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Woody Debris Plot E8 Joelle, Sarah, Vanessa, Angela.

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Presentation on theme: "Woody Debris Plot E8 Joelle, Sarah, Vanessa, Angela."— Presentation transcript:

1 Woody Debris Plot E8 Joelle, Sarah, Vanessa, Angela




5 Plot Species Plot Species Sword Fern – Polystichum munitum Douglas Fir – Pseudotsuga menziesii Western Red Cedar – Thuja plicata Trailing Blackberry – Rubus ursinus Red Alder – Alnus rubra Red Huckleberry – Vaccunium parvifolium Western Hemlock – Tsuga heterophylla Blue Wildrye – Elymus glaucus Dull Oregon Grape – Mahonia nervosa Salal – Gualtheria shallon Holly – Llex sp.

6 DWDDWD Species 389 Pseudotsuga menziesii 390 Alnus rubra 392 Alnus rubra 393 Pseudotsuga menziesii 395 Pseudotsuga menziesii 396 Pseudotsuga menziesii 397 Alnus rubra Decay class 5 4 5 2 1 4


8 SnagsSnags Species 368 Tsuga heterophylla 377 Alnus rubra 386 Pseudotsuga menziesii 387Pseudotsuga menziesii 391 Alnus rubra 394Pseudotsuga menziesii Decay Stage 3 8 9

9 Tree 386 R.I.P.


11 Canopy Cover At the beginning of the school year it was at 69.5% Canopy Cover North 66% Canopy Cover West 57% Canopy Cover East 88% Canopy Cover South 67%


13 Carbon Sequestration Trees 319.59271 kg Snags 1244.314768 kg DWD 120.852113 Total 0.005363 tonnes/m2

14 BIOMASS Total for DWD~241,704.225 grams Total for Snags~376,402.685 grams Total for Trees~2,973,419.31 grams Total in Plot~3,591,526.22 grams



17 Plot feelings ♥Feeling the spider webs stick across our face made us cringe with disgust. ♥Tromping through the woods with no rain gear made us cold. ♥We were sad when we accidentally knocked down a snag. ♥The invasive species invaded our skin and it hurt. ♥When one of our decay bags was kidnapped we couldn’t help the overwhelming sadness.

18 And then came the melt of the North Pole….

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