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Stress Management Chapter 12.2. What Causes You Stress Make a list of things in your life that cause stress….discuss with your table group Let’s hear.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress Management Chapter 12.2. What Causes You Stress Make a list of things in your life that cause stress….discuss with your table group Let’s hear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress Management Chapter 12.2

2 What Causes You Stress Make a list of things in your life that cause stress….discuss with your table group Let’s hear what you all had to say… Can someone else’s problems cause you stress? HOW

3 Reality Matters DVD Stress and Anxiety Watch the video and write down at least 5 points that you found interesting OR new information that you had not heard before Once video is over, turn in for points

4 Stress Definition: Common reaction to change and problems

5 I. Causes of Stress Many everyday situations cause stress Examples: Being late Misplacing a textbook Getting caught in traffic Difficult working conditions Strained relationships Family problems

6 II. Positive Side of Stress? Stress can get you motivated to do something positive Examples: “I work best under pressure” Some athletes perform their best under pressure “Positive stress is like a wind-up toy, it puts you in motion and keeps you going.”

7 III. Stress Overload Can cause both physical and mental illness Even though winding the toy will make it go, winding it TOO much will break the spring.

8 What Stress Feels Like… Irritable or depressed Pounding heart Rash Impulsive behavior Emotionally unstable Inability to make decisions Urge to cry Unable to concentrate Weakness/dizziness Appetite loss or overeating Menstrual problems Neck and back pain Can’t sleep or sleep too much Headaches ……………………Just to name a few………………………………………..

9 IV. Stress Management Techniques that will help you cope responsibly and comfortably with the demands of life Step One: Recognizing stress signals: headaches, tension, nail biting, urge to cry nightmares, impulsive behaviors, etc. Step Two: Limiting stress in your life: maintain good health and manage you life well

10 Step III Reacting to stress: 1.Put events in perspective 2.Use your support system 3.Take appropriate action 4.Release emotions 5.Use positive self talk

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