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©2012 William Holmes College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts Boston 1.

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Presentation on theme: "©2012 William Holmes College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts Boston 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2012 William Holmes College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts Boston 1


3  Margins Depend on Document  1inch around  1 inch sides, 1 ½ top and bottom  1 inch top, right, bottom; 1 ½ left  ¼ inch around 3

4  Single space  Double space  Trailing spaces  Preceding spaces  Trailing spaces  Heading spacing 4 Abcdefg Hijklmn opqrstuv

5  Contain common subject  Indented, no blank line preceding  Not indented, blank line preceding  5 space indents  2 space indents  Tab indents 5

6  Numeric superscripts  Parenthetical names and years  Symbol superscripts  Footer references  Endnote references 6

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