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Tools for Data Management and Reporting: Levels 2 and 3 June 18, 2008 Forbes Boyle & Michael Lee CVS-EEP Project Manager & Data Entry Tool Author.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Data Management and Reporting: Levels 2 and 3 June 18, 2008 Forbes Boyle & Michael Lee CVS-EEP Project Manager & Data Entry Tool Author."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Data Management and Reporting: Levels 2 and 3 June 18, 2008 Forbes Boyle & Michael Lee CVS-EEP Project Manager & Data Entry Tool Author

2 OBJECTIVES Vegetation Monitoring Data Walk-Thru Level 2 Data Entry: Tips for Faster Data Entry Levels 1 and 2 QA / QC Procedures Levels 1 and 2 Report Generation Introduction to Level 3 Data Entry

3 VMD Resampling Step 1: Go to the Reports Tab under the Main Menu >> Datasheets for Resampling

4 VMD Resampling Step 2: On the “Resample Plots” Form, update year fields if incorrect.

5 VMD Resampling Step 3: On the “Resample Plots” Form, update Plot Level fields if desired.

6 VMD Resampling Step 3: Print Datasheets of desired monitoring plots.

7 VMD Field Datasheets

8 VMD Resampling Step 4: RESAMPLE!!! Step 5: Enter data in the existing Entry Tool for that Project.

9 VMD Data Entry Tool

10 VMD Woody Stem Data Entry Tool

11 Level 2 Data Entry TOTAL WOODY STEM INVENTORY PLOTS: Planted woody stems + natural regeneration.

12 Level 2 Fast and Efficient Data Entry! Don't forget the header info (especially minimum stem size sampled = cut-off).

13 Level 2 Fast and Efficient Data Entry! Magic Species List and Species Lookup

14 Level 2 Fast and Efficient Data Entry! TAB / SPACE BAR: Next Field UP/DOWN ARROW: Adjacent Row ENTER: Next Species Row, First Field MOUSE: To add in Subsample %

15 Level 2 Fast and Efficient Data Entry! Often, there is just one size category, or the smaller categories are absent To jump to a particular size: – Press and hold ctrl, then enter the size of the stem class (lower bound, e.g. 30 or 45), then release ctrl If you enter a size less than 40cm, the default of 1 stem is filled in (you can change the number if not 1) If you enter a size of 40cm or greater, that size is entered in the first box for stems at least 40cm

16 A stem isn't planted after all Sometimes stems are added in the Planted Stems Form, but later someone determines that it should be included as a natural stem instead. Previously, you had to delete this stem and add it in the Natural Stems Form. Now, you can change a stem to "natural" with a couple of clicks….

17 A planted, no wait, a natural stem! At the bottom of the Planted Stems Form, click the button: Change stems to "natural" or undo A new green box appears with "N" for natural stems and "P" for planted. Double- click on the "P" to change the stem from planted to natural. Double-click the "N" to return the stem to a planted stem. Click the button at the bottom of the screen again to change all stems on the plot to natural or to planted (you'll be prompted to confirm that). Natural stems will still be shown on the Planted Stems Form, with the flag "Natural STEM: NOT PLANTED" and will not be included in planted stem density in Excel reports or when printing monitoring reports.

18 Quality Assurance / Quality Control

19 Quality Assurance / Quality Control: Embedding Errors 410

20 Quality Assurance / Quality Control: Embedding Errors



23 Using the Data Entry Tool to Generate Simple Reports Summary of stems per plot in Excel. – Can choose a subset of plots in "Configurable Stats." Can be copied and pasted into a Word document and used in larger written reports.

24 Using the Data Entry Tool to Generate Simple Reports Export to Excel to provide spreadsheets of stem data, including: 1)Plot Metadata (location, level, year, number of stems [planted and natural], stems per acre. 2)Total number of stems per acre by project 3)Tally of damage – no damage AND vigor categories of stems by species and type 4)Total number of planted/natural stems by plot

25 Plot Metadata

26 Total Number of Stems per Acre by Project Vigor by Species

27 ….or use “Customizable Statistics” to only look at a subset of plots

28 Level 3 Data Entry COMMUNITY OCCURRENCE PLOTS:  Used to document abundance of most common species within a plot: COVER CLASS VALUES  Meets standards of Ecological Society of America (ESA) AND Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) to classify vegetation within US National Vegetation Classification (NVC)  Woody stem tallies from Level 2 may also be used

29 Level 3: Plot Data Entry Similar to the Levels 1 and 2, except these fields added: 1) Community Classification Determination 2) Cover By Strata Definition 3) Extra Geomorphology and Hydrology values Digital Data Entry Form mimics Field Data Entry Sheets

30 Community Classification Step 1: Generate List of NVC Associations: CEGL codes

31 Community Classification Step 2: Read community descriptions of acceptable community types (based on named geography, title descriptions, etc.):

32 Community Classification Step 3: Select acceptable community type(s), label degree of fit (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Wrong), label confidence of classication (High, Medium, Low), and enter Classifier(s).

33 Level 3 Cover Data Entry Similar to the stems forms. Magic species picklist or search for species (more species are shown, not just the woody species). After entering a cover value, it moves cursor to next field. Use arrow keys and enter key Header data appears after you start a row.


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