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Electrical Overview HC08 Motor Controller Motor Controller Motor Controller.

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2 Electrical Overview HC08 Motor Controller Motor Controller Motor Controller

3 Software Overview Depth Control depth equal to 30? Ascend Start Surface Water Present in hull? No Yes No depth Greater than 30? descend Yes No Yes SET_DEPTH: SEI ; LDAA M1_CTRL BPL SD_M1_DIVE ; BCLR PORTT,%00000001 NEGA ; BRA SD_M1_CONT SD_M1_DIVE: BSET PORTT,%00000001 SD_M1_CONT: TSTA ; BNE SD_M1_SETSPEED INCA SD_M1_SETSPEED: LDAB #PWM_STEP ; MUL STD M1_PWM_DCYCLE ; ; --- LDAA M2_CTRL BPL SD_M2_FORW ;must be negative BSET PORTT,%00000100 ;( NEGA BRA SD_M2_CONT SD_M2_FORW: BCLR PORTT,%00000100 ;( SD_M2_CONT: TSTA BNE SD_M2_SETSPEED INCA SD_M2_SETSPEED: LDAB #PWM_STEP MUL STD M2_PWM_DCYCLE CLI ;

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