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COMP 2903 A30 – The New Right-Wing Smear Machine Danny Silver JSOCS, Acadia University.

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1 COMP 2903 A30 – The New Right-Wing Smear Machine Danny Silver JSOCS, Acadia University

2 Christopher Hayes The Nation, November 12, 2007 Christopher L. Hayes is a journalist and the Washington, D.C. editor of The Nation. B.A from Brown University Adjunct Professor of English at St. Augustine College, Chicago Also a Senior Editor at In These Times, a liberal monthly magazine based in Chicago Written extensively on issues central to the liberal community, including what ails the Democratic Party in the post-9/11 era, and how the labor movement is changing

3 Email the Ideal Gossip Medium February 27, 2001, Hillary Clinton’s office puts off an appointment with the American Gold Stars Mothers until a later date May, 2001, the right-wing website NewsMax headlines “Hillary Snubs Gold Stars Mothers”NewsMax Emails stated ricocheting across the Internet Gold Star Mothers and Clinton’s offices inundated by inquiries Web-based notices discounting the snub have had little effect

4 The Invisible Smear Forward “Such is the power of the right-wing smear forward, a vehicle for the dissemination of character assassination that has escaped the scrutiny directed at the Limbaughs and Coulters and O’Reillys but one that is as potent as it is invisible” A viral method of communicating misinformation Examples: – John Kerry’s Vietnam record questioned – Barack Obama spun as a secret radical Muslim

5 Smear Forward Roots The Urban Legends – Bill Gates will pay money for your resending this chain letter – Barack is a radical Muslim – see proof here Patriotic/Religious Uplifts – The next time you see a person talking during the national anthem – kick their ass! – Internet equivalent of right-wing talk radio Whisper campaigns are as old as politics itself

6 Character of the Smear Machine Many grow naturally out of the electronic woodwork Many are purposely driven by the right-wing Tend to attack a person and not the issues – 2000, SC Primary - John McCain rumored to have had a black daughter out of wedlock – Obama lied about his US heritage (Andy Martin)Andy Martin Often will recycle old accusations – Complaints about Al Gore reused for John Kerry

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