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Financial Markets Overview IEMS 326. Why this Lecture?  Goals: financial literacy financial numeracy  Will this be on the exam? Yes. Know definitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Markets Overview IEMS 326. Why this Lecture?  Goals: financial literacy financial numeracy  Will this be on the exam? Yes. Know definitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Markets Overview IEMS 326

2 Why this Lecture?  Goals: financial literacy financial numeracy  Will this be on the exam? Yes. Know definitions Primary vs. Secondary markets Stocks vs. Flows vs. Trades Know orders of magnitude, relative sizes. Market functions

3 Debt versus Budget  What’s bigger, the debt or deficit of the US? U.S. federal debt: over $11T U.S. federal deficit 2009: about $1½T  In general, distinguish among 3 things: stocks—e.g. how much has been invested? flows—an increase or decrease in stocks trades—exchanges of ownership  (may not affect the real economy)

4 Debt, Deficit, Bonds  The U.S. federal debt is a… stock—total amount borrowed  The U.S. federal deficit is a… flow—this year’s increase in the debt  When I buy a U.S. Treasury bond, it’s a… trade—if I buy it from you flow—if I buy it from the U.S. Treasury

5 Budgets  The U.S. federal budget is… about $3T about twice the U.S. federal deficit about $10K per person (population ~300M)  Illinois has population ~13M and its state budget is… about $50B about $4K per person

6 Budgets  The City of Evanston’s budget is… $191M about $2.5K per person (population ~75K)  Northwestern’s budget is… $1.6B about $100K per student (~16K students)

7 Values of Investments  What’s worth more, American Airlines or Northwestern’s endowment?  Our endowment: about $6B (~$400K/student)  American Airlines (AMR): market capitalization $2.1B = (# shares of stock)*(price of a share) = 333M shares * $6.33/share

8 Shareholding and Market Cap  If I buy 333 shares of American Airlines… a trade on the NYSE stock exchange …I’ll own 1 millionth of the corporation  If NU tries to buy all 333M shares… the price would probably go up  Market capitalization: valuation of the whole company based on small trades now.

9 Typical share prices  From $1 to $100s  Not too low… (penny stocks)  …or too high! Berkshire Hathaway

10 How to make money in stocks  buy low  sell high …or collect dividends  When the share price goes up, (trade) the company is more expensive shareholders are happy  real economy vs. financial trades

11 Primary&Secondary Equity Market  primary equity market: (flow) e.g. initial public offering (IPO) Google issued new shares sold them to investors for $30B invested $30B in cool stuff  secondary equity market (exchanges): (trade) $36.6T total shares and $$ change hands brokers get ¢ (~0.1% of value)

12 Bond Market  primary bond market: U.S. Treasury or G.E. borrows money by issuing bonds to investors  secondary bond market: bonds and $$$ change hands brokers get $ (1-2% value) trades: $1T/day

13 Global Bond Market  $80T oustanding (stock)  about $13K/person

14 Foreign Exchange Market  currency: trade $ for euros open 24/7  trades: about $3T/day about $500/person/day about $200K/person/year  purposes: international trade hedging speculation

15 Foreign Exchange Market

16 Commodities Markets  spot vs. futures  exchanges: CME/CBoT NYMEX, etc.  pork bellies 20 tons, frozen physical delivery  hedging, speculation

17 Derivatives

18 Backup slides

19 How companies make money  successful business projects… create positive earnings increase book value make it possible to pay higher dividends  real economy vs. financial trades

20 Bonds issued

21 Nationality of bond issuer

22 Nationality of bond holder

23 Government Bonds

24 Bond market

25 Foreign Exchange Market: What?

26 Foreign Exchange Market: Where?

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