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Fourier Series.

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Presentation on theme: "Fourier Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourier Series

2 Fourier Series is the “fundamental frequency”

3 Fourier Series is the “fundamental frequency”

4 Fourier Series Integration limits: when , then so we get:

5 Fourier Series Euler:

6 Fourier Series We can show ; recall that

7 Phasors: Phasors

8 Symmetry Odd f(-t) =-f(t) Fourier: sine terms only Even f(t) = f(-t) Fourier: cosine terms only Neither

9 Half-wave symmetry: has no even harmonics | | t t+T/2

10 Example of non-symmetric waveform:

11 Fundamental Signals Unit Step:

12 Fundamental Signals Unit Step: Unit Impulse

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