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Camelia Elias. shopping as mediator  materialistic consumption vs. transcendent communion (with the divine)  useful resources and their consumption.

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Presentation on theme: "Camelia Elias. shopping as mediator  materialistic consumption vs. transcendent communion (with the divine)  useful resources and their consumption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Camelia Elias

2 shopping as mediator  materialistic consumption vs. transcendent communion (with the divine)  useful resources and their consumption through expenditure Sacrifice is based upon consumption. Sacrifice is the violent destruction of some otherwise useful resource in an act of expenditure. (Miller)

3 sacrifice and ritual  constitutes the objects of devotion  as well as communicates with them  the object is not merely consecrated  but consumed or destroyed

4 opposing transformations  an accumulation in sacralization  gaining sacred power  a move from the sacred to the profane  emphasis on the mundane All sacrifices are based on establishing a relationship with the divine

5 sacrifice as spectacle  devotional act  self-sacrifice both are constituted by constant re-recognition, the divine itself  “Shopping is a regular act that turns expenditure into a devotional ritual that constantly reaffirms some transcendent force, and thereby becomes a primary means by which the transcendent is constituted” (Miller, 78)

6 the consumer's purpose  annihilate  destroy  incorporate the objects of desire

7 identifications  experience of death is withheld  identification with the victim  experience of death  results in the development of humanity

8 sacrifice as violence  expresses violence as inherent in human kind  acts as a substitute for inherent violence (the scapegoat)  violence is s constitutive element in humanity  the purpose of violent sacrifice is to tame the sacralized powers

9 sacrifice as consumption  evokes the spending of what has been created  the end point of the labour of production  stresses the value of the sacrificial victim

10 René Girard Violence stems from:  a certain way of human desiring  manifests itself in peculiar forms of social interactions  a particular form of desire  mimetic, acquisitive mimesis (Violence and the Sacred, 1972)

11 shopping as violence and sacrifice  a vision of pure excess: all hard work has to be spent (destroyed through consumption)  pointless  destructive  transgressive  Hedonist  self-indulgent  emphasizes devotion  achieves sanctity

12  Sacrifice is the negation of the vision of excess  Shopping, though thrift, is the negation the vision of excess in consumption  shopping through consumption creates modern societies

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