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The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Will It Protect the Whistleblower in the National Health Service? Linnette King RN, RNT, LLM, MSc, PGDip Education,

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Presentation on theme: "The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Will It Protect the Whistleblower in the National Health Service? Linnette King RN, RNT, LLM, MSc, PGDip Education,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Will It Protect the Whistleblower in the National Health Service? Linnette King RN, RNT, LLM, MSc, PGDip Education, BSc(Hons) University of Brighton

2 Session Aim and Outcomes  To promote awareness of the principles of the public interest disclosure act  To further responsible governance  To enable a review of working attitudes

3 General Aims of PIDA  The Act was a response to the public exposure of disasters and malpractice  It provides comprehensive legal protection for whistleblowers  To provide protection from victimisation  Encourages collaboration and openness in organisations  And for employers to provide constructive framework for public interest disclosure

4 Whistleblowing  This is when someone speaks out regarding a concern which they reasonably believe should be in the public interest or domain

5 Plethora of Public Scandals  Bristol Royal Infirmary – major inquiry  Alderhay mass storage of organs  Eastbourne nursing review  North Wales child abuse cases  Harold shipman – ‘serial killer’  Rodney Ledward – 16 years of malpractice  Bryan Bladon – nursing home elder abuse

6 Common Themes  Concerns raised by conscientious employee(s)  Exposure of malpractice, corruption, illegal activity, fraud or harmful activities  Ensuing enquiry  A lack of any clear accountability  Poor management systems  A culture of secrecy  Closed systems in working practice  Poor standards/quality of patient care


8 A Telling Quote  “The NHS seems to spend inordinate time and resources in displaying in the industrial tribunal, a standard and style of industrial relations which were quite unique in their respective insensitivity and arrogant incompetence.” (John Hendy QC 1995)

9 Whistleblowing Dilemmas  Breach of confidentiality of patients, others, organisation  Suspicions only, no real proof  Fear of victimisation, reprisals, etc.  Loss of work, promotion prospects  Financial loss  Personal intimidation

10 Questions to Consider  Who does the Act apply to?  What disclosures would qualify for protection?  Where/when would this matter for concern be happening?  How would you whistleblow responsibly?  What guidance are you aware of in your workplace to raise concerns?  Why and when would you raise a concern outside of the organisation?

11 Some Brief Answers  Covers a broad range of workers  Reasonable belief of criminal, fraudulent, injustice, malpractice, or danger to health and safety and/or the environment  Concern can be past, present or future  And made in good faith  Reasonable guidance/policy for workplace whistleblowing?  Concerns can be made to prescribed persons/appropriate authorities

12 More Brief Answers  Employers should establish effective reporting procedures for employees to access  External whistleblowing is accepted when it is recognised that there is no procedure to follow, no apparent action internally, fear of retribution, or any likely cover-up, or matter of very serious public concern

13 What Policies Have Employers Put in Place?  Survey of 11 NHS Trusts (King 2000)  3 had up-to-date policies  3 had outmoded policies  3 had no policy  2 gave no response

14 Overall Answers  Provide quality care by protecting patients, organisation and environment from further human tragedy  All health care practitioners must accept their accountability in work  Emphasis on responsible governance  A whistleblowing policy which will help to clarify who is responsible for what and to whom

15 Key References  Department of health. 2000. Guidance on implementation of code of practice on openness in the NHS  Employment Rights Act 1996 as amended by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 

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