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Students' voices: On ICT in Schools and Online Experiences ITDG Luleå, Nov. 14 2003 Sólveig Jakobsdóttir Kennaraháskóli Íslands/ Iceland University of Education
This presentation - focus How Icelandic girls and boys describe uses of ICT in schools across Iceland versus what they view as the main benefits and problems of using computers. Based on a study among ca. 1400 students across 14 Icelandic schools, data gathered with questionnaire in Nov. 2002, a study repeated from 1998, then with 760 students from 10 schools.
Focus Main focus on 4 schools: 2 schools outside the capital area (L1, L2); 2 schools from the capital area (R7 og R8) 376 students in grades 5-10 in those 4 schools; 149 from the primary level (grades 5-7) and 227 from the lower secondary level (grades 8-10) Mainly looking at answers to open-ended questions on computer use in school, homework, and benefits related to computer use. Problems from the whole group 2002 (1400)
Context – computer access On top of the world like the country! In schools 1998: ~1:13, 60% Internet connected 2002: ~1:7, 99% Internet connected In student homes 1998: 90% w. computer access, ~59% w. Internet 2002: 97% w. computer access, ~87% w. Internet, 31% w. 1+ laptops
What teacher students have seen in school computer use 2002-3 Very noticable difference between boys and girls Boys use MSN and the Net without permission Girls follow directions, do what the teacher says Examples of boys that are very skilled, do eye-catching multimedia project with art and music. (Þuríður Jóhannsdóttir, 2003)
Mean number of skills (14) by gender and age1998 and 2002 Mean number of skills Grade/year in school Gender Girls Boys ?
Attitudes – Agreement with the statement I am very good at using computers (5 = agree, 3 = neutral, 1 = disagree) ? Grade/year in school Gender Girls Boys Agreement w. Very good...
Context - Web use in and out of schools by grade (% reporting 2 hours +) School Home/out of school
The four schools – comparison of skills, computer access & use, and home use SkólarL1L2R7R8 Skills * P (8,4) S (11) 8 11 10 11 10 11 7 11 C. access (6,6) 3,15,84,5 S.use P 2,1, 2,2 S 2,2 2,4 1,9 2,2 2,0 2,2 2,2 2,3 H.use P F vs. M S 2,4 2,7 2,9 4,3 2,3 3,7 3,6 5,2 2,5 3,4 3,1 4,0 2,4 3,1 3,2 4,8 Boys on average report one more skill than do girls P = grades 5-7; S = grades 8-10
Schools – comparison, subjects Schools Subjects L1 organiz- ation L2 Typing R7 projects, book R8 writing Primary Grades 5-7 Subjects N of /% 3,2 ICT 100 Eng 88 Dan 54 Icel 50 2,1 ICT 96 Typing 60 1,4 ICT 80 Other 18 1,6 ICT 47 Class 41 Math 26 Sec. Grades 8-10 Subjects N of /% 4,3 ICT 93 Dan 90 Eng 90 Math 57 Icel 37 1,0 ICT 95 1,8 ICT 73 Dan 41 2,9 Math 60 Dan 55 ICT 55 Icel 49
School L2
School L2 – computer use - descriptions Answers usually short and indicate mostly use in typing (both school levels) and/or computers (older level). E.g., there is almost half of all answers that refer to typing (more girls, 54 and 62% vs. 13 og 33%).
L2 – computer use – examples Typing We type Typing We type Typing Typing & the Net Most students use computers only in typing and computer studies. Typing We use the computers in typing I do not use computers that much in school but if I use them it is mostly in computer studies or typing Typing...!!! Nothing except just information education (typing and computer studies) Not very much but in typing I use computers in school just in typing.
L2 – computer use – attitude Positive (38% boys at level 1 and 22% of boys at level 2) Just good Well Good It is good It is very good Negative. (23% of students at level 2 and 15% of girls at level 1.) We can’t go on the Net it is stupid. Very STUPID!!! Not fun we don’t learn anything and are just in typing and why should you learn typing if you cannot get to write? It is very little and not taught well. Computers are not introduced well enough for us... The possibilities they have for us. Then the computer lab is not at all accessible, not open much, often full and not good work environment and help with many types of projects.
Skóli L2 – home use Appears very little and mosty linked to typing.
School R8
School R8 – computer use Attitude positive, except a few boys at lower sec. level (computers not good enough). Little use at the lower secondary level, students say others are using more or they used computers more before. Free use at the lower secondary level Use in information ed./technology Projects at lower sec. Game use
Skóli R8 – computer use – examples (lower sec.) We get to go often to the computer lab and most of the time we get to work freely (have freetime?) Often when I need references or some project. Sometimes we also have freetime when everyone can wander around on the Net It is insanely good and crazy fun It is good, at least it is always reserved for some class Good to use them, e.g. To practice math, and good to go do Danish exercises good to practice listening I do projects and play, listen to music, make web pages, otherwise I don’t use them more than this Just good, the computers are junk, otherwise fine The computers are junk and the use according to that
School R8 – homework A lot of writing across the curriculum (essays/schoolpapers), but particularly in Icelandic and social science. Examples: I write essays on the computer and print them out – this is [in?] writing. When I write essays. Just when I do essays Icelandic, English, Danish Sometimes when I write essays It varies I use them for essays.
School L1
School L1 – computer use Almost no answers from the primary level From lower secondary e.g. reference to organization, computer programs/software, projects, learning Some positive reactions (mostly boys lower sec.) Not much use Boys about information searching Girls about free use
School L1 – computer use - examples It is like this – the teacher reads our names and we do as she says. Sometimes she needs to wait for those who take a long time. We learn to use programs in the computer and to type (keyboarding). Sometimes there are projects that take a few hours/sessions e.g. to do a homepage. The teacher tells us what to do and we do as she says. We learn to use all kinds of programs in ICT and then we use billedordbok in Danish and then we are leraning to type (ritfinn) also in ICT and then some teachers allow us to go on the Net. Do projects with wordprocessing programs and do projects that the teacher assigns to us. You don’t learn much in computer science from my point of view we are always using boring programs doing boring projects. But that is just this year. Last year it was much more fun. We use computers to acquire information and do projects on the Net. To go on the Net and get news from the outside world/society.
School L1 - homework Using essays in various subjects, especially Icelandic, social science and languages as well as math (problems on the Net).
School R7
School R7 – computer use A lot of longer answers, many positive Some say a lot of use (except girls at upper secondary level, because they think difficult to access the library computers) Considerable reference to library use at the lower secondar level, free use Use for study, netuse, projects, writing, games ICT, especially at the lower secondary level aðgengi + eða mínus, tölvunotkun, og tölvur heima (stelpur).
Skóli R7 - tölvunotkun - dæmi It is the net which is very good then one can find something for essays. Fun, good and something more It (the computer) is quick to work and get to the point and it is just convenient. Mainly exercises but sometimes just the net. I use computers not in class just when I am in computer class and then every now and then if we are doing group work both classes together!!! Very strong teaching, and students get to be very highly skilled computer users.
Skóli R7 - tölvunotkun - dæmi It is not possible to go on the Net to look at porn, which sucks Just more normal Play pinball Strange There are fun classes and I learn a lot in them
Skóli R7 - tölvunotkun - dæmi All right! Fine computer classes and plenty of computers but one has only a certain amount of time to be on it and then there is always someone hovering over one (that is out of class). Let’s say one does not own a computer and one has to to homework in the library, then there are always someone over one and then everyone is waiting for the computer. One hurries to finish the project and then the day after the teacher says it is done well enough!!! This is a typical experience of my friend but she is always very conscientious. I think they should make alowances for those who do not own a computer not just let them who just have a break to play games. There are two computers in the library that we often use to play during recess and then there are two computer labs in the school that we can use to do projects if we cannot use the home computer.
Benefits of using computers Very much linked to the Net – information, communications and/or games, almost everyone is very positive, sometimes talk about the high number of possible uses. More girls than boys mention communications, especially at the secondary level, more boys than girls mention games or net-based games
Benefits of computer use Search for something Fun It is possible to do so many good and fun things. The Chat, games, hotmail and one has to try the chat!!! Really... One can safe documents It is possible to do so many things One can play games. Look at hollywood stars on I am going to be a hollywood star myself It is possible to find almost everything Fun and informative
Benefits of computer use It is possible to download pictures on the net, chat, play and use them for learning One does not need to hand-write everything oneself. Then one does not need to look everywhere in books. One can use sims and write stories, download songs and look for everything one wants The net, I think it is very clever for communications, such as chate channels (e.g. Mirc), then you can do just about anything on the net, download music, that is also very clever, then there are so many fun programs. To be able to look at various things on the net :) If one need to find something one can just go on the net and it helps with communications with others, one can chat and send e-mail then also for learning, it can be better to use computers for learning, then also if one has nothing to do then one can use the computer and play. One can find all the information one needs and wants to have. One can also write very quickly and continue to be in very good contact with friends and family that are away. Look at the famous people and the games on the net. THE GAMES OF COURSE
Benefits of computer use hummmm..... Just everything.. this is a wonder tool.........., how just was the world..... never mind!!!!! (girl grade 9)
Problems by grade level Back Hand/fingers Elbow/arms Shoulder/neck Head/eyes Other physical p. Teasing/harassment Sexual harassment Monetary fraud Neg. friendsh./soc. Neg. effects on learning Elementary Middle Upper sec. School level
Problems by gender in grades 8-10 ? Back Hand/fingers Elbow/arms Shoulder/neck Head/eyes Other physical p. Teasing/harassment Sexual harassment Monetary fraud Neg. friendsh./soc. Neg. effects on learning Gender Girls Boys
Food for thought Benefits of using computers fairly clear for students – link highly to the Net (even if they realize also that there are various problems connected to computer use, physical and social) Varies very much by school how much the net is used Very little use of the Net for homework – mostly for writing. Use of computers in school in subjects such as Icelandic could have decreased somewhat because teachers rely on students getting to a a computer out of school to write. Is Internet use an automatic “main-streamer” for gender in technology?
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