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BUNI (Bluetooth Universal Navigation Interface) Design Team: Ben Doherty (Manager) Jeremy Gummeson Chris Campetti Phil Murray Faculty Advisor: Lixin Gao.

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Presentation on theme: "BUNI (Bluetooth Universal Navigation Interface) Design Team: Ben Doherty (Manager) Jeremy Gummeson Chris Campetti Phil Murray Faculty Advisor: Lixin Gao."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUNI (Bluetooth Universal Navigation Interface) Design Team: Ben Doherty (Manager) Jeremy Gummeson Chris Campetti Phil Murray Faculty Advisor: Lixin Gao

2 What is BUNI? ► BUNI is the Bluetooth Universal Navigation Interface ► A system intended to bring 2-dimensional navigation to a wide array of devices ► RC Cars, Boats, Tanks, Vacuum Cleaners, Etc.

3 Why BUNI? ► Bluetooth is an emerging wireless standard ► No generic protocol exists for 2-dimensional navigation ► Interoperability: Many types of devices can operate many types of vehicles

4 Implementations ► Programmable lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners ► Rescue vehicles ► Surveillance ► Mine sweepers

5 Why Java? ► Write once, run everywhere ► J2ME for portable devices ► Enables cell phones, PDA’s, and other portable devices to run the same code ► Simple Bluetooth API (JSR-82)

6 Why Bluetooth? ► Emerging Wireless Standard ► Low-power, reliable ► Enables link transparency (By emulating serial ports) ► Inexpensive hardware

7 System Overview

8 Curve Fitting ► By nature, vehicles will not be able to follow arbitrary curves:  Angle might exceed vehicle capabilities  Steering control might only allow discrete angles ► To compensate, curve input must be modified to fit vehicle parameters  Meet maximum turning angle  Use only allowed angles

9 Curve Fitting Continued ► A few examples of level 0 (point-to-point) curve fitting using bezier curves ► Bezier curves use start and end points, as well as 2 “control points” to direct the curve ► Still a very preliminary algorithm Legend: Black – Original Curve Input Blue / Red points – Control points Red Line – Guiding triangle Orange – Fitted Curve

10 Communications Protocol ► Communication between vehicle and Bluetooth device over Bluetooth serial emulation ► Simple byte-based protocol ► Client/Server model: Portable Bluetooth device as client, vehicle as server

11 Vehicle Program ► Vehicle controlled by a RabbitCORE 3100 Microcontroller with eb506 Bluetooth Module ► Written with Dynamic C language

12 Program Flow on Vehicle

13 Portable Device Program ► 6 Major Steps  Connect to vehicle and authorize  Receive vehicle parameters  Receive curve input from user (via stylus)  Fit curve to vehicle parameters  Encode fitted curve to command data  Send move command

14 PD Program Possibilities ► Multiple queued paths ► Terminate current path (stop) ► Scalable map sizes ► Multiple vehicle control ► Speed control

15 Deliverables for MDR ► Java Program with stylus input and basic curve fitting (Point A to point B) ► RC Car with microcontroller ► Working movement from point A to point B

16 In the future… possibilities ► Stored, bookmarked paths ► Environment maps ► Environmental feedback, i.e. obstacles, relative position, terrain

17 Any questions?

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