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Reliability and Software metrics Done by: Tayeb El Alaoui Software Engineering II Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Reliability and Software metrics Done by: Tayeb El Alaoui Software Engineering II Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reliability and Software metrics Done by: Tayeb El Alaoui Software Engineering II Course

2 Outline  Introduction  Team presentation  Context presentation  Subject presentation  What is Reliability ? ( Definition from IEEE )

3 Outline  Difference between Errors, Faults and Failures.  Software Metrics for Reliability  Requirements Reliability Metrics.  Design and code Reliability Metrics.  Testing Reliability Metrics.  Conclusion

4 Introduction  Team presentation  Amine Mestari (Senior student)  Tayeb El Alaoui (Junior student)

5 Introduction  Context presentation  To complete the requirements of our Software Engineering II course.  To improve my communication skills.

6 Introduction  Subject presentation  Reliability = correctness. (For most software developers)  A better way: To go through all stages of Software lifecycle: Requirements, design and code, and Testing.

7 What is Reliability ?  Definition from IEEE: “The ability of a system or component to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time."

8 What is Reliability ?  Three activities:  Error prevention  Fault detection and removal  Measurements to maximize Reliability

9 Errors, Faults and Failures  Error: programmer action or omission that results in a fault  Fault: software defect that causes a failure.  Failure: the unacceptable departure of a program operation.

10 Software Failure rate

11 Software Metrics for Reliability  The goal: To help improve the reliability of a software.  How ? To identify some potential errors from different phases of software development.

12 Requirements Reliability Metrics  Use: To assess individual specification statements and the vocabulary used.  How? ARM software (Automated Requirement Measurement)

13 Requirements Reliability Metrics (From SATC and NASA)  Lines of Text  Imperatives  Continuances  Directives  Weak Phrases  Incomplete  Options

14 Example of Analysis study

15 Design and code Reliability Metrics  Complexity (Cyclomatic)  Size  Modularity  Weighted Method per Class (WMC)

16 Testing Reliability Metrics  Two approaches:  Evaluation of the test plan.  Evaluation of the number of errors in the code and the rate of finding / fixing them.

17 Evaluation of the test plan  Use of multiple test cases  A test case contains several functions  Each function must be at least tested once.

18 Conclusion  Existence of Metrics to evaluate Reliability. At each phase of the development lifecycle.  The cost benefits are: factor of 14.

19 References  Musa, J.D., A. Iannino and K. Okumoto, Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application, Professional Edition: Software Engineering Series, McGraw–Hill, New York, NY., 1990.  Triantafyllos, G., S. Vassiliadis and W. Kobrosly, "On the Prediction of Computer Implementation Faults Via Static Error Prediction Models," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 28, No. 2, February 1995, pp. 129-142.  Rosenberg, L., and Hammer, T., Metrics for Quality Assurance and Risk Assessment, Proc. Eleventh International Software Quality Week, San Francisco, CA, 1998.  Hammer, T., Rosenberg, L., Huffman, L., Hyatt, L., Measuring Requirements Testing in Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering (Boston MA, May 1997) IEEE Computer Society Press.

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