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Nonparametric Techniques CJ 526 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonparametric Techniques CJ 526 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonparametric Techniques CJ 526 Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice

2 Parametric v. Nonparametric: Parametric 1. Parametric 1. Dependent Variable: 1. Interval/Ratio

3 Parametric v. Nonparamteric: Nonparametric 1. Nonparametric 1. Dependent Variable: 1. Nominal/ordinal

4 Uses of Nonparametric Techniques 1. Dependent Variable: 1.Nominal/ordinal

5 Nominal Level Data 1.One Sample 1.Chi-Square Test of Goodness of Fit, chisquare test of independence

6 Ordinal Level Data 1. Ranking 1. Less demanding 1. Easier to use

7 Information Derived From an Ordinal Scale 1. Provides information about the direction of difference between scores 1. Greater than, less than 3. Do not need absolute measurement to obtain ranks

8 Information Derived From an Ordinal Scale -- continued Can always convert scores to ranks

9 Mann-Whitney U Test 1. Nonparametric analogue of an Independent t-Test

10 Example 1. A hospital administrator supervisor to know whether gender has an effect on rank-ordered judgments of leadership ability.

11 Example -- continued 1. Number of samples: 2 2. Nature of samples: independent 3. σ Known: no 4. Independent Variable: gender

12 Example -- continued 5.Dependent Variable and its Level of Measurement: judgments of leadership ability 6. Target Population: hospital personnel 7. Inferential Statistical Technique: Mann Whitney

13 Example -- continued 8.H 0 : 1.Gender will have no effect on rank-ordered leadership ability 9.H 1 : 1.Gender will have an effect on rankings of leadership ability 10.Decision Rule: 1.If the p-value of the obtained test statistic is less than.05, reject the null hypothesis, two tailed test

14 Example -- continued 11.Obtained Test Statistic: z is used 1.Z = -3.811, p =.0003 12.Decision: reject the null hypothesis

15 Results Section n The results of the Mann-Whitney U Test involving gender as the independent variable and rank-ordered leadership ability as the dependent variable were statistically significant, z = -3.811, p <.001.

16 Discussion Section n It appears that males were ranked higher in terms of leadership ability than females

17 Mann-Whitney U Test and SPSS for Windows n Statistics, Nonparametric Tests,2 Independent Samples n Move DV to Test Variable list n Move IV to Grouping Variable n Define Groups n Make sure M-W is checked

18 Interpreting the Printout n Mean ranks n z-value (obtained test statistic) n 2-tailed p (p-value)

19 Sample Printout

20 Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test 1. Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test

21 Example n A social psychologist wants to know whether males and females matched for physical attractiveness will be ranked differently in terms of leadership ability.

22 Example -- continued 1. Number of Samples: 2 2. Nature of Samples: dependent, matched 3. σ Known: no 4. Independent Variable: gender

23 Example -- continued 5.Dependent Variable and its Level of Measurement: rankings of leadership ability 6.Target Population: general population 7.Inferential Statistical Technique: 1.Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test

24 Example -- continued 8. H 0 : 1.Gender will have no effect on rank-ordered leadership ability 9. H 1 : 1.Gender will have an effect on rank-ordered leadership ability 10. Decision Rule: 1.If the p-value of the obtained test statistic is less than.05, reject the null hypothesis

25 Example -- continued 11.Obtained Test Statistic: 1.Z= -2.7724, p =.006 12.Decision:

26 Results Section 1. The results of the Wilcoxon Matched- Pairs Signed-Ranks Test involving gender as the independent variable and rank- ordered leadership ability as the dependent variable were statistically significant, z = - 2.7724, p <.01.

27 Discussion n It appears that when matched on physical attractiveness, males are ranked higher than females on leadership ability.

28 Wilcoxon Test and SPSS for Windows n Statistics, Nonparametric Tests, 2 Related Samples n Move pair of variables n Make sure W is checked

29 Interpreting the Printout n Mean ranks n z (obtained test statistic) n 2-tailed p (p-value)

30 Sample Printout

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