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Veggie Washer. Problem: Inefficient Vegetable Cleaning Method  Handwashed  Wasted Water  Long Processing Time  Opportunity: Artesian well resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Veggie Washer. Problem: Inefficient Vegetable Cleaning Method  Handwashed  Wasted Water  Long Processing Time  Opportunity: Artesian well resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veggie Washer

2 Problem: Inefficient Vegetable Cleaning Method  Handwashed  Wasted Water  Long Processing Time  Opportunity: Artesian well resource

3 Market Opportunity  Community Based Farms Community Supported Agriculture Farms Urban Community Gardens  Approximately 2000 Community Based Farms in the US

4 Cleaning Requirements  8 m/s exit velocity  15 second time to clean  Uses 1/5 gallon of water

5 Our Sketch Model  12 1/16” diameter jets  ~1 minute wash  ~ 3 gallons/minute

6 Testing Results  Higher Velocities vs. Coverage Area  Multiple angled jets required  Testing was successful!

7 Future Direction  Create a rotating multi-directional cleaning station  Optimize jet size, shape, and location

8 Clean!

9 Sources  Lass, Daniel, et al. "CSA Across the Nation: Findings from the 1999 CSA Survey." Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison. October 2003.

10 Specifications  5 min Wash at 3GPM consumes 15 gallons of water  Exit velocity ~ 8m/s  To get the same exit velocity with increased flow rate (100GPM) we could make 400 nozzles.  Specifications: Dimensions: 16’ x 16” x 13.5” Volume Capacity: 118in³ Nozzles: 12 at 1/16” Diameter





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