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ECOKNOWS WP6 Progress Nov. 2011 Rainer Froese Cadiz, 23.11.2011.

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1 ECOKNOWS WP6 Progress Nov. 2011 Rainer Froese Cadiz, 23.11.2011

2 WP6 Objectives Together with the Case Studies, do a literature survey to complete data for these species. Extract and compile relevant data using FishBase. Process the extensive information available in ICES and FishBase such that it is freely available and ready for use in Bayesian fisheries assessment models. In FishBase and ICES databases, provide the possibility to store posterior probabilities, which can then be further used in future studies as priors.

3 WP6 Partners Participant numberParticipant short namePerson-months per participant 1UH4 3ICES6 4FIN69 5AUTH18 6CSIC2 Total99

4 WP6 Deliverables Delive­ rable Number Deliverable TitleLead benefi­ciary number Estimated indicative person- months NatureDissemi­ nation level Delivery date D6.1 Suitable databases in FishBase 411OPU9 D6.2 Report on literature survey 411RPU18 D6.3 Report on data analyzed 411RPU18 D6.4 Software: Tool to calculate risks by life history parameters 423OPU26 D6.5 New tool for web hierarchical S/R – life history parameters 431OPU32 D6.6 MS on the application of the system to some case study species 412RPU34

5 D6.1 Suitable Databases in FishBase Done: Added fields for traditional measures of uncertainty: SD, SE, 95% CL In tables for LWR, Growth, Mortality, Maturity, Fecundity, Spawning Report submitted and accepted







12 D6.1 Suitable Databases in FishBase Ongoing: Discussed with Samu and others options for storing density distributions Solution: new sub-tables which can store an unlimited number of slices of a distribution To be tested in December, implemented if found satisfactory

13 D6.2-3 Literature Survey and Report Done FIN and AUTH did literature surveys for case study species Report on survey submitted by AUTH Ongoing Receive missing studies from CS groups Data entry of the studies found (several hundred) Report on data entry and analysis, due M18

14 D6.4-5 Webtools for Priors and Posteriors (M26 and M32) Soon Option to download traditional stats per species Option to download ‚sliced‘ density distributions Later Option to upload ‚sliced‘ density distributions

15 Related Work Unique stock identifers have been entered in FishBase for ICES stocks Assigning various studies to stocks is ongoing, with challenges New tables for accepting size-at-age data (and other primary data) are being created (length- frequencies do already exist) Collaboration with RAM-legacy database is ongoing

16 Related Work New method for deriving MSY from catch data only, for data-poor stocks, is being developed, with Steve Martell Could be made available online, as a web tool Harvest-control rules for Catch & MSY stocks need to be developed and tested

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