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Workpackage 0 (WP0): Management of project Objectives: Project management, supervision of sample distribution and exchange of material between partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Workpackage 0 (WP0): Management of project Objectives: Project management, supervision of sample distribution and exchange of material between partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workpackage 0 (WP0): Management of project Objectives: Project management, supervision of sample distribution and exchange of material between partners Confirmation of deliverables and milestones Submission of reports, supervision of periodic meetings and budget administration Supervision of websites formation and availability

2 Workpackage 0 (WP0): Management of project Description of works: 1.Coordination of research activities by partners, flow of samples and data; interaction between partners 2.Supervision of two websites: a) Public with privileged access to partners (contractor) b) Platform for data (P5) 3. Supervision of synthesis of genomic, proteomic and metabolomic data 4.Organization of semi-annual and annual meetings 5.Integration and dissemination of results and maintaining contacts with the EC (Dr. C. Krassnig) 4.Responsibility for all contractual activities, including intellectual properties

3 Workpackage 0 (WP0): Management of project Deliverable titleDeliverable Number Deliverable Date Biennial and annual meetings Short biennial reports and two periodic reports at M18 and M36 D1M6, M12, M18, M24, M30, M36 Formation of the public accessible project website D2M12 Distribution of results and samples between partners D3M36

4 Workpackage 1 (WP1): Mechanisms for establishment of dormant stage Objectives: 1.Characterize and optimize conditions for obtaining akinetes in culture (P1; Ora & Assaf) 2. Identification of genes, proteins and compounds associated with formation of akinetes in cyanobacteria and resting eggs in rotifers (P1, P5, P6: Ora, Assaf, Esther, Richard and Jens) 3. Studies on yeast sporulation and establishment of the dormant stage (P3, P5, P6: Stefan, Richard & Jens)

5 WP1: Description of work 1.The effect of environmental factors on akinetes formation (P1: Ora & Assaf) 2. Rotifer cultures and resting egg production (P1: Esther) 3. cDNA libraries and microarrays (Richard in samples supplied by Ora, Assaf & Esther) 4. Temporal expression of genes that are up- regulated or down- regulated during the formation of akinetes and resting eggs (Ora, Assaf, Esther & Richard) 5. Search for proteins and compounds (Richard and Jens on samples supplied by Assaf, Ora, Esther & Stefan) 6. Studies on sporulation and establishment of the dormant stage (Stefan)

6 Workpackage 1: Deliverables Deliverables Deliverable Number Deliverable Date Optimal conditions for inducing of akinetes asexually and sexually reproducing rotifers and their resting eggs – Ora, Assaf & Esther D4M9 cDNA libraries, EST sequencing and database construction, including a website accessible to Partners - Richard D5M16 Pattern of global gene expression during formation of akinetes, rotifer resting eggs by microarray analysis – Ora, Assaf, Esther & Richard D6M27 Quantitative analyses of the expression of specific genes by QPCR – Ora, Assaf & Esther D7M35 D8M36

7 DeliverablesDeliverable Number Deliverable date Proteins and metabolites identified to be associated with formation of resting eggs or contained within them – Richard, Jens, Ora, Assaf & Esther D8M30 Genes, proteins and metabolites associated with the dormant stages of yeast spores – Stefan, Richard & Jens D9M36 Workpackage 1: Deliverables (Continued)

8 Movement of samples - M6 To Richard: 1) Ora, Assaf, Esther – samples for construction of libraries and sequencing (to be discussed) 2) Stefan – Samples for Proteome analyses (?) To Jens: None

9 Workpackage 6 (WP6):Dissemination of results Objectives and description of work: Dissemination of results by participation in scientific meetings The organization of a workshop on desiccation stress and dormancy Publication of a book on desiccation stress and dormancy

10 Workpackage 6 (WP6):Dissemination of results DeliverablesDeliverable Number Deliverable date Participation in scientific meetingsD28M36 A workshop on dormancy: opportunities and challenges: preservation of cells and organisms D29M24* Publication of a book on dormancyD30M36* * To be decided at the meeting

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