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1 How to Think like Leonardo II. 2 4. Sfumato 3 Sfumato literally “Going up in Smoke” A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.

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Presentation on theme: "1 How to Think like Leonardo II. 2 4. Sfumato 3 Sfumato literally “Going up in Smoke” A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 How to Think like Leonardo II

2 2 4. Sfumato

3 3 Sfumato literally “Going up in Smoke” A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.

4 4 Sfumato: Self Assessment  I am comfortable with ambiguity  I am attuned to my intuitions  I thrive on change  I see humour in life  I seem to “jump to conclusions”  I enjoy riddles, puzzles and puns  I usually know when I am feeling anxious  I delight in paradox  I think conflict can help creativity

5 5 Sfumato Are there paradoxes at the heart of any of the questions you have listed for yourself? What music do you think best expresses ambiguity? Draw some abstract art in your notebook

6 6 Sfumato List three situations in your life (past or present) where ambiguity reigns  Waiting to hear about a college place  Considering leaving your job  Considering proposing to your partner Describe the feelings you have in these situations, how did it feel? If it had a shape, colour or taste what would it be?

7 7 Sfumato Count the number of times in a day you use absolute terms such as “totally”, “always”, “certainly”, “must”, “never”, and “absolutely” Consider how you close conversations, do you typically end conversations with either a statement or question?

8 8 Sfumato Meditate on the Mona Lisa  It is so familiar that it is rarely seen  Focus on the Mona Lisa for a while, allow time for your analytical mind to be hushed and experience the painting

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25 25 Sfumato When do you have your best ideas?  Resting in bed  Walking in the outdoors  Listening to music  While driving  In the bath/shower  How many people say “at work” ?

26 26 5. Arte/Scienza

27 27 Arte/Scienza A development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination. “Whole brain” thinking.

28 28 Arte/Scienza: Self Assessment  I like details  I am almost always on time  I am skilled at mathematics  I rely on logic  I am organised  I like lists  I am highly imaginative  I am good at brainstorming  I often say or do the unexpected  I love to doodle  I rely on intuition  I often lose track of time

29 29 Arte/Scienza

30 30 Arte/Scienza

31 31 Arte/Scienza

32 32 Arte/Scienza

33 33 Arte/Scienza

34 34 Arte/Scienza

35 35 Arte/Scienza

36 36 Arte/Scienza Make a mindmap about your job

37 37 6. Corporalita

38 38 Corporalita The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.

39 39 Corporalita: Self Assessment  I am aerobically fit  I am getting stronger  My flexibility is improving  I know when I am tense  I am knowledgeable about diet  Friends describe me as graceful  I am aware of the way my attitude can affect my physical state  I love to move

40 40 Corporalita Aerobic exercise  Do something you enjoy  Walking, running, dancing, swinning Strength training  Find a coach Flexibility exercise  Stretching exercises

41 41 Corporalita Study anatomy  Read a book on anatomy  Take a walk and see how Your head sits on your neck How your arms hang from your shoulders How your hips bend and swing

42 42 Corporalita The Alexander Technique a technique of body reeducation and coordination, accomplished through physical and psychological principles. The technique focuses on the self- perception of movement and has applications in alleviating back pain, promoting rehabilitation after accidents, improving breathing, playing musical instruments or singing.

43 43 Corporalita Cultivate Ambidexterity  Cross your arms and legs in the opposite to the normal way you do it  Use your non-dominant hand to turn on lights, brush your teeth, etc. record the feeling  Try writing with your non-dominant hand  Try drawing with both hands simultaneously  Experiment with mirror writing

44 44 Corporalita Cultivate Ambidexterity  Learn to juggle

45 45 7. Connessione

46 46 Connessione The recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena, system thinking.

47 47 Connessione: Self Assessment  I am ecologically aware  I enjoy similes, metaphors and analogues  I make connections that others don’t see  When I travel, I am struck by people’s similarities than their differences  I seek a holistic approach to diet, health, and healing  I see things as patterns, systems, and networks  My life goals are clearly formulated  I feel a sense of connectedness with nature

48 48 Connessione What does wholeness mean to you? What does disconnection mean to you? What different parts make up your character? Does you experience conflicts between your different parts?  E.g. Does your head, heart and body ever disagree

49 49 Connessione Making connections  Can you think of a relationship between frogs and the internet?

50 50 Connessione Making connections  Can you think of a relationship between frogs and the internet?  Suggestion: Frogs have WEBbed feet and the internet runs the World-Wide WEB.

51 51 Connessione Origin-all Thinking  Think about the origins of your mobile phone  What are the technical, social, economics forces that led to it’s creation?  Political, economic, social, technical, legal, environmental  What about your wallet?  A book  Your clothes

52 52 Connessione Origin-all Thinking  Nice example found online;  “I developed a talent for understanding 'things'. Let me use an example: I look at a 'C' cell battery. I plug in my education and 'talent' and 'see' it's nature - the zinc, the chemical excitement enclosed, the utilitarian design, the appreciation of social structures arriving upon a uniform shape, the marketing use of the bunny, the need for advanced power sources, the triumph of the human mind coupled with opposable thumbs!” splay&thread=228&page=1

53 53 Connessione Timeline of your life  Create a time line of your life  Highlight the key events  Either personally or globally


55 55 Next week From 6-8pm in K108 Wiki Wednesday Followed by drinks in the boardroom Until 9:30pm.

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