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CS 376 Paper Discussion 04/02/2009 As We May Think (Vannevar Bush) Direct Manipulation Interfaces (E.L. Hutchins, J.D. Hollan, D.A. Norman)

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Presentation on theme: "CS 376 Paper Discussion 04/02/2009 As We May Think (Vannevar Bush) Direct Manipulation Interfaces (E.L. Hutchins, J.D. Hollan, D.A. Norman)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 376 Paper Discussion 04/02/2009 As We May Think (Vannevar Bush) Direct Manipulation Interfaces (E.L. Hutchins, J.D. Hollan, D.A. Norman)

2 As We May Think

3 Summary  Vision to steer scientists after WW2  Main points: Information overload Methods of recording Methods of storage “Memex” As We May Think

4 Scientific Methods  “Build a system”?  What else? As We May Think

5 Then vs. Now  Recording: images? voice? Internet?  Storage: volume vs. bandwidth  Access: hub vs. crowdsourcing As We May Think



8 Direct Manipulation Interfaces

9 Summary  What underlies the feeling of directness?  Main points Distance vs. Direct Engagement Semantic vs. Articulatory distance Automated behavior vs. directness Problems with Direct Manipulation Direct Manipulation Interfaces

10 Scientific Methods  Examples: Figure 5: “water level” Page 325 (bottom) Page 329 (virtuosity) What else? Direct Manipulation Interfaces

11 Direct Manipulation Today  Modern IDEs  Eclipse, Visual Studio  Bidding “agents”  Ebay, stock market  Stability in vehicles  ESP, DSC, etc.  Voice menus Direct Manipulation Interfaces

12 Looking Forward  Linguistic interaction.  Mobile computing: Social behaviors (task space?) Rotating a photo (art. or sem. distance?)  Internet: Clicking a link (direct engagement?) Other examples of direct manipulation? Direct Manipulation Interfaces

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