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Case Studies Strategies for Populating Your IR Institutional Repositories: The Future is Now! ACCESS 2004 Pre-conference Workshop October 13, 2004 Mary.

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Presentation on theme: "Case Studies Strategies for Populating Your IR Institutional Repositories: The Future is Now! ACCESS 2004 Pre-conference Workshop October 13, 2004 Mary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Studies Strategies for Populating Your IR Institutional Repositories: The Future is Now! ACCESS 2004 Pre-conference Workshop October 13, 2004 Mary Westell

2 Four steps Define your repository Be ready to accept “deposits” Model repository use Provide incentives

3 The Repository Why do you have one? What is the primary use? Does one size fit all? What is the context? What is your communication plan?

4 Be ready to accept material Is the IR easy to use? Can you respond to new communities in a timely way? Do you have a “sandbox” to test out new ideas? Documentation and training materials? Staff to help?

5 Be ready to accept material Copyright clearing assistance? Scanning assistance? Cost model for adding material? User authentication? Standards? Policies on format preservation? Interfaces to other campus systems?

6 Model IR use Are your own staff using the repository? Have you got the Dean/Director’s research in the repository? What other applications are feasible? “Low hanging fruit”

7 Provide Incentives Copyright help Seed funding for collections Competitive research grants Research project ideas Time-saving workflow improvements Sustainability

8 The “trough of disillusionment”?

9 Likely users Senior administration Graduate students Retiring professors University research documents Institutes and Centres Your own organization

10 Questions?

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