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Relational Model CS 157A Prof. Sin-Min Lee By Truc Truong.

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Presentation on theme: "Relational Model CS 157A Prof. Sin-Min Lee By Truc Truong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relational Model CS 157A Prof. Sin-Min Lee By Truc Truong

2 What is Relational Model?   Relational model is most widely used data model for commercial data-processing. The reason it’s used so much is, because it’s simple and easy to maintain.   The model is based on a collection of tables. Users of the database can create tables, insert new tables or modify existing tables. There are several languages for database programming. SQL, Oracle, etc.

3 History of Relational Modeling  Introduced by Ted Codd in 1970  Ted Codd was an IBM Researcher  Laid the foundation for database theory  Many database concepts & products based on his model

4 Relational Model Basic The relational model gives us a single way to represent data: as a two- dimensional table called a relation.  Attributes  Schemas  Tuples  Domains  Equivalent Representations of a Relation

5 Attributes Attribute TitleYearLength Star Wars 1977124 Might Ducks 1991104 Wayne’s World 199295 Attributes of a relation serve as names for the columns of the relation. Usually, an attribute describes the meaning of entries in the column below. Table = relation. Column headers = attributes.

6 Schemas  The name of a relation and the set of attributes for a relation is called a schema.  We show the schema for the relation with the relation name followed by a parenthesized list of its attributes.  Relation schema = name(attributes) + other structure info., e.g., keys, other constraints.  Order of attributes is arbitrary, but in practice we need to assume the (standard) order given in the relation schema.  Relational database schema = collection of relation schemas.  So the schema for previous slide is Movies (title, year, length) Movies (title, year, length)

7 Database Schema  DataBase Schema Logical View of the DatabaseLogical View of the Database  Database Instance A view of data in database at anytime.A view of data in database at anytime.  Relation Schema Corresponds to the programming language concept of type definitionCorresponds to the programming language concept of type definition E.g. JavaE.g. Java  String movie = “Spiderman”;  Relation Instance Corresponds to the programming-language concept of the value of a variable E.g. Java   String movie = “Spiderman”;

8 Tuples Tuple TitleYearLength Star Wars 1977124 Might Ducks 1991104 Wayne’s World 199295  The rows of a relation, other than the header row containing The attribute names are called tuples.  A tuple has one component for each attribute of the relation.

9 Domains  Each attribute of a relation is associated with a particular elementary type called domain.  The components of any tuple of the relation must have, in each component, a value that belongs to the domain of the corresponding column.  Example: with title string is associatedwith title string is associated with year integer is associatedwith year integer is associated

10 Equivalent Representations of a Relation  Schemas are sets of attributes (not lists).  Tuples are sets of components (not lists).  Instances are sets of tuples (not lists)   After permutation of rows and columns the relations remains the same! (permute values and attributes)

11 Equivalent Representations of a Relation cont.  Formal notion of a tuple= a function {attributes}  {values} title  Star Warstitle  Star Wars year  1977year  1977 length  121length  121 filmType  colorfilmType  color  (Star Wars, 1977, 121,color) and (1977, 121,color, Star Wars) are the same object.

12 TitleYearLength Star Wars 1977124 Mighty Ducks 1991104 Wayne’s World 199295 YearLengthTitle1977124 Star Wars 1991104 Mighty Ducks 199295 Wayne’s World Original Relation Modified Relation

13 A 1 A 2 A 3... A n a 1 a 2 a 3 a n b 1 b 2 a 3 c n a 1 c 2 b 3 b n. x 1 v 2 d 3 w n Relational Data Model: summary  Set theoretic  Domain — set of values  like a data type  Cartesian product (or product)  D1  D2 ...  Dn  n-tuples (V1,V2,...,Vn)  s.t., V1  D1, V2  D2,...,Vn  Dn Relation=subset of cartesian product of one or more domainsRelation=subset of cartesian product of one or more domains  FINITE only; empty set allowed Tuples = members of a relation inst.Tuples = members of a relation inst. Arity = number of domainsArity = number of domains Components = values in a tupleComponents = values in a tuple Domains — corresp. with attributesDomains — corresp. with attributes Cardinality = number of tuplesCardinality = number of tuples Relation as table Rows = tuples Columns = components Names of columns = attributes Relation name + set of attribute names= schema REL (A 1,A 2,...,A n ) Arity CardinalityCardinality Attributes Component Tuple

14 Schema versus Instance  DB instances change continuously (e.g., movies are added, deleted, changed,…)  The schema is stable (attributes change almost never)  A RDB instance is the set of tuples that are ‘now’ in the DB  When designing the DB only the schema is important (=the structure of the data/DB)  We only imagine typical instances to help us with the design  Intentional level: schema  Extensional level: instances

15 E/R Diagrams to Relational Designs Creation of a DB:  Design phase (on “paper”, which information, relationships, constraints, …)  Implementation phase (real RDBMS)  It is “easier” to start from ODL or E/R and later convert to RM RM has only one concept (relation)RM has only one concept (relation) E/R and ODL have complementary concepts and are more flexible (constraints, …)E/R and ODL have complementary concepts and are more flexible (constraints, …)  Converting E/R design to a relational database schema: Turn each entity set into a relation with the same set of attributesTurn each entity set into a relation with the same set of attributes Replace a relationship by a relation whose attributes are the keys for the connected entity set.Replace a relationship by a relation whose attributes are the keys for the connected entity set. *Weak entity sets cannot be translated straightforwardly to relations *”Isa” relationships and subclasses require careful treatment.

16 Relational Design cont.  Design in ODL or E/R (schema+constraints)  implementation in a RDBMS  Simplest approach (not always best): convert each ODL class or E/R entity set to a relation and each relationship to a relation. Class/Entity Set  Relation Relationship  Relation

17 From Entity Sets to Relations  An entity set that is not weak, is translated into a relation with the same name and attributes.  E.g., Movie(title, year, length, filmType) Star(name, address) or Star(name, street, city) title year lengthname address name address Studios StarMovies Owns Stars-in filmType

18 From E/R Relationships to Relations E/R relationships are also translated to relations: 1. For each entity set involved in R, take key attribute(s) as part of schema 2. If the relationship has attributes, add them to the schema  If an entity set appears more than once in a relationship, rename its attributes to avoid doubles and for clarity!  E.g., Owns(title, year, studioName) title year lengthname address name address StudiosStarMovies Owns Stars-in filmType

19 Relationships to Relation cont.  If an entity set appears more than once in a relationship, rename its attributes to avoid doubles! name  E.g., Contracts(title,year,starName, studioOfStar,producingStudio) Star Movies Contracts Studio Producing studio Studio of star

20 Handling Weak Entity Set If there is a weak entity sets W we do the following differently:  Attributes of W plus key attributes of other entity sets that contribute to the key of W (double-diamond; many-one).  Any relationship in which W appears must use as a key for W all of its attributes including those of the other entity sets that contribute to W’s key  Double-diamond relationships from W to another entity set do not need to be converted (this information is already in the relation for W).

21 Studios(name, address) Crews(number,studioName) Unit-of(number,studioName,name)  Unit-of(number,name) are the same (many-one!) are the same (many-one!) (Disney crew #3, Disney)  (3, Disney, Disney) name Studios number address Unit-ofCrews

22 Contracts(starName, studioName, title, year, salary) Relations for Movie-of, Star-of and Studio-of are superfluous… Movies Studios StarsContracts Star-of salary titleyear name length address filmType StarOf ContractsMovieOf Studio Of Stars

23 Converting Subclass Structures to Relations Differences between E/R and ODL:  In ODL: an object belongs to exactly one class. It inherits properties from superclass.  In E/R: an object may belong to several entity sets related by isa.

24 Structures to Relations cont.  Every subclass has its own relation  It has all properties of this subclass including inherited properties  E.g., Movie(title,year,length,filmType,studioName,starName)Cartoon(title,year,length,filmType,StudioName,starName, voice) MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType,StudioName,starN ame,weapon)MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType,StudioName,starN ame,weapon) Cartoon-MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType,Cartoon-MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType, StudioName,starName,voice, weapon)

25 An Object-Oriented Approach A hierarchy is populated by entities related by isa’s.  No relation is created for the isa relationship.  For each entity set, a separate relation with its own attributes plus key attributes of related attribute sets. Bugs Bunny title length Movies Cartoons isa year filmType Voices Murder- Mysteries isa weapon

26 Differences between E/R and ODL:  In ODL: all properties of an object together in one relation; we have to search 4 relations to find a movie object! Movie(title,year,length,filmType,studioName,starName )  Cartoon(title,year,length,filmType,StudioName, starName,voice)  MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType,StudioNam e,starName,weapon)  Cartoon-MurderMystery(title,year,length,filmType, StudioName,starName,voice,weapon)

27 Differences between E/R and ODL:  In E/R: a key of an entity is repeated once for every entity set and relationship it belongs to (scattered information).

28 Using Null Values to Combine Relations  ODL: Information of a hierarchy can be given in one relation  NULL = “there is no appropriate value for this attribute”  E.g., Movie(title,year,length,filmType,StudioName, starName,voice, weapon)

29 References  Jeff Ullman and Jennifer Widom, A First Course in Database systems. 2nd edition, Prentice Hall. Jennifer WidomJennifer Widom  Prof. Lee “Relation Model” Presentation  080/ch3_4.ppt  cture2.ppt

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