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DC Library Application Profile CUL Metadata Working Group September 21, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "DC Library Application Profile CUL Metadata Working Group September 21, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 DC Library Application Profile CUL Metadata Working Group September 21, 2001

2 What is an application profile? Schema – elements from one or more element sets Policies – rules governing how elements should be applied Guidelines – explanations to make policies explicit

3 Goals of DC-Lib Serve as interchange format Use for harvesting metadata Support simple creation of catalog records Expose MARC data to other communities Enable import of non-MARC resource discovery metadata

4 What DC-Lib is not A method of knowledge representation A method for round-tripping DC  MARC

5 DC-Lib Elements Title Contributor (CCP) Subject Description Date Type Format Identifier Source Language Relation Coverage Rights Audience Holdings

6 Open questions Title element Initial articles Holdings element Record control Can DC-Lib meet its goals?

7 Questions: Title element Title Title.alternative Title.translated Title.uniformTitle Title OR [Title.main] (opens qualified vs. unqualified question generally) Title.alternative

8 Questions: Initial articles What is best practice? Delete? Aids sorting/discovery Retain? Keeps source data intact Invert? Middle ground

9 Questions: Holdings element Is there a need for location information in the record (to identify org. responsible for resource), i.e. MARC holdings 852 $a? If so, what is the best way of capturing this information? New element Existing element

10 Questions: Record control The element set carries data about the resource described, but not about the record itself, for example, there is No record control number No record modification date How would records following the profile function in an OAI environment?

11 Goals of DC-Lib Redux Serve as interchange format Use for harvesting metadata Support simple creation of catalog records Expose MARC data to other communities Enable import of non-MARC resource discovery metadata

12 Can DC-Lib meet its goals? Does its complexity inhibit its usefulness? Does it provide an adequate middle-level of access between MARC/AACR2 and unqualified Dublin Core? Does it “dumb down” successfully? Are there other concerns regarding DC-Lib?

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