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Granites b Petrography b Field relations b Origin b Time-space patterns in plutons b S-Type and I-Type compositions.

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Presentation on theme: "Granites b Petrography b Field relations b Origin b Time-space patterns in plutons b S-Type and I-Type compositions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Granites b Petrography b Field relations b Origin b Time-space patterns in plutons b S-Type and I-Type compositions

2 Petrography b Fabric b Classification b Alteration

3 Fabric b Hypidiomorphic granular b Equigranular b Porphyritic b Pegmatitic b Graphic

4 Anisotropy Foliatiation Foliatiation Lineation Lineation Segregation layers Segregation layers

5 Compositional Classification Q-Ab-Or diagram Q-Ab-Or diagram Chemical classification is usefulChemical classification is useful Quartz, K-spar, Plagioclase diagram Quartz, K-spar, Plagioclase diagram Modal classification also is goodModal classification also is good

6 Textural classification Porphyry Porphyry Large crystals in a fine-grained matrixLarge crystals in a fine-grained matrix Aplite Aplite Leucocratic, fine sugary textureLeucocratic, fine sugary texture Pegmatite Pegmatite Extremely coarse-grained with rare euhedral mineralsExtremely coarse-grained with rare euhedral minerals Li, Be, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Ta, W,Th, U concentratedLi, Be, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Ta, W,Th, U concentrated Granophyre Granophyre Micrographic textureMicrographic texture

7 Alteration Most granites show some degree of alteration Most granites show some degree of alteration High temperature minerals replaced by low T ones High temperature minerals replaced by low T ones

8 Field relations General distribution General distribution External contacts External contacts b From of intrusions b Internal features b Time and depth of emplacement

9 General distribution of granites b Concentrated in orogenic belts b Located at the margins of continents b Also in deeply eroded Precambrian shields b Alkaline granites occur in rift zones


11 Origin b Magmas vs. granitization b Room problem b Form of large batholiths b Zoned plutons b Origin of magmas

12 Time-space patterns in plutons b S-Type granites’ b I-Type granites b Mesozoic Andean granites b Mesozoic Batholiths of western USA

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