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Adventures in Namespace Hell Rick Suiter ACE104. Homework 2 Problem Statement.

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1 Adventures in Namespace Hell Rick Suiter ACE104

2 Homework 2 Problem Statement

3 What HW2 XML looked like: content more content

4 But it Would Not Validate!

5 What would XMLSpy Do?

6 Homework 3: Build WSDL for HW 2 I wanted to import the existing schemas into the WSDL (Reuse, and less work) But refused to recognize my schemas Message was generally something like: Could not solve name 'MortgageResults' from namespace {} to a defined schema element.

7 What was Wrong? XMLSpy had not generated elementFormDefault="qualified" One of my child schemas was the one with the “null” namespace prefix still won’t let me import it I did get the other child to import after I basically “in-lined” the highest level schema

8 Lessons Learned Bite the bullet: different XMLs deserve different namespaces Don’t be seduced by their apparent similarities into trying to use just one Give all your input XMLs prefixed namespaces Your one output could use the default

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