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Fundamentals of Soft Resource Sharing By Nanda Ganesan, Ph.D. © Nanda Ganesan.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamentals of Soft Resource Sharing By Nanda Ganesan, Ph.D. © Nanda Ganesan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamentals of Soft Resource Sharing By Nanda Ganesan, Ph.D. © Nanda Ganesan

2 Chapter Objectives Describe the step-by-step process of placing a soft resource for sharing and removing the same from sharing Discuss the access control that could be exercised at the file level Relate permission to effective access control Demonstrate the mapping of resources Describe the concept of administrative shares Discuss the sharing process in a mixed client-server and peer-to-peer environment

3 Chapter Modules Placing a Resource for Sharing Case Example: Single User Permission Case Example: Group Sharing Case Example: Permission Given to Creator Owner Case Example: Special Access to Resources File Access Control Removing a File from Access

4 Chapter Modules Cont. File Ownership Effective Access Permission of a User Removing a Soft Resources from Sharing: Removing a Directory from Sharing Removing a File from Sharing Mapping a Resource for Sharing Administrative Shares Sharing in a Mixed Environment

5 CHAPTER Fundamentals of Soft Resource Sharing

6 Chapter Objectives Present an overview of the sharing mechanism in client-server networks Explain the different types of access controls that could be imposed on resources Describe the permissions that could be assigned to users for using resources

7 Chapter Modules Overview of Windows Client-Server Sharing Access Control in the Client-Server Environment Windows Permissions

8 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Overview of Client-Server Sharing

9 Module Objectives Basic client-server sharing Resource administrator and the user Resources, resource administrator and users Case example for demonstration Client-server sharing: The two-step process Resource classification for sharing Overview of sharing of different resource types

10 Basic Client-Server Sharing As in peer-to-peer sharing, the act of sharing usually involves the following persons: –Resource Administrator –Network User As the name implies, sharing is a two step process

11 Resource Administrator and the User Resource Administrator gives the user the permission to access certain –Known as the Administrator –Resources are, in general, held at the server –Different types of servers may be present in a network Application server, Exchange server etc. Network User uses the resource within the confines of his or her privileges –Different types of network users can be given privileges to different resources

12 Resources, Resource Administrator and the Users Server Client Folder Resource (Folder to be shared). User Administrator

13 Case Example US MexicoCanada Tariff Resource (Directory to be shared). California Administrator NevadaTexas

14 A Note on Resource Administrator A resource holder need not always be the network Administrator A Print Operator can place a printer for sharing and subsequently remove it from sharing as well In Windows terminology, a resource holder is known as the Owner Creator In most cases, the person who created the resource such a folder becomes the Owner Creator

15 The Sharing Process Resource Access privilege Administrator Network user Security ServerClient

16 Resource Classification for Sharing Soft resource –Files –Subdirectories and directories –Hard disks etc. Hard resource –Printer –Modem etc.

17 Sharing and Resource Types Soft resource on the network Share as any local logical resource Hard resource (device) on the network Install as a local logical device Share the logical device


19 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE The Concept of Access Control in Network Environments

20 Module Objectives Overview of access control in client-server networks Permission: The effective access to a resource Basic permissions for files and directories Read, write, execute, delete and taking ownership A sample permission entry Demonstration on viewing a user’s permission on a directory

21 Overview of Access Control in Client-Server Networks More sophisticated than in peer-to-peer networks Peer-to-peer –Share level –User-level Client-Server –Share level –User level

22 Effective Access to a Resource ResourceUser Permission

23 Permission to use a resource such as a directory by one or more identified users –Example: User California is given Read permission to access the directory Tariff –The most restrictive of the permissions will be in operation Comparison with peer-to-peer control (Win 9X) –Network users are all given Read access to the directory Tariff Share level control

24 Basic Permissions for Files and Directories Read (R) Write(W) Execute (X) Delete (D) Change Permission (P) Take Ownership (O)

25 Read and Write Read –Folder View the files and subdirectories –File Read the file’s data Write –Folder Add files and subdirectories –Files Write to the file

26 Execute and Delete Execute –Folder Enter subdirectories –File Execute the file Delete –Delete folder and file

27 Change Permission and Take Ownership Change Permission –Change the permission on the folder and file Take Ownership –Take ownership of the folder and file

28 NTFS Predefined Permissions None (None) (None) List(RX) (Not Specified) Read(RX) (RX) Add(WX) (Not Specified) Add & Read(RWX) (RX) Change (RWXD) (RWXD) Full Control (All) (All)

29 Expression of Permission: An Example for User California California (RWX) (RX) Folder File

30 Checking User California’s Permission on the Directory Tariff


32 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE The Concept of Placing a Resource for Sharing

33 Examples of Soft Resources Drives Folders Files

34 Shareable Entities Entire disk –Can be shared independently Folders –Can be shared independently Files –Within the context of the Folder in which they reside

35 A Note on File Sharing Files are shared by making the folder containing the file shareable in the fist instance However, unlike in peer-to-peer sharing, considerable control can be exercised on file sharing in client-server sharing

36 Sharing in Different Architectures Peer-to-Peer network architecture (FAT Only) –Sharing is limited to access control based on passwords –Also known as share level control –Control can be exercised based on user names as well if the peer-to-peer network is based on an operating system such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP Client-Server network architecture (NTFS) –Sophisticated control of access to resources can be exercised based on user names

37 Types of Access Control in Different Peer-to-Peer Architectures Peer-to-Peer Networks Share-Level Control User Level Control Windows 9x/Me Windows 2000 Prof Windows XP

38 Access Control in Client-Server Architecture Client-Server Networks User Level Control Windows 2000 Server Windows NT Server

39 File Systems and Sharing Assignment of folder permission depends on the file system FAT file system –Limited security –Share level access control NTFS –More extensive security and assignment of permissions –User level access control Note that Windows 2000 could also be installed under the FAT file system although this is not recommended for security reasons

40 The FAT File System Known as FAT32 The older file system is known as FAT16 Supported in Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98 and Windows Me NT 4.0 does not offer the support for accessing disks formatted under FAT32 Windows 2000 and Windows XP, however, do offer support for FAT32

41 Security Concerns with FAT FATNTFS A Drive Bootable Non-bootable

42 Sample Server Configurations NTFS FAT Windows 9x/ NT OS CD Copy One or more partitions under NTFS

43 Folder Permissions Windows 2000 FAT32 NTFS Limited Expanded/ Predefined Permission based on shares Permission based on User names

44 The Concept of Share-Name Each resource (folder or printer for example) is shared using a name The name can be the same name as the original resource (folder or printer for example) name itself

45 Share-Name View on the Network Canada (Root Fol.) Trade (Sub-Fol.) Rules (Shared Sub-Fol.) Canada (Peer) Rules (Shared Sub-Fol.) Local View Network View

46 The Concept of Owner Creator The user who creates a folder for instance becomes the owner creator of the folder He or she can assign the others permission to access the folder Note that access to a folder created in a user’s home directory can be restricted to the creator only –Even the network administrator cannot access this folder

47 A Note on Sharing All files in the folder can be shared when the folder is shared It is also possible to limit the sharing to only a few files in the folder

48 Sharing Case Scenario US CanadaMexico Tariff Folder to be shared. Rates Access can be limited to a single file in the folder. NAFTA (Domain) (Server)


50 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Case Example: Single User Permission

51 Module Objectives Giving folder access permission to a single user Placing the resource Tariff for sharing Giving access to user California

52 Sharing Scenario 1: Single User Permission User California is to be given access to the Tariff directory Permission is to be restricted to Change –(RWXD) (RWXD)

53 Placing the Resource Tariff on the Network for Sharing Open the Explorer in the server named US. Right select the subfolder named Tariff. Select Sharing. Select Shared As and specify share name.

54 Giving Access to User California Security Permissions Select California Specify type of Access as Change. Add/Show users Add/OK Check Replace Permission on Existing Files.

55 Placing Sub-directory Tariff for Sharing by User California: Demonstration


57 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Case Example: Group Sharing

58 Module Objectives Group sharing scenario Opening the folder permission windows Assigning the Inspectors group access permission to the directory Tariff Demonstration of placing Tariff for sharing by the Inspectors Entries in the permission window Demonstration involving other users and groups

59 Sharing Scenario 2: Group Sharing Consider the Group Inspectors –Users in the group are Texas and Nevada Provide the group Inspectors with Read permission to the subfolder Tariff

60 Group Sharing: Opening the Directory Permission Windows Open the Explorer on the server named US. Right select the subdirectory named Tariff. Select Sharing. Select Security and then Permissions.

61 Assign the Group Inspectors the Permission to Tariff Folder Permissions Window Select Inspectors Specify type of Access as Change. Add Add/OK Check Replace Permission on Existing Files.

62 Placing the Sub-Folder Tariff for Sharing by the Group Inspectors: Demonstration

63 More on the Entries in the Permission Window Administrator –Usually has access to all directories and files except those private to a user that are usually kept in the home directory Creator Owner –Full access to a user to files and directories created by that user System –System related access that should not normally be changed

64 Other Users and Groups: Demonstration


66 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Case Example: Permission Given to Creator Owner

67 Module Objectives Use of creator owner to give permissions The required permissions Permissions to be assigned Demonstration of the creator owner features

68 An Example on the Use of Creator Owner to Give Permissions: Scenario 3 Consider the case where the employees are required to provide reports for viewing in a subdirectory named Reports Allow the inspectors to make changes to the files in the subdirectory

69 Permissions Required Allow Everyone to create reports in the directory Permit Everyone to have full control over their own reports only Allow the inspectors permission to read, change and delete the reports

70 Permissions to be Assigned Creator Owner- Full Everyone - Add (WX) (Not Specified) Inspectors- Change (RWXD)

71 Use of Creator Owner: Demonstration


73 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Case Example: Special Access to Resources

74 Module Objectives Special access feature Adding read access to everyone Demonstration of adding read access thorough the special access to directory feature

75 Special Access Directory and file access is not limited to pre-defined Microsoft access types (permissions) Customized permissions can also be granted

76 Special Access to a Resource: Scenario 4 Allow everyone to read the files in the Report directory Add the Read permission to everyone –Using Special Access to Files option :

77 Adding the Read Access to the Files in the Directory Reports for Everyone: Steps Directory Permissions Window Select Everyone Select Type of Access as Special File Access. Check Read access to grant Read permission to the files to everyone.

78 Adding the Read Access Through Special Access to Directory: Demonstration


80 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE File Access Control

81 Module Objectives File permissions File security permissions in NTFS Predefined file access permissions Illustration of the permission assignment process using a case example Assignment of read-only permission assignment to the file Rates –The procedure –Demonstration

82 File Permissions Unlike in peer-to-peer networking (FAT), better file control is available in client-server networks Greater control on files can be exercised independent of the directory in which they reside

83 File Security Permissions in NTFS Read (R) Write(W) Execute (X) Delete (D) Change Permission (P) Take Ownership (O) No Access (None) –None of the above

84 Microsoft Predefine File Access Permission No Access (None) Read (RX) Change (RWXD) Full Control (Full) Special Access –Customized from available file security permissions

85 Specifying File Access Permission: Case Example Restrict the access to the file Rates in the directory Tariff to the inspectors only Limit the permission given to the file Rates to read only The intention is to prevent unauthorized changes from being made

86 Location of the File Named Rates US CanadaMexico Tariff Directory to be shared. Rates A file in the directory. NAFTA (Domain) (Server)

87 The Permission Assignment Process Open the file permission window Set the type of access for Inspectors to Read, by selecting Special Permissions and then ensuring that only the Read box is checked

88 Opening the File Permission Window Open the Explorer on the server named US. Reach and right select the file named Rates. Select Properties Select Security and then Permissions.

89 Assigning Read Only Permission to the File Rates File Permissions Window Select Inspectors Select Type of Access as Special Access. Ensure that only the Read box is checked. Finish OK/OK/OK

90 Assigning Read Only Permission to the File Rates: Demonstration


92 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Removing a File from Access

93 Module Objectives Removing a file from access Preventing Texas from accessing the file Rates –Case example –Steps –Demonstration –Confirmation of access denial

94 Removing a File From Access Because of better control being exercised a file can easily be removed from access It is achieved by specifying the following type of access for the users who are to be prevented from accessing the file –No Access

95 Preventing Access to the File Rates: Case Example Prevent the user Texas from accessing the file Rates This would eliminate Texas from accessing the file although he/she is a part of the group Inspectors The group Inspectors was given access to the file Rates earlier

96 Preventing Texas from Accessing the File Rates: Steps File Permissions Window Add Texas Select Type of Access as No Access Finish OK

97 Preventing Texas from Accessing the File Rates: Demonstration

98 Confirming the Prevention of Access for the User Texas


100 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE File Ownership

101 Module Objectives A note on ownership Finding the ownership of soft resources Steps for finding the ownership of the directory named Tariff Demonstration of finding the ownership

102 A Note on Ownership In general ownership belongs to the creator of the file or directory Ownership can be granted to others In general, the administrator will have access to a variety of files Exceptions are files in the home directories and selected directories containing specific applications

103 Finding the Ownership of Soft Resources Finding ownership's of resources are necessary at times to change permissions etc. Ownership of a directory or file can be found through the security tab in the properties window of the resource

104 Finding the Ownership of the Directory Tariff: Steps Open the Explorer on the server named US. Reach and right select the directory named Tariff. Select Properties Select Security and then Ownership to view ownership.

105 Finding the Ownership: Demonstration


107 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Effective Access Permissions of a User

108 Module Objectives Factors influencing the effective access permission A case example on the effective permission for access to a resource An illustration of effective permission A note on the assignment of permissions Permeation of permissions

109 Effective Access Permissions User Group 1 Group 2 Directory and file permission assigned to the user.

110 Effective Permissions for Access: Case Example Consider the case of Inspector Wilson with the following permissions to the directory Tariff Permission from the group Inspector: –(RX) (RX) Directory Permission assigned directly to Wilson –(WD) (D)

111 The Effective Permission Wilson (RXWD) (RXD) Inspectors (RX) Directory and file permission assigned to the user. (WD) (D)

112 A Note on the Assignment of Permissions Accumulation of permissions can become unduly complicated Suggestions for simplicity: –A modular approach to group formation –Minimize the assignment of permissions –Balance functional representation of directories with minimizing duplicity of files –Alertness to permeation of permissions

113 Permeation of Permissions: Example Directory Permissions Replace Permissions on Subdirectories Replace Permissions on Existing Files


115 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Removing a Soft Resource from Sharing: Removing a Directory form Sharing

116 Module Objectives Removing Tariff from sharing –Case example –Steps –Demonstration

117 Removing Tariff from Sharing: Case Example US CanadaMexico Tariff Rates A file in the directory. NAFTA (Domain) (Server) Directory (Folder)

118 Steps for Removing Tariff from Sharing Open the Explorer on the server named US. Right select the subdirectory named Tariff. Select Sharing. Select Not Shared End OK

119 Removing of Tariff from Sharing: Demonstration


121 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Removing a File from Sharing

122 Module Objectives Notes on removing a file from sharing Removing a file from sharing –Case example –Steps –Demonstration

123 Notes on Removing a File A file cannot be removed from sharing in the same manner as a directory One option is to remove the entire directory containing the file from sharing The other more practical option is to deny the users access to the file in the file permission list

124 Removing a File From Sharing: Case Example Remove the file Rates from sharing by nearly all the users The No Access type of permission may be give to achieve the above result –Better used for selective access control An easier method is to remove all the users from the permission list –It is a good practice to retain the permission given to the administrator

125 Removing the File Rates from Sharing: Steps File Permissions Window Select Inspectors and remove. Repeat until only Administrators remain. Finish OK/OK

126 Removing the File Rates from Sharing: Demonstration


128 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Mapping a Resource for Sharing

129 Module Objectives Drive mapping defined An illustration of drive mapping Notes on drive mapping Procedures for mapping Drive mapping –Case example, steps and demonstration Disconnecting a mapped drive –Steps and demonstration

130 Drive Mapping Defined A resource on the network can be mapped to a local logical drive by assigning a drive letter to the resource A logical drive is thus temporarily created at the local client corresponding to that network resource

131 Mapping of Drives a: Floppy c: Local hard disk d: Local CD-ROM e: Logical drive a c d e a c d Logical disk Mapped disk Client requesting to share the resource Resource available at the server for sharing

132 Notes on Mapping Resources that are usually mapped are as follows: –Drives –Directories Different procedures can be followed for drive mapping A mapped drive can be disconnected at any time

133 Procedures for Mapping Select My Computer and specify path for mapping the resource Locate and select the resource using the Explorer and map through right- clicking on the selection

134 Drive Mapping Case Example US CanadaMexico Tariff Shared directory. Map Server Client

135 Drive Mapping Steps My Computer Map Network Drive Select a drive letter. Specify network path to resource or browse below for resource. Path is \\US\Tariff End OK

136 Drive Mapping: Demonstration

137 Disconnecting a Mapped Drive: Steps My Computer Disconnect Network Drive Select the mapped drive to be disconnected. End OK

138 Disconnecting a Mapped Drive: Demonstration


140 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Administrative Shares

141 Module Objectives Overview of administrative shares Examples of administrative shares Managing a server from a remote client Notes on administrative share C$

142 Administrative Shares Administrative shares are created by Windows NT One of the purposes is to allow administrators to manage the resources from remote computers Examples are the management of server hardware, printer etc. Administrative shares are not displayed on the browsers of non-administrators

143 Some Administrative Shares ADMIN$ driveletter$ IPC$ PRINT$ REPL$ Administrative shares are followed by the letter $

144 Managing a Server from a Remote Client: An Example of Administrative Share US CanadaMexico NAFTA Map e: to \\US\C$ and manage US from Canada. Server Client

145 Notes on Administrative Share C$ Only administrators can connect to administrative share –Administrators C$ –Administrator and Print Operators PRINT$ A demonstration is given in the module dealing with server management


147 © N. Ganesan, All rights reserved. MODULE Sharing in a Mixed Environment

148 Module Objectives Mixed environment Client-server and peer-to-peer networking environments Peer-to-peer sharing in a client-server environment Sharing in the mixed environment Other applications Client-server and peer-to-peer sharing demonstration

149 Mixed Environment Client-Server Environment Peer-to-Peer Environment

150 Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Networking A client-server network can include peer-to-peer network sharing as well Resources on the clients, if permitted, can be shared among one another in this instance One example would be the sharing of a color laser printer on one of the peers

151 Peer-to-Peer Sharing in a Client- Server Environment Canada Mexico Tariff Shared directory. Server US Printer Shared Printer Client-Server Peer-to-Peer

152 Sharing in the Mixed Environment Client-server sharing of the directory Peer-to-peer sharing of the printer The combined approach provides the security and ease of management of a centralized resource and the flexibility of using the distributed resources

153 Other Applications Unorthodox file transfer among clients Execution of specialized programs on one or more clients by other clients etc.

154 Client-Server and Peer-to-Peer Sharing Demonstration


156 Open Demonstration of Soft Resource Sharing

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