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Superconducting Flux Qubits: Coherence, Readout, and Coupling
Britton L. T. Plourde Syracuse University with: T. L. Robertson, T. Hime, S. Linzen, P. A. Reichardt, C.-E. Wu, John Clarke, K. Birgitta Whaley, J. Zhang, Frank Wilhelm (LMU München) University of California, Berkeley Thank you: Patrice Bertet, Michel Devoret, Daniel Esteve, Kees Harmans, John Martinis, Robert McDermott, Hans Mooij, Rob Schoelkopf, Dale Van Harlingen, Denis Vion ISEC September 6, 2005
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Nielsen and Chuang, 2000
Quantum computing Quantum Computer: composed of quantum bits = qubits Potentially able to solve problems intractable or slow on classical computer Factoring large numbers Fast database searches Simulation of quantum systems To build a quantum computer, need many qubits with long coherence times Architectures with solid-state qubits on a chip provide a route to scalability Need interactions between qubits to generate entanglement Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Nielsen and Chuang, 2000
Roadmap Introduction Implementation Decoherence Scalability Coupling
Variety of superconducting qubits Principle of flux qubit Implementation Fabrication and measurement techniques Spectroscopy and quantum coherent manipulation Decoherence Relaxation and dephasing Sources of decoherence Optimization of readout to reduce decoherence Improving coherence at symmetry points Scalability Coupling Direct coupling with fixed interaction SQUID-based controllable coupling scheme
Superconducting qubits
Low intrinsic dissipation in superconductor Josephson junctions provide nonlinearity Phase Charge Flux Berkeley, Delft, Jena, Kansas, MIT, NTT, Rome, Stony Brook, Syracuse Kansas, Maryland, NIST, UCSB Chalmers, NEC, Saclay, Yale
Consider superconducting loop interrupted by Josephson junction
Flux qubit Consider superconducting loop interrupted by Josephson junction Total flux
One junction flux qubit
Inductive energy of qubit loop Josephson energy of qubit junction Charging energy of qubit junction capacitance *Lowest two energy levels separated by energy
Flux qubit with dc SQUID readout
Three-junction flux qubit [Mooij et al., Science 285, 1036 (1999)] Reduced sensitivity to fabrication asymmetries; allows arbitrarily small loop inductances Microwave pulses to drive transitions Readout with switching dc SQUID Switching level of dc SQUID depends on total flux coupled to SQUID
Fabrication of qubit and SQUID
E-beam lithography, Al-AlOx-Al double-angle evaporation Delft design Berkeley design 2 qubits with on-chip flux lines: Lq = 150 pH, Mqf ≈ 3 pH Qubit junctions Qubit junctions SQUID junction AuCu quasiparticle traps Qubit 2 Two independently-controlled flux lines for biasing SQUID and qubits Qubit 1 200 nm SQUID junctions 175 x 200 nm2, I0 ≈ 0.23 μA, Cj ≈ 6.4 fF 35 μm *Microwaves applied with superconducting coax with φ ~ 1 mm short at end, ~ 3 mm above chip
Measurement configuration
*Dilution refrigerator *Extensive filtering and shielding SQUID/qubit chip 87 mm Pb plating, also in chamber lid Microwave coax *Expect transverse cavity resonance around 6.7 GHz
Qubit excitation and state readout
Coherent manipulation of qubit state
Need ability to generate any arbitrary superposition. Visualize state of spin-1/2 particle in static magnetic field B0 on Bloch sphere:
Roadmap Introduction Implementation Decoherence Scalability Coupling
Variety of superconducting qubits Principle of flux qubit Implementation Fabrication and measurement techniques Spectroscopy and quantum coherent manipulation Decoherence Relaxation and dephasing Sources of decoherence Optimization of readout to reduce decoherence Improving coherence at symmetry points Scalability Coupling Direct coupling with fixed interaction SQUID-based controllable coupling scheme
Estimates of decoherence
Qubit decoherence can be related to noise in the environment coupled to qubit. Relaxation of non-thermal distribution. Decay rate of resonance peaks Dephasing caused by impedance both at level splitting and zero frequency. Width of resonance peaks
Ramsey fringe measurement of dephasing
Spin echo sequence *Fit echo envelope for each
*Extract echo fringe amplitude and plot against corresponding pulse separation of echo peak
Sources of decoherence in flux qubits
Remedy Microwave circuit Flux bias SQUID bias circuitry Junction 1/f noise & defect states Local flux noise, e.g. motion of vortices in nearby traces *with careful thermalization of coax, = not a problem (T1, T2 > 1 ms) *weaken coupling to qubit (need larger critical currents for flux bias traces) *operate at qubit symmetry point *weaken coupling to qubit (need to compensate with enhanced readout sensitivity) *alternative readout techniques *operate at SQUID symmetry point (Delft, Saclay, Yale) *For useful qubit, want *improvements in materials for junction tunnel barrier to reduce defect density (Delft, UCSB, NIST) *operate at qubit symmetry point
Readout improvements Narrow SQUID escape distribution by: or
Lowering temperature Adding damping across SQUID junctions Increase effective mass of SQUID junctions RC-shunts or C-shunts across each junction Robertson, Plourde et al. PRB, 72, (2005) or C-shunt across entire SQUID Chiorescu, Nature 431, 159 (2004)
Alternative readout techniques
Inherent dissipation in standard switching readout contributes to decoherence Inductive readout *Josephson inductance of SQUID LJ depends on flux, even for Ib < Ic *Detect change in LJ for two different states of qubit Lupascu et al. PRL, 93, (2004) Other promising non-dissipative readouts: *Josephson bifurcation amplifier [Siddiqi et al., PRL 94, (2005)] *circuit-QED [Wallraff et al., Nature 431, 162 (2004)]
Protection at symmetry points
(1) manipulation of qubit state at degeneracy point -- protection against flux noise *need flux offset following manipulation for measurable flux difference between ground and excited states *use pulse to shift and offset total qubit flux bias (2) operation at symmetry point of readout SQUID -- protection against noise from readout circuitry and SQUID asymmetry *adjust to give Bertet, et al. cond-mat/ \nu vs \Phi_Q plot
Roadmap Introduction Implementation Decoherence Scalability Coupling
Variety of superconducting qubits Principle of flux qubit Implementation Fabrication and measurement techniques Spectroscopy and quantum coherent manipulation Decoherence Relaxation and dephasing Sources of decoherence Optimization of readout to reduce decoherence Improving coherence at symmetry points Scalability Coupling Direct coupling with fixed interaction SQUID-based controllable coupling scheme
Scalable biasing scheme
Operate at arbitrary to adjust SQUID sensitivity Vary while maintaining fixed Set separately for ith qubit With multiple on-chip flux bias lines driven by independent current sources, possible to combine biases to address multiple qubits and SQUIDs Add additional flux bias line and current source for each new element *Plourde et al., PRB 72, (R) (2005)
Controllable coupling of qubits
Need qubit-qubit interaction to generate entanglement, for example, singlet state For flux qubits, natural interaction is through the flux. For example, screening flux of qubit 1 changes the flux bias of qubit 2. Thus interaction has the form The generalized Hamiltonian with this interaction is given by For coupling via the mutual inductance Mqq of the two qubits, K is fixed at Fixed coupling complicates the implementation of an entangling gate. New proposed scheme enables one to vary both the magnitude and sign of K: in particular, K can be made zero.
Circulating current in dc SQUID vs. applied flux (T = 0)
Variable flux qubit coupling using dc SQUID
When Qubit 2 changes state, circulating current reverses direction, coupling flux to the SQUID. The change in circulating current J is In turn, ΔJ couples a flux to Qubit 1 in addition to the directly coupled flux: The net coupling strength K is thus Thus, one can use the same SQUID to vary K and to read out the flux state of the qubits. *Plourde et al., PRB 70, (R) (2004)
Progress and remaining challenges
Controlled manipulation of flux qubit state achieved Promising techniques for improving coherence times Demonstration of scalable biasing scheme New proposed scheme for controllable coupling
Peak width measurement of dephasing
A. Abragam, The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism. Strong-driving limit Weak-driving limit
Entangling operation with variable coupling
For feasible parameters: When combined with appropriate single qubit rotations with K = 0, a single pulse of current can generate the CNOT gate in 29 ns. Qubit states can be determined immediately afterwards with a larger Ib pulse to measure SQUID critical current without changing the static flux. Pulse parameters can be adjusted to compensate for both crosstalk terms and finite risetime of Ib pulse. CNOT
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