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From Gutenberg to Google The case of the Bodleian Library, Oxford Presentation to the Union League of Philadelphia Reg Carr, Bodley’s Librarian 18 October.

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Presentation on theme: "From Gutenberg to Google The case of the Bodleian Library, Oxford Presentation to the Union League of Philadelphia Reg Carr, Bodley’s Librarian 18 October."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Gutenberg to Google The case of the Bodleian Library, Oxford Presentation to the Union League of Philadelphia Reg Carr, Bodley’s Librarian 18 October 2005

2 Portrait of Johann Gutenberg Portrait of Johann Gutenberg Portrait of Johann Gutenberg Portrait of Johann Gutenberg

3 Bodl ey mini atur e

4 Portra it of ‘Blood y Mary’

5 Portra its of Calvin and Beza

6 Geneva Bible

7 Oxford in the 1560s

8 Portrai t of Sir Francis Walsin gham

9 Bodley’s autobiogr aphy

10 Duke Humfrey’s Library empty

11 Duke Humfrey’s Library restored

12 Portrait of Thomas James

13 Bodleian Library logo

14 Pictures of the Bodleian

15 “The book is dead!” “Move over Gutenberg!” Johann Gutenberg RIP

16 “The book is dead!” The printed book RIP Or is it? “The book is dead!” The printed book RIP Or is it?

17 The principle of ‘co-existence’ of communications media types (The notion of ‘overlap’)

18 Wyclifite manuscript Bible

19 Gutenberg Bible

20 ‘Co-existence’ still at work ‘Fitness for purpose’… ‘Fitness for purpose’… E-mails, text messages and letters E-mails, text messages and letters Cell phones, laptops and pens and pencils Cell phones, laptops and pens and pencils Keyboard skills and handwriting Keyboard skills and handwriting Overlapping communications media Overlapping communications media

21 Picture of mss collections

22 Writing on paper

23 Beethoven manuscript

24 E-books

25 Workstation with printer

26 Google Print

27 Four great libraries

28 Bodleian catalogue hall

29 Book sales/ produc tion graphs

30 Visitors in Bodleian quad

31 Map of libraries in Oxford

32 Bodleian item being digitised

33 Library’s Web page

34 Web page of Subject List

35 “The hybrid library” “The dominant user view of a library is of a physical space. But libraries are services which provide organised access to the intellectual record, wherever it resides, whether in physical places or in scattered digital information spaces. The ‘hybrid’ library of the future will be a managed combination of physical and virtual collections and information resources”

36 CD version of the Bodleian’s Pre-1920 Catalogue

37 OLIS home page

38 OLIS record/search result

39 Manuscript finding aid in EAD format

40 Digitised image of a printed Caxton advertisement

41 EEBO search page

42 EEBO item display

43 Google Print image

44 From Gutenberg to Google

45 The application of computers in libraries From ‘mechanisation’ to ‘automation’ to ‘information, knowledge and digital asset management’

46 The ‘discontinuities’ of communications in the age of the Internet: big changes under way Broader than just libraries Broader than just libraries The nature of publishing The nature of publishing The cycle of authoring, publication The cycle of authoring, publication and reading and reading Economic issues Economic issues Legal issues Legal issues Social issues Social issues

47 “Whither (wither?) Gutenberg?” and “Whither (wither?) libraries?”

48 The digital information revolution: a phenomenal expansion The Internet The Internet The World Wide Web The World Wide Web Feynman’s digital nanocube? Feynman’s digital nanocube?

49 Electronic networks and information resources

50 The History of Political Discourse web page

51 Ask a Librarian

52 ILEJ project home page

53 Page from the Gentleman’s Magazine from the 1740s

54 Home page of the Digital Shikshapatri

55 Blow-up of the Digital Shikshapatri

56 Images of Magna Carta and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

57 Digitised version of John Speed’s Oxford

58 Map of 18th-century Boston

59 Digitised manuscript Mendelssohn score

60 Mendelssohn notebook

61 Broadside Ballads home page

62 Nelly Bly broadside

63 Toyota City transport browser

64 Image of New York City elevated railway

65 Bodleian Shop home page

66 Portrait of Thomas Bodley

67 Portrait of Gutenberg and Gutenberg Bible

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