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Process Management Levels

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1 Process Management Levels
-- Analysing and Monitoring Business Processes -- © Josef Schiefer, IBM Watson

2 Process Management Levels

3 Measures varying according to the Organization Level

4 Real-time Level Characteristics Examples
Time horizon: instantly (real-time); response time for decision making can be guaranteed (within seconds); the period of time during which the decision has an effect is very short. Financial impact: Consequences of a wrong decision are small Transaction scope: Decisions can be made within the transaction of the source system User groups: Customers, Users of the system (process performers) Frequency: Decisions are made very frequently and instantly when the events are raised Data for the decision making: Event data Examples Decision about whether a customer can register for a service or not

5 Operational Level Characteristics Examples
Rational: Rapid and objective feedback of business process performance. Evaluation of effectiveness of process handling changes. Time horizon: Decisions are made very regularly (from hours to days) Financial impact: The scope of very limited. Decisions are limited very often to a certain activity. Transaction scope: Decisions can not be made within the transaction of the source system User groups: Users of the system (process performers), Operational Management Frequency: Decisions are made very frequently and when an activity is performed Data for the decision making: Activity / work item data (e.g. processing time, waiting time) Examples Decision about how to perform an activity of a process Resource assignment decisions

6 Tactical Level Characteristics Examples
Rational: Comparison of actual performance data with planned values and data from previous periods. Benchmarks with other companies. Monitoring and tracking of process targets (throughput time, process quality, costs...). Time horizon: Decisions are made periodically (from days to months). Financial impact: High. Transaction Scope: Decisions can not be made within the transaction of the source system User groups: Operational Management, Process Owners. Frequency: Decisions are made periodically when measures for the executed processes are available. Data for the decision making: Process instance data (e.g. process cycle time, sum of processing time, sum of waiting time) Examples Analysis of the development of the process cycle times Resource capacity planning and budgeting

7 Strategic Level Characteristics Examples
Rational: Formulating strategic objectives for the core business processes. Objectives must be translated into concrete measures in coordination with area managers (Balanced Scorecard). Time horizon: month – years. A decision is made only once. Financial impact: The scope is wide and the financial impact is very high. Transaction scope: Decisions can not be made within the transaction of the source system User groups: Process Owners, Executives Data for the decision making: Quantitative and qualitative process performance measurement values (customer satisfaction, profitability/ROI targets...) are defined and communicated throughout the company. Examples Analysis of the process design Analysis of the resource types

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