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Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Lab Project performed by: Safi Seid-Ahmad Emile.

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Presentation on theme: "Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Lab Project performed by: Safi Seid-Ahmad Emile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Lab Project performed by: Safi Seid-Ahmad Emile Ziedan Project supervised by: Michael Itzkovitz

2 Building a device that is capable of detecting object colors for blind people. This device should be: Simple to use. Portable. Un expensive.

3 Input: * Reflected light from an object placed beside the device. * Operation button. Output: * A voice message telling the object color. Input Device Output

4 * The user approaches the device to an object that hi/she wants to know it’s color, and pushes the operation button. * The device detects the color of the object * The color is declared in a voice message.


6 Light Source Light Source Driver Light Analyzer Driver  Light Analyzer RGB Calculation Red -Freq Green -Freq Blue -Freq Color Determination Red Green Blue Voice Memory Speaker Analog signal Color Symbol Voice Memory Driver Object

7 In choosing the chips we considered the following: They all can operate at approximately low power supply, this is important for portability requirement. The micro controller I/O pin number, for controlling the light analyzer and the voice memory chips and to communicate with the voice memory… The protocol for communication between the micro controller and the voice memory.

8 Light Analyzer: We chose the new TAOS TCS230 light to frequency converter since it is suitable to our goal. This chip is capable of detecting the intensity of the red, green and blue components of the light. Voice memory: It is used to describe the color in a voice message to the user. We intend to use the Winbond ISD4002 chip witch has enough memory and record/playback features.

9 Micro controller: There are many suitable micro controllers from the PIC family of Microchip. We intend to choose one of the PIC18F--- which has all the features we need, an interface to communicate with the other chips, enough memory, low power, etc… In addition, the micro controller should be compatible with SPI protocol, since the ISD4002 uses this protocol to communicate with micro controllers.

10 PeriodProject ProcessComments 23.11 – 05.12Ordering the 3 required chips + Studying their manuals in detail. 06.12 –20.12 Preparing primary operation algorithm. + Testing each chip and it’s programming env. (According to their arrival date) 21.12 – 30.12Completing primary design and programming.Midterm 31.12 – 01.01No process in the projectHappy new year 02.01 – 24.01Integration and finalizing the device building for the first time. + Initial testing and debugging. 25.1 – 14.3Completing the project.Final report and Presentation.

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