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Motivation Lecture #15. Haitian proverb: If work was really good, the rich would have found a way to keep it to themselves.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation Lecture #15. Haitian proverb: If work was really good, the rich would have found a way to keep it to themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation Lecture #15

2 Haitian proverb: If work was really good, the rich would have found a way to keep it to themselves

3 What Leads to Performance? Abilities Organizational Support Role Expectations Effort

4 Satisfaction = Motivation Satisfaction: A person’s attitude or happiness with a situation Motivation: A drive to perform

5 Satisfaction Results in increased commitment to the organization which may or may not result in increased performance. Increased commitment normally results in lower absenteeism, turnover, etc.

6 Motivation Largely determined by the value of rewards and their contingency on performance. An increase in motivation results in increased effort which (hopefully) in turn increases performance.

7 Satisfaction & Performance NO relationship between satisfaction and performance (for people). A contented cow may give more milk, but a happier worker is not necessarily a more productive worker.

8 Review of Satisfaction Studies Over many studies, the correlation between satisfaction and performance was found to be.04 On a scale of –1.0 to +1.0,.04 is essentially zero

9 Theories of Motivation Content Theories: Focus on what arouses, energizes, or starts behavior Process Theories: Focus on the choice factor in motivation. Why people choose a particular behavior to satisfy particular needs

10 Verbal Shorthand “Motivate” We don’t motivate anyone We help create the conditions by which they motivate themselves

11 Content Theories Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Alderfer’s ERG Theory McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory

12 Maslow

13 Self Actualization Ego, Status, Esteem Social Safety and Security Physiological

14 Alderfer Existence related to Maslow’s first two levels Relatedness related to Maslow’s 3 rd and 4 th levels Growth : related to 4 th & 5 th levels

15 McClelland NAch: Need for Achievement Maslow’s 4 th & 5 th NAff: Need for Affiliation Maslow’s 3 rd & 4 th NPow: Need for Power

16 Process Theories Vroom’s VIE or Expectancy Theory Adams’ Equity Theory Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory

17 If you could see ANY music act perform…

18 Vroom’s VIE or Expectancy Deals with choosing a behavior that leads to attaining some reward Represents a “slow down” in our thought process

19 Vroom Valence Instrumentality Expectancy

20 Valence Strength of a person’s preference for a particular outcome or reward

21 Instrumentality Perceived relationship between performance and rewards PR

22 Expectancy Perceived relationship between effort and performance EP

23 Expectancy Theory EPR

24 Concert Seats Example Effort: Time spent in line. The more time spent, the more effort exerted. Performance: Place in line. The closer to the front of the line, the better the performance.

25 Concert Seats Example Reward: Tickets for the concert. The closer to the stage, the better the reward.

26 Adams’ Equity Theory Based on two premises: We compare ourselves to others If we don’t like the results of the comparison, we take action

27 Adams’ Equity Theory What’d you get?

28 Adams’ Equity Theory Self’s OutcomesOther’s Outcomes Self’s Inputs Other’s Inputs

29 Adams’ Equity Theory Self’s Pay Other’s Pay Self’s Effort Other’s Effort

30 If Comparison is NOT in My Favor… Increase my outcome Decrease my input Decrease other’s outcomes Increase other’s input

31 If Comparison is NOT in My Favor… Change reference group or person

32 Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory Operant Conditioning Reinforcement Theory Skinner’s Theory OB MOD (Organizational Behavior Modification)

33 Reinforcement Theory Behavior is a function of its consequences

34 Reinforcement Theory Reward Punishment

35 Reinforcement Schedule Continuous Reinforcement Each time a behavior occurs, the reinforcement is given Good for learning new skills

36 Reinforcement Schedule Intermittent Reinforcement Interval (Time) Ratio (# of Behaviors)

37 Interval Schedule Fixed Pay Days

38 Interval Schedule Variable Promotion Schedule

39 Ratio Schedule Fixed Sales Incentives

40 Ratio Schedule Variable Recognition

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