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Lutherans and Other Denominations Non-Christian Cults Mormons Unitarian Jehovah Witness Christian Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Lutherans and Other Denominations Non-Christian Cults Mormons Unitarian Jehovah Witness Christian Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lutherans and Other Denominations Non-Christian Cults Mormons Unitarian Jehovah Witness Christian Science

2 Christian Someone who trusts in Jesus Christ as their Savior. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

3 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - Vision 1 All churches are wrong Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

4 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - All churches are wrong 1823 - Vision 2 Chosen to translate Book of Morman Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

5 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - All churches are wrong 1823 - To translate Book of Morman 1827 - Vision 3 Location shown for book and glasses Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

6 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - All churches are wrong 1823 - To translate Book of Morman 1827 - Location for book and glasses 1829 - Vision 4 Ordained into Priesthood of Aaron Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

7 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - All churches are wrong 1823 - To translate Book of Morman 1827 - Location for book and glasses 1829 - Priesthood of Aaron 1829 - Vision 5 Given Priesthood of Melchizedek Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

8 Joseph Smith Jr 1820 - All churches are wrong 1823 - To translate Book of Morman 1827 - Location for book and glasses 1829 - Priesthood of Aaron 1829 - Priesthood of Melchizedek Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

9 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1830 - Founded by 5 in Fayetteville, NY 1831 - Kirtland, Ohio 1832 - Independence, Missouri 1838 - Far West, Missouri 1839 - Nauvoo, Illinois 1844 - Joseph Smith shot in Carthage, Ill Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

10 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 1830 - Founded by 5 in Fayetteville, NY to Kirtland, Oh to Independence, Mo to Far West, Mo to Nauvoo, Ill 1844 - Brigham Young, 25 groups split Reorganized Church of LDS 1847 - Salt Lake, Utah Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

11 Lutherans and Other Denominations



14 Book of Mormon Story of God’s western people Part 1 - Jared’s Descendants Part 2 - Lehi’s descendants Mormon Moroni Manuscript Found, Sidney Rigdon Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

15 Doctrine Sources Book of Mormon Bible - Translated correctly Pearl of Great Price Smith’s translation Doctrines and Covenants Smith’s divine revelations Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

16 God Human body for probationary period Progressive and eternal perfection Physical bodies (Father and Son) Elohim - God the Father Jehovah - Jesus in prenatal state Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

17 End of the World Body and spirit separated at death Christ’s millennial rule - Jerusalem, Zion Gospel preached, Satan released Body and spirit reunited Men go to respective glories Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

18 Heaven (No Hell) Telestial Glory - Happy, useful No presence of Father and Son Terrestrial Glory - Rich blessings No Father, Visits by Son Celestial Glory - Unspeakable joy Presence of Father and Son Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

19 Celestial Glory Need to be baptized in Temple Descendant can be proxy for dead Must accept Mormon gospel Must be married for eternity in temple Women can be sealed to a dead man Children can be sealed to parents Lutherans and Other Denominations Mormons

20 Unitarians Unitarian Universalist Association - 160K Reject that Jesus is God No creeds - Draw from other religions Lutherans and Other Denominations Unitarians

21 Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy Phineas P Quimby Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Church of Christ, Scientist Lutherans and Other Denominations Christian Science

22 Doctrinal Points God is everything -Everything is God God is Mind -Mind is God Nothing is matter -Matter is nothing God denies evil -Evil denies God Lutherans and Other Denominations Christian Science

23 Contrasts with Mormons Everything is Spirit Everything is physical “Scientific” discovery Divine revelations Lutherans and Other Denominations Christian Science

24 Unity School of Christianity Charles and Myrtle Fillmore Combines many non-Christian religions State of consciousness Lutherans and Other Denominations Unity School of Christianity

25 Charles T Russell Built on basic Adventism 1872 - The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society 1931 - Jehovah Witnesses Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

26 God Unitarian Only Father is God, Jehovah Jesus was angel, man, archangel Holy Spirit is Jehovah’s power Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

27 Satan’s Allies Organized religion Catholics, Protestants, Sunday School Politics Flag saluting, Voting, Military service Commercialism Civic groups, Movies, Mother’s Day Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

28 Eternal Life Lost eternal life when man sinned Christ won eternal life by not sinning Gave to world by trading for immortality Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

29 Millennium 1914 - Date for Jesus’ return Battle of Armageddon Great Mystery Class - Rulers in heaven Old Test Believers - Rulers on earth Jonadab Class - Live on earth forever Second Chancers - 100 yrs probation Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

30 Bible Quote out of context Allegorize Require JW translation Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

31 Membership 1MM in US, 7MM in world Not a church Kingdom Hall / Company / Instruction Publisher / Pioneer Lutherans and Other Denominations Jehovah Witness

32 Next Weeks: Mormons June 22 July 6 Lutherans and Other Denominations

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