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The Selection Interview. Objectives  Understanding the role of an Interview  Recruiting the applicant to the Organization  Measuring applicant KSAs.

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Presentation on theme: "The Selection Interview. Objectives  Understanding the role of an Interview  Recruiting the applicant to the Organization  Measuring applicant KSAs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Selection Interview

2 Objectives  Understanding the role of an Interview  Recruiting the applicant to the Organization  Measuring applicant KSAs  Selection evaluation system  Types of Interviews  Training of Interviewers  Developing the right interview questions  Recommendations for the Interview

3 The Role of the Interview  Provides a method for measuring a candidate’s KSAs  Provides a method for determining cultural fit  Provides a method for selecting or recruiting the best candidate  Provides a method for disqualifying the wrong candidate

4 Recruiting The Applicant  Providing Job Information –Discussing the job –Selling the job –Sharing the job description –Sharing the context of the position  Impact on Applicants –Public relations device –Experience in the process –Recruiter impact

5 Measuring Applicant KSAs  More Data? –Substituting the interview –Assessment test –Additional references  Appropriate KSAs –Sociability –Dependability –Job knowledge

6 Interview Selection Evaluation  Questions used  Applicant Characteristics & Appearance  Non-verbal Behavior  Weighting Information

7 Interview Model Pre-interview Interview Post-interview Evaluate Set plan and structure Gather information Share and collect data Assess and select

8 Improving the Interview

9 Training of Interviewers  Talking excessively  Using inconsistent questions  Asking unrelated job questions  Unable to put the interviewee at ease  Making an evaluation in the first few minutes  Stereotyping applicants  Being over confident of their interviewing skills

10 Components of the Interview Structured Interview  Consistent methods used to collect information from applicants  Based on key areas that are job related Unstructured Interview  Inconsistent methods used to collect information from applicants  Decisions are based on guesses

11 The Interview Process  Creating an open communication  Maintaining control of the interview  Taking appropriate notes  Learning listening skills  Developing good probing  Utilizing a good balance of open- end and close-ended questions

12 The Interview Process  Decision-making methods - Halo error, central tendency and contrast effects  Systematic Scoring -Use formal evaluation forms  Results of Training - Measure how much error has been removed

13 Developing Interview Questions Situational Questions  Identify critical activities  Sort into behavioral dimensions  Review and write questions Behavioral Questions  Identify critical behavioral competencies  Sort in order of importance  Review, write initial questions and write probing questions

14 Developing Interview Questions Job Content  Identify critical job tasks  Identify KSAs needed to perform tasks  Link KSAs to job tasks  Determine selection measure for measuring job tasks

15 Type of Interviews  Individual  Panel  Reverse Panel  Serial

16 Type of Interviews Individual InterviewerCandidate

17 Type of Interviews Panel Interviewer Candidate Interviewer

18 Type of Interviews Reverse Panel Candidate Interviewer Candidate

19 Types of interviews: Serial Interviewer Interviewer 1: Three Questions Candidate Interviewer 2: Three Questions Interviewer 3: Three Questions

20 Recommendations For The Interview  Restrict the scope  Limit the use of Pre-interview data  Adopt a structured format  Use job-related questions  Use multiple questions for KSAs  Apply a formal scoring system  Train the interviewer

21 Cultural Fit  Assess and Define Culture  Hire for Fit vs. Skills  Company Values

22 Cultural Fit Process for assessing fit:  Define overall company cultural  Define team cultural  Identify core gaps to enhance team  Develop cultural criteria  Identify and select predictors  Assess fit

23 Exercise  Read company profile  Read job description  Identify a team member to scribe  Develop 4 – 6 questions that reflect core competencies and cultural fit  Discuss and hand-in

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