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KSG/OSP INFORMATION SESSION Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:00 a.m. to Noon – Land Hall Welcome from KSG & OSP KSG Proposals and Awards: Overview and Trends.

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Presentation on theme: "KSG/OSP INFORMATION SESSION Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:00 a.m. to Noon – Land Hall Welcome from KSG & OSP KSG Proposals and Awards: Overview and Trends."— Presentation transcript:

1 KSG/OSP INFORMATION SESSION Thursday, July 28, 2005 10:00 a.m. to Noon – Land Hall Welcome from KSG & OSP KSG Proposals and Awards: Overview and Trends KSG Proposal Review Process OSP Roles & Responsibilities OSP Proposal Review Process Negotiation of Awards Account Set-Up Post Award – Key Points

2 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS FY02-FY05 OVERVIEW OVERVIEWFY02FY03FY04FY05 PIs72617260 Prospectively Processed Proposals 101 50% 108 63% 106 65% 74 62% Retrospectively Processed Proposals 103 50% 63 37% 57 35% 45 38% TOTAL PROPOSALS 204171163119

3 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS FY02-FY05 OVERVIEW BY CENTER FY02FY03FY04FY05 Ash -- 3% BCSIA 12% 13%13% Carr --1%2%4% CBG 15%20%11%13% CID 10%8%6%9% CPL 1%2% 3% Exec. Programs 13%4%12%7% Hauser 6%9%10%8% Shorenstein -- 1%3% Taubman 8%10%11%15% WAPPP 7%--1% Wiener 16%20% 16% Unaffiliated PIs 7%13%9%4% “Other” 4%1% TOTAL PROPOSALS 204171163119

4 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS FY02-FY05 OVERVIEW BY SPONSOR TYPE FY02FY03FY04FY05 Federal 52 25% 63 37% 58 36% 54 45% Non-Federal 152 75% 108 63% 105 64% 65 55% TOTAL PROPOSALS 204171163119

5 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS FY02-FY05 OVERVIEW BY INDIRECT COST RATE FY02FY03FY04FY05 <20% 48%36%39%36% 20% 29%32%24% 26% (Federal Off-Campus) 5%2%4%6% 29% (Federal Other Activity) 2%3%4%7% 63%, 64% (Federal On-Campus) 21%26%18%24% “Other” 4%3% TOTAL PROPOSALS 204171163119

6 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS Items Likely to Complicate Review Common Problems  Last-minute proposals;  Lack of editing/proofreading by preparer;  Inattention to University and sponsor budget guidelines, requirements, and instructions;  Insufficient information provided to RAO/OSP, e.g., a copy of the program announcement or other instructions.

7 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS Items Likely to Complicate Review Missing Items  Subcontract institution participation without documentation of institutional commitment;  Human subjects approval or exemption;  Cost sharing form;  Administrative salaries checklist;  Conflict of interest form;  Approval of appropriate Dean(s) for faculty participation from other Harvard Schools;  Review by the KSG Faculty Committee on Projects and Proposals (FCOPP).

8 KSG SPONSORED PROPOSALS Items Likely to Complicate Review Budget Issues  Overhead shortfall (<20% ) issue not addressed and resolved;  Incorrect fringe benefit rates;  Inconsistencies between budget and budget justification/lack of budget justification or detail.

9 ResearchCentral – KSG Research Administration Office (RAO) Online

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