Addison’s Disease C0001403 ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY (ADDISON'S DISEASE) ADRENOCORTICAL INSUFFICIENCY, PRIMARY FAILURE Addison melanoderma Melasma addisonii Primary adrenal deficiency Asthenia pigmentosa Bronzed disease Insufficiency, adrenal primary Primary adrenocortical insufficiency Addison's, disease MALADIE D'ADDISON - French Addison-Krankheit - German Morbo di Addison - Italian DOENCA DE ADDISON - Portuguese ADDISONOVA BOLEZN' - Russian ENFERMEDAD DE ADDISON - Spanish A disease characterized by hypotension, weight loss, anorexia, weakness, and sometimes a bronze-like melanotic hyperpigmentation of the skin. It is due to tuberculosis- or autoimmune-induced disease (hypofunction) of the adrenal glands that results in deficiency of aldosterone and cortisol. In the absence of replacement therapy, it is usually fatal. SNOMED MeSH AOD Read Codes … Disease or Syndrome
30 Metathesaurus Concepts u Concept(> 1.3M)CUI l Set of synonymous concept names u Term(> 4.6M)LUI l Set of normalized names u String(> 5.1M)SUI l Distinct concept name u Atom(> 6.2M)AUI l Concept name in a given source (2006AB) A0000001 headache (source 1) A0000002 headache (source 2) S0000001 A0000003 Headache (source 1) A0000004 Headache (source 2) S0000002 L0000001 A0000005 Cephalgia (source 1) S0000003 L0000002 C0000001
31 Cluster of synonymous terms Concept C0001621 […] Term L0001621 S0011232 Adrenal Gland Diseases S0011231 Adrenal Gland Disease S0000441 Disease of adrenal gland S0481705 Disease of adrenal gland, NOS S0220090 Disease, adrenal gland S0044801 Gland Disease, Adrenal Term L0041793 S0860744 Disorder of adrenal gland, unspecified S0217833 Unspecified disorder of adrenal glands […] Term L0368399 S0586222 Adrenal disease S0466921 ADRENAL DISEASE, NOS […] Term L0181041 S0632950 Disorder of adrenal gland S0354509 Adrenal Gland Disorders […] Term L0161347 S0225481 ADRENAL DISORDER S0627685 DISORDER ADRENAL (NOS) […] Term L1279026 S1520972 Nebennierenkrankheiten GER S0226798 SURRENALE, MALADIES Term L0162317 FRE
32 Metathesaurus Evolution over time u Concepts never die (in principle) l CUIs are permanent identifiers u What happens when they do die (in reality)? l Concepts can merge or split l Resulting in new concepts and deletions Addison's disease C0001403 Addison's disease, NOS C0271735 199219931994199519961997199819992004 …
33 Metathesaurus Relationships u Symbolic relations:~9 M pairs of concepts u Statistical relations :~7 M pairs of concepts (co-occurring concepts) u Mapping relations:100,000 pairs of concepts u Categorization: Relationships between concepts and semantic types from the Semantic Network
34 Symbolic relations u Relation l Pair of “atom” identifiers l Type l Attribute (if any) l List of sources (for type and attribute) u Semantics of the relationship: defined by its type [and attribute] Source transparency: the information is recorded at the “atom” level
35 Symbolic relationships Type u Hierarchical l Parent / Child l Broader / Narrower than u Derived from hierarchies l Siblings (children of parents) u Associative l Other u Various flavors of near-synonymy l Similar l Source asserted synonymy l Possible synonymy PAR/CHD RB/RN SIB RO RL SY RQ
36 Symbolic relationships Attribute u Hierarchical l isa (is-a-kind-of) l part-of u Associative l location-of l caused-by l treats l … u Cross-references (mapping)
Heart Concepts Metathesaurus 22 225 97 4 12 931 Esophagus Left Phrenic Nerve Heart Valves Fetal Heart Medias- tinum Saccular Viscus Angina Pectoris Cardiotonic Agents Tissue Donors Anatomical Structure Fully Formed Anatomical Structure Embryonic Structure Body Part, Organ or Organ Component Pharmacologic Substance Disease or Syndrome Population Group Semantic Types Semantic Network
UMLS Semantic Network
39 Semantic Network u Semantic types (135) l tree structure l 2 major hierarchies n Entity –Physical Object –Conceptual Entity n Event –Activity –Phenomenon or Process
40 Semantic Network u Semantic network relationships (54) l hierarchical (isa = is a kind of) n among types –Animal isa Organism –Enzyme isa Biologically Active Substance n among relations –treats isa affects l non-hierarchical n Sign or Symptom diagnoses Pathologic Function n Pharmacologic Substance treats Pathologic Function
41 “Biologic Function” hierarchy (isa) Biologic Function Pathologic FunctionPhysiologic Function Disease or Syndrome Cell or Molecular Dysfunction Experimental Model of Disease Organism Function Organ or Tissue Function Cell Function Molecular Function Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction Neoplastic Process Mental Process Genetic Function
42 Associative (non-isa) relationships Organism process of Embryonic Structure Anatomical Abnormality Congenital Abnormality Acquired Abnormality Fully Formed Anatomical Structure Anatomical Structure part of Organism Attribute property of Body Substance contains, produces conceptual part of evaluation of Body System conceptual part of Body Part, Organ or Organ Component part of Tissue part of Cell part of Cell Component Gene or Genome Body Space or Junction adjacent to location of evaluation of Finding Laboratory or Test Result Sign or Symptom Biologic Function Physiologic Function Pathologic Function Body Location or Region conceptual part of conceptual part of Injury or Poisoning disrupts co-occurs with
43 Why a semantic network? u Semantic Types serve as high level categories assigned to Metathesaurus concepts, independently of their position in a hierarchy u A relationship between 2 Semantic Types (ST) is a possible link between 2 concepts that have been assigned to those STs l The relationship may or may not hold at the concept level l Other relationships may apply at the concept level
44 Relationships can inherit semantics Semantic Network Metathesaurus Adrenal Cortex Adrenal Cortical hypofunction Disease or Syndrome Body Part, Organ, or Organ Component Pathologic Function isa Biologic Function isa Fully Formed Anatomical Structure isa location of
45 UMLS Summary u Synonymous terms clustered into concepts u Unique identifier u Finer granularity u Broader scope u Additional hierarchical relationships u Semantic categorization
46 Integrating subdomains Biomedical literature Biomedical literature MeSH Genome annotations Genome annotations GO Model organisms Model organisms NCBI Taxonomy Genetic knowledge bases OMIM Clinical repositories Clinical repositories SNOMED Other subdomains Other subdomains … Anatomy UWDA UMLS
47 Integrating subdomains Biomedical literature Biomedical literature Genome annotations Genome annotations Model organisms Model organisms Genetic knowledge bases Clinical repositories Clinical repositories Other subdomains Other subdomains Anatomy
Information integration Genomics as an example
49 NF2 Gene, protein, and disease Neurofibromatosis 2 is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by tumors called schwannomas involving the acoustic nerve, as well as other features. The disorder is caused by mutations of the NF2 gene resulting in absence or inactivation of the protein product. The protein product of NF2 is commonly called merlin (but also neurofibromin 2 and schwannomin) and functions as a tumor suppressor.
50 Schwannoma (acoustic neuroma)
52 NF2 gene
54 Merlin u Synonyms l Neurofibromin 2 l Schwannomin l Schwannomerlin l Neurofibromatosis-2 u 10 isoforms u Annotations l Negative regulation of cell proliferation l Cytoskeleton l Plasma membrane
56 Neurofibromatosis 2 (Type II neurofibromatosis, Bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis) C0027832 NF2 (Neurofibromin 2 gene) C0085114 Merlin (Schwannomin, Neurofibromin 2) C0254123 NEUROFIBROMATOSIS, TYPE II; NF2 #101000 Drosophila melanogaster merlin (Dmerlin) mRNA, complete cds. U49724 OMIMGenbank External resources UMLS Metathesaurus (Concepts and relations) Amino Acid, Peptide, or Protein Biologically Active Substance Neoplastic ProcessGene or Genome UMLS Semantic Network (Semantic Types) Merlin, Drosophila Tumor suppressor genes Benign neoplasms of cranial nerves Neuro- fibromatoses Tumor suppressor proteins
57 Limitations u Genes not systematically represented l Most gene products and diseases are u Gene/Gene product-Disease relations l Not systematically represented l Not explicitly represented (e.g., co-occurrence) u Cross-references not systematically represented u Naming conventions (genes)
58 References UMLS u UMLS browsers (free, but UMLS license required) Knowledge Source Server: Knowledge Source Server: Semantic Navigator: Semantic Navigator: l RRF browser (standalone application distributed with the UMLS)
59 References u Recent overviews l Bodenreider O. (2004). The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): Integrating biomedical terminology. Nucleic Acids Research; D267-D270. l Nelson, S. J., Powell, T. & Humphreys, B. L. (2002 ). The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Project. In: Kent, Allen; Hall, Carolyn M., editors. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. New York: Marcel Dekker. p.369-378.
60 References u UMLS as a research project l Lindberg, D. A., Humphreys, B. L., & McCray, A. T. (1993). The Unified Medical Language System. Methods Inf Med, 32(4), 281-91. l Humphreys, B. L., Lindberg, D. A., Schoolman, H. M., & Barnett, G. O. (1998). The Unified Medical Language System: an informatics research collaboration. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 5(1), 1-11.
61 References u Technical papers l McCray, A. T., & Nelson, S. J. (1995). The representation of meaning in the UMLS. Methods Inf Med, 34(1-2), 193-201. l Bodenreider O. & McCray A. T. (2003). Exploring semantic groups through visual approaches. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 36(6), 414-432.
UMLS in Use Mapping across Vocabularies
63 The problem u For noun phrases extracted from medical texts, map to UMLS concepts u Then, select from the MeSH vocabulary the concepts that are the most closely related to the original concepts Medical text Noun phrase UMLS MeSH descriptor
64 Map noun phrases to UMLS u Normalization l normalize noun phrases l use the normalized string index u MetaMap l approximate matching l more aggressive approach n use derivational variants n allow partial matches
65 Restrict to MeSH u Based on the principle of semantic locality u Use different components of the UMLS u 4 techniques of increasing aggressiveness Use Synonymy MRCON + MRSO Use Synonymy MRCON + MRSO Use Associated expressions (ATXs) MRATX Use Associated expressions (ATXs) MRATX Explore the Ancestors MRREL + SN Explore the Ancestors MRREL + SN Explore the Other related concepts MRREL + SN Explore the Other related concepts MRREL + SN
66 Restrict to MeSH: Synonymy u Term mapped to Source concept For this concept, is there a synonym term that comes from MeSH? (MRSO)
67 Restrict to MeSH: Assoc. expressions u If not, Is there an associated expression (ATX) that describes this concept using a combination of MeSH descriptors? (MRATX) Endoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from oesophagus without incision AND Foreign Bodies MH/SH Esophagussurgery
68 Restrict to MeSH: Ancestors u If not, let us build the graph of the ancestors of this concept using parents and broader concepts (MRREL) using parents and broader concepts (MRREL) l all the way to the top excluding ancestors whose semantic types are not compatible with those of the source concept (MRSTY) excluding ancestors whose semantic types are not compatible with those of the source concept (MRSTY) From the graph, select the concepts that come from MeSH (MRCONSO) u Remove those that are ancestors of another concept coming from MeSH
69 Restrict to MeSH: Other related concepts If not, explore the other related concepts (MRREL) whose semantic types are compatible with those of the source concept (MRSTY) From those, select the concepts that come from MeSH (MRCONSO)
70 Restrict to MeSH: Example Vein of neck, NOS There is a MeSH term in the synonyms of SC SC is described by a combination of MeSH terms (ATX) The ancestors of SC contain MeSH terms MeSH terms from non-hierarchically related concepts Neck + Vein
71 Restrict to MeSH: Example Vein of neck, NOS Vein of head and neck, NOS NeckBlood VesselsVascular structureVeins Systemic veins HeadHead and neck, NOSBody part, NOS
72 Overall results u Synonymy:24% u Built-in mapping: 1% u Ancestors l From concept:49% l From children: 2% l From siblings: 1% u Other:11% u No mapping12%
73 References u Bodenreider O, Nelson SJ, Hole WT, Chang HF. Beyond synonymy: exploiting the UMLS semantics in mapping vocabularies. Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 1998:815-9. u Fung KW, Bodenreider O. Utilizing the UMLS for semantic mapping between terminologies. Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium 2005:266-270.
Advanced Library Services Towards a Biomedical Knowledge Repository
75 Disclaimer u The project presented in this talk is being proposed as a new research initiative at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications u It has not been approved or reviewed by NLM yet u The ideas presented here may not reflect NLM’s views u In collaboration with Tom Rindflesch, NLM
76 Delivering Health Information u Provide biomedical text to health care professionals and consumers u Maintain NLM’s cutting edge l Support public health and healthy behavior l Assist clinical practice l Enable biomedical research and discovery u Exploit current Library resources and advanced technology
77 Why additional services? u Biomedical literature is growing at an increasingly faster pace l High-throughput approach to literature processing u Integration between literature and other resources is insufficient l Adequate for navigating purposes l Insufficient for knowledge processing u Information retrieval is the starting point, not the end of the journey for the researcher
78 Integration for navigation purposes
79 What additional services? u Multi-document summarization l Extract and visualize the facts extracted from 250 recent abstracts on the treatment of Parkinson’s disease u Question answering l Clinical and biological questions u Knowledge discovery l Connect facts from heterogeneous resources u Refined information retrieval l Indexing on relations in addition to concepts or association main heading/subheading
80 Fact-based vs. concept-based u (concept, relationship, concept) triples are the common denominator to the various advanced services l Facts l Relations l Semantic predications l RDF triples
81 Biomedical knowledge repository u Knowledge integration l Unique repository l Common format l Seamless environment l Phenotype and genotype information together u Enabling resource for the various services l Summarization l Question answering l Knowledge discovery l Refined information retrieval
82 Sources of knowledge u Biomedical literature l Facts extracted from MEDLINE abstracts and full-text publicly available articles using text mining techniques l Other corpora u Structured databases / knowledge bases l NCBI resources l Model organism databases l Terminological knowledge l … u Contributed knowledge l The repository is open to collaborators outside NLM
83 Annotated knowledge u Provenance information l Source (e.g., PMID) l Extraction mechanism l Timestamp u Frequency information l Redundancy u Collaborative annotation l “Was this information useful?” l Context of use/usefulness
84 Semantic Web perspective u Common format for knowledge l Resource Description Format (RDF) u Common identification scheme l Unified Resource Identifier (URI) u Standard tools l RDF browsers l RDF “reasoners” u High level of interest for biomedicine in the SW community l Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
Biomedical Knowledge Repository Information Retrieval Question Answering Knowledge Discovery Document Summarization Source selection Text Mining Terminological Knowledge Other K. Sources Contributed Knowledge UMLS MetaMap Model organism annotation databases OMIM SemRep 01DEC05
Towards a Biomedical Knowledge Repository
87 Creating the repository Biomedical Knowledge Repository Medline Structured Biomedical Data Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining PubMed Clinical UMLS Contributed Knowledge
88 Creating the repository Structured Biomedical Data PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine UMLS Contributed Knowledge Biomedical Knowledge Repository Medline Text Mining Semantic relations e.g., Rasagiline TREATS Parkinson Disease Clinical
89 Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Contributed Knowledge
90 Contributed Knowledge UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Structured Biomedical Data
91 Contributed Knowledge UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Entrez Gene
92 Contributed Knowledge UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Genetics Home Reference
93 Contributed Knowledge UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository OMIM
94 Contributed Knowledge UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Gene Ontology
95 Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Creating the repository Medline PubMed Enhanced Information Management for Medicine Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Contributed Knowledge
96 Contributed Knowledge Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Advanced library services Medline PubMed Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Enhanced Information Management for Medicine
97 Contributed Knowledge Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Advanced library services Medline PubMed Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Knowledge Discovery
98 Contributed Knowledge Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Advanced library services Medline PubMed Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Question Answering
99 Contributed Knowledge Structured Biomedical Data UMLS Advanced library services Medline PubMed Text Mining Clinical Biomedical Knowledge Repository Summarization and Focused Retrieval
Summarizing Biomedical Text
101 Summarizing Biomedical Text u Search l Medline l u Summarize documents l Most salient semantic relations u Visualize the summary u Link the semantic relations to l Original text l Related structured knowledge
102 Text Mining Workflow Information retrieval summarization Text mining Parkinson disease/therapy Network of relations retrieval 294 articles
103 Text Mining Workflow Parkinson disease/therapy
104 Movement Disorders Parkinson Disease pramipexol Dopamin Agonists Dopamine Brain rasagilineLevodopa Entire subthalamic nucleus Neuro- degenerative Diseases entacapone Anhedonia treats location of Gene Therapy Deep brain Stimulation Procedure Depressive disorder Bilateral breast cancer Dementia occurs in Dyskinetic syndrome isa treats Treatment of Parkinson’s disease SemGen output
105 Movement Disorders Parkinson Disease pramipexol Dopamin Agonists Dopamine Brain rasagilineLevodopa Entire subthalamic nucleus Neuro- degenerative Diseases entacapone Catechol-O-methyl- transferase inhibitor Anhedonia Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors Antiparkinson Agents Antidepressive Agents treats isa location of part of Gene Therapy Deep brain Stimulation Procedure Depressive disorder Bilateral breast cancer Dementia occurs in Dyskinetic syndrome isa treats associated with SemGen output + UMLS relations + additional UMLS concepts SemGen output + UMLS relations + additional UMLS concepts Treatment of Parkinson’s disease
106 Conclusions u Need to go beyond information retrieval u Need to integrate multiple, heterogeneous knowledge sources to support knowledge processing, not only navigation u Synergistic with the Semantic Web l Emerging standard framework l W3C Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group
Medical Ontology Research Olivier Bodenreider Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Bethesda, Maryland - USA
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