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Charting the Course: An Inclusive Process for Strategic Planning Presenters: Cheryl Albrecht Associate Dean for Public Services, University Libraries,

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Presentation on theme: "Charting the Course: An Inclusive Process for Strategic Planning Presenters: Cheryl Albrecht Associate Dean for Public Services, University Libraries,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charting the Course: An Inclusive Process for Strategic Planning Presenters: Cheryl Albrecht Associate Dean for Public Services, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati Jane Carlin Department Head, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning, University Libraries, University of Cincinnati

2 “It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.” -Arnold Toynbee

3 Phase I Planning Structure and Process Dean formed Strategic Plan Task Force to determine process and a Steering Committee to produce the plan Consultant hired (Objectivity!) All-staff forums held to create mission, vision, and values

4 Phase II Active Engagement of all Staff Appreciative Inquiry used to identify “what’s working,” “what needs to change,” and “what needs to stop” Steering Committee took ideas and proposed nine strategic directions Staff reached consensus on strategic directions

5 Phase II Active Engagement of all Staff Steering Committee posted minutes and notes on Planning web site Final version of University Libraries Strategic Plan, 2003-2005, created and presented

6 Phase III Implementation Staff voted on five strategic directions to be acted on first Five task forces formed and given three months to work on specific action items within the five strategic directions Task forces shared draft reports with all staff and used their input to complete reports and recommendations to the Steering Committee

7 Phase III Implementation Public Services and Technical Services Implementation Teams formed Dean formed Strategic Planning Committee to lead completion of action items by appointing new task forces Staff assessed the planning process and gave input to be used in future planning efforts

8 Outcomes Planning Structure and Process Shared mission, vision, and values, as well as policies, procedures, and resources across all libraries Increased communication between departments and across University Libraries Heightened sense of ownership and responsibility of University Libraries’ successes and challenges by being a part of the decision-making process

9 Outcomes Planning Structure and Process Expanded quality-service and continuous-improvement measures Increased opportunities for leadership, involvement, and staff development

10 Sustaining the Momentum (Avoiding the Doldrums) dol·drums (d l dr mz, dôl -, d l -) pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb) -A period of stagnation or slump. -A period of depression or unhappy listlessness. -A region of the ocean near the equator, characterized by calms, light winds, or squalls. -The weather conditions characteristic of these regions of the ocean.

11 “Even with the best of maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys.” - Gail Pool

12 Our approach to continuous improvement: Excellence in Higher Education Program Institutionalizing the concept of continuous quality improvement Developing our own cadre of facilitators Applying the Strategic Planning process at the department/team level

13 Continuous improvement at the department/team level EHE provides a framework for continuous improvement and adapting our strategic plan at the departmental, group, or team level Establishes new patterns of communicating and working together Practical Action/Results-oriented

14 The EHE Process Self-Assessment Prioritizing Areas for Improvement Consider “stakeholders” Identify high impact projects

15 What has the SP process meant to individual staff members? Introduced a new level of transparency to the workings of the library and its decision making process Made participation worthwhile with tangible/measurable outcomes Created a vested interest Introduced new methods of workplace interaction and communication

16 How has it changed the work environment? More team-oriented and inclusive New ideas and approaches are not ignored Assessment is part of the workplace and is viewed as a positive Consensus building can be time consuming

17 What three words would you use to describe the process? Successful Valuable Inclusive

18 Planning the second time around Similar approach Shorter time frame -- staff know the drill! Utilizing internal facilitators Integrating with UC|21 -- UC’s strategic plan

19 “Continual improvement is an unending journey.” -Lloyd Dobens and Clare Crawford-Mason, Thinking About Quality

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