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Federal STI Managers’ Group Brief Introduction CENDI.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal STI Managers’ Group Brief Introduction CENDI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal STI Managers’ Group Brief Introduction CENDI

2 What is CENDI? ♦Interagency group of senior federal scientific and technical information (STI) managers who agree to cooperate by ♦Exchanging information and ideas ♦Sharing resources ♦Undertaking joint initiatives ♦From policy to standards to operations ♦Agencies manage over 96% of the $ 127B federal R&D budget

3 Agency Challenges ♦ Budget ♦ Personnel needs ♦ Specialized expertise ♦ Access to contractors ♦ Technology change ♦ Increasing user expectations ♦ Policy directions ♦ Administrative requirements

4 Vision Federal STI agencies will have a cooperative enterprise where capabilities are shared and challenges are faced together so that the sum of the accomplishments is greater than each individual agency can achieve on its own.

5 Mission CENDI’s mission is to help improve the productivity of federal science- and technology-based programs through effective scientific, technical, and related information support systems.

6 Membership An interagency group composed of senior STI managers:  Defense Technical Information Center (Department of Defense)  EPA Office of Environmental Information & Office of Research and Development  Government Printing Office  NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program  National Agricultural Library (Department of Agriculture)  National Archives and Records Administration  National Library of Education (Department of Education)  National Library of Medicine (Department of Health and Human Services)  National Science Foundation  National Technical Information Service (Department of Commerce)  Office of Scientific and Technical Information (Department of Energy)  USGS Biological Resources Discipline (Department of Interior) ♦7 cabinet departments ♦4 independent agencies  12 major programs  11 U.S. federal agencies

7 Organization

8 Environmental Context Technology Public Interest President’s Management Agenda Homeland Security Other Players Information Industry CongressCIO’s OMB OSTP CENDI

9 Established Under Interagency MOU 1973: Phase-out of Committee on Science & Technical Information (COSATI) Mid-1970’s to mid-1980’s: Ad hoc cooperation 1982: Regular, informal meetings 1985: Formal interagency MOU among NTIS, DOE, DoD, and NASA 1987: National Library of Medicine (NLM) joined 1988: Secretariat established 1993: National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC) joined 1995: DoI/USGS, Biological Resources Division (BRD) joined 1998: National Libraries of Education & Agriculture (NLE, NAL) joined 1999: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined 2003: Government Printing Organization (GPO) and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) joined 2004: National Science Foundation joins

10 Goals 1. STI Coordination and Leadership: Provide coordination and leadership for information exchange on important STI policy issues. 2. Improvement of STI Systems: Promote the development of improved STI systems through the productive interrelationship of content and technology. 3. STI Understanding: Promote better understanding of STI and STI management.

11 Planning Themes Set Work Stage 2004 New Strategies and Operating Models for Federal STI Managers: E-government/E-science 2003 Striking Balances: STI Requirements & Response 2002: How CENDI Can Have an Impact in the New Environment 2001: Where Content and Technology Meet 2000: 2020 Vision -- 2000 Realities 1999: The Virtual STI Enterprise: Completing the Connections 1998: Enterprise Networking and STI Futures 1997: Changing STI Management in a Networked Environment 1996: Opportunity in Change 1995: Changing Missions -- Changing Technologies 1994: Building a Digital Information Network

12 ♦Persistent Identifiers ♦XML ♦Intrusion Detection ♦Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ♦Managing and Preserving Electronic Resources: The OAIS Reference Model ♦PKI and Digital Signatures: From E-Commerce to E-Information Management ♦Evaluating Our Web Presence: Challenges, Metrics, Results ♦Intrusion Detection and Prevention WorkshopsWorkshops

13 ♦ ♦Copyright FAQ ♦License Agreements for Electronic Products and Services: FAQ ♦Evaluating Our Web Presence: Challenges, Metrics, Results ♦White Paper on Persistent Identifiers for Government Information Projects and Reports

14 ♦OSTP officials: Homeland security and agency web sites ♦OMB officials: Data base protection, A-130, etc. ♦House Science Committee: STI issues active in Congress ♦National Archives: Long-term preservation and access to STI ♦Interagency Committee on Government Information (ICGI): Interactions regarding E-government initiatives Meetings with government officials

15 Organizational Cooperation ♦Mission agencies ♦Executive policy agencies ♦Legislative branch agencies ♦Interagency groups ♦Non-governmental organizations ♦Over 125 staff of member agencies

16 CENDI —federal agencies cooperating to strengthen and enhance the government’s STI programs.

17 “Without groups like [CENDI], the Information Infrastructure Initiative would have ended up a network looking for an application; CENDI provides the policy focus for both general STI needs and the specific applications in health, space, energy, defense, and insight into the needs of industry.” -Lewis M. Branscomb Then Director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program of the JFK School of Government at Harvard

18 CENDI For more information, contact: Bonnie C. Carroll Executive Director (865) 481-0388, ext. 112 Bonnie C. Carroll Executive Director (865) 481-0388, ext. 112 Gail Hodge Technical Operations Manager (610) 789-6769 Gail Hodge Technical Operations Manager (610) 789-6769

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