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Conclusion Conclusion Mapping: Visual Mapping & Cognitive Mapping World Literatures in English andContinuation Relatedness to our World and Taiwan.

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Presentation on theme: "Conclusion Conclusion Mapping: Visual Mapping & Cognitive Mapping World Literatures in English andContinuation Relatedness to our World and Taiwan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conclusion Conclusion Mapping: Visual Mapping & Cognitive Mapping World Literatures in English andContinuation Relatedness to our World and Taiwan

2 WE ARE THE WORLD? - U.S.A. for Africa There comes a time when we need a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone, somehow will soon make a change We're all a part of God's great big family And the truth - you know love is all we need ( CHORUS ) We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me

3 What is Mapping and what is it for? Visual mapping – the authors and characters are not out of nowhere. Visual mapping Cognitive mapping – a way to manage your own knowledge and to locate oneself Cognitive mapping I: Contextualization & Artistic Concretization ContextualizationArtistic Concretization II. Major ThemesMajor Themes III. Self-LocationSelf-Location

4 Mapping India South Africa Caribbean Area

5 South Asia Lahore Shahjahanpur Kelara

6 News Today Political violence in a Pakistani election (Sunday January 12, 1:57 PM ) Nearly 700 dead as Bangladesh-India cold spell continues Source 37/1zzrw.html 37/1zzrw.html

7 South Africa: Map

8 News Today 不甘長期受屈辱 非洲婦女爭人權  (source)source Kenya: against family violence; Nigeria: 教導當 地青少女維護自己權利的啟蒙課程。奈及利亞女 性:以我個人來說 - 在我家和傳統上女孩必須行割 禮 (clitoridectomy ) 我很幸運很早就接觸到 - 女孩權 利啟蒙組織也就是在行割禮前所以當我面臨那個 時期時 史瓦濟蘭 (Swaziland) 國王恩史瓦帝三世

9 The Caribbean Islands & their migrants Canada The U.S. “Children of the Sea”; Fugees Annie John M. Cliff, B. Marley Wide Sargasso Sea Sugar Cane Alley England France

10 News Today Haitian president thanks Taiwan for airport link A highway linking the Haitian capital Port-au- Prince's international airport to the city's downtown district, which was completed with funds donated by Taiwan(donated more than US$8 million)  improve traffic conditions. (source: )

11 News Today Kingston, Jamaica, 資優班,班上超過六十 個學生中三分之二是女生 ; Reasons: 在牙買加,父親經常在家中缺席,男孩 被鼓勵在運動和音樂等課外活動,取得傑出的表 現。相對的他們在課業上的表現,就沒有那麼受 到關注。為了改善這樣的傳統造成男孩學習成積 上的落後,牙買加的學校會鼓勵學童邀請父親一 起來上課,甚至在某些日子,女學童不用上課, 只有男學生和他們的父親一起到校上課。

12 Cognitive mapping I the cultural specifics: (esp. in religions, gender and race/class relations) e.g. India: multiple religions (e.g. Ganesh) and languages, Caste system, purdah, e.g. South Africa: multiple languages; apartheid, “ cross-over ” styles in music (e.g. “ God Bless Africa ” : iscathamiya + missionary school music) e.g. the Caribbean: creolization, krik?krak!

13 Cognitive mapping I-2 Traveling and interchanges of cultures: Obeah – 1) African roots; 2) mixture of signs of Christianity and voodoo Caribbean Music – mixture of influences from Africa (drum, abeng) and the U.S. (e.g. reggae from New Orleans R&B); influences of slavery (Calypso) and capitalism.

14 Cognitive mapping I — example 1 “ Purdah ” Stands outside herself, or turns inward to look for a self for herself; “ Honour ” Moral constraints + romantic/sexual fantasies  lack of sympathy and reality checks “ Her Mother ” Housework  fragmentary thinking and writing; Limitations: in view of marriage and the “ foreigners ” Able to sympathize with her husband and her daughter.

15 Cognitive mapping I — example 2 “ The Body is the Country of Joy and of Pain ” “ joy ” in her imagination; loss of relations and one ’ s self; “ The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses ” “ [The prinson] makes a man contemplate all kinds of evil deeds. ” (71);

16 Cognitive mapping I-3: Art the artistic embodiment: e.g. the “ symbolic ” meanings of obeah (WSS and “ The Prophetess ” ) e.g. spatial metaphors, e.g. natural beings as metaphors e.g. Biblical allusions (WSS-garden, ) e.g. English sayings and words. Language

17 Cognitive mapping II-1: Central Themes Colonization, Systems of Inequality and Post- Colonial Resistance a. Colonization and Gender Colonial mentality: Need for expansion; Lack – in their mind, or of money. (Queen Isabella, Crusoe, Rochester, the jailer) Gender and colonization -- women ’ s role Creoles and Afrikans – don ’ t always have the power because of their “ white ” skin colors.

18 Cognitive mapping II-2: Central Themes b. Systems of Inequality in colonial society — Racial(government) hierarchy // gender hierarchy  minority women doubly victimized: e.g. (the mother) and the sweet sixteen in SB, Earth, the girl in Sugar Cane Alley, “ Children. ” Racial hierarchy criss-crossed with that of gender: e.g. Abeng Women ’ s responses: Sense of fatality (Antoinette) showing their power of survival and greater awareness: “ Amnesty ”

19 Cognitive mapping II-2: Central Themes c. Post-Colonial Resistance and identities Christophine ’ s criticism of Rochester; Antoinette ’ s “ dark journey home. ” Friday ’ s dance and flower ritual on the sea Susan Barton ’ s ceaseless attempts at communication and writing;

20 Cognitive mapping II-3 B. Children and Gender 1. Children ’ s growth and education (e.g. Clare and Zoe vs. Antoinette and Tia; Krishna vs. Jose; Vukani ( “ Violin ” ) vs. Jose; the boy in “ Prophetess ” vs. Antoinette) 2. Mother-daughter relationship C. Diaspora: Push and Pull forces; their Motherland Forced to leave or to go for a better life Mother and the past missed by Antoinette, and rejected by Annie. Lack of “ mother ” and Hong Kong seen upside down in Happy Together.

21 Continuation Continuation (I) Taiwanese counterparts; A. (de-)colonization: Does Taiwan succeed in constructing its own identity after the multiple colonization by Holland, Spain, Japan, the U.S. and under the neo-colonial powers of the U.S. and Japan? (e.g. 1. Japanese and American cololization: the stories by 黃春明; the films 《無言的山丘》、《無卵頭家》、 A Borrowed Life, City of Sadness, 、《太平天國》 (Bhadha Bless America) 、 2. KMT and White Terror: 《悲情城市》《超級大國民》 《匪諜大亨》 3. and so many other texts.)

22 Continuation Continuation (I) Taiwanese counterparts; B. cultural/national identity: What kinds of cultural identities do Taiwanese have? How are they different from the Chinese diaspora in the other parts in the world? Taiwan ’ s identities: Taiwan ’ s identities: 〈台灣奇蹟〉;張大春〈將軍碑〉、 〈四喜憂國〉;林燿德《高砂百合》 Immigrants: Immigrants: 《候鳥》 vs. 《春光乍洩》《浮生》 from Hong Kong to the States: 平路〈玉米田之死〉 、《三個女人的故 事》 vs. 《甜蜜蜜》、《愛在他鄉的季節》 Immigrants in Taiwan: Malaysians in Taiwan many novels such as 〈魚骸〉、 《望鄉》、《飛行城市》

23 Continuation Continuation (I) Taiwanese counterparts; C. gender and race: Orientalism. How have Taiwanese women suffered from the colonizers ‘ rape ( e.g. Comfort Women, 慰安婦), or from double victimization by both patriarchy and colonialism (李昂〈戴貞操帶的魔鬼〉《迷園》) ? How have Taiwanese women assert themselves against both? (平路 《行路天涯》) How about mainland Chinese women in Taiwan? Wives waiting for getting their citizenship; “ Some ” prostitutes seeing 收容所 as their temporary home.

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