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FGCU Sport Clubs Financial Training Fall 2011. Today’s Agenda O Duties of a Treasurer O Types of Accounts O Funding & Access to Funds O Purchasing & Reimbursements.

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Presentation on theme: "FGCU Sport Clubs Financial Training Fall 2011. Today’s Agenda O Duties of a Treasurer O Types of Accounts O Funding & Access to Funds O Purchasing & Reimbursements."— Presentation transcript:

1 FGCU Sport Clubs Financial Training Fall 2011

2 Today’s Agenda O Duties of a Treasurer O Types of Accounts O Funding & Access to Funds O Purchasing & Reimbursements O How to: Making Travel Arrangements O Fundraising & Donations

3 Duties of a Treasurer O Complete any purchasing forms O Track funds for all club accounts O Make deposits O Work with team to develop budget request

4 Types of Accounts O Cash Account O Fundraised by club O A&S Account O University funded O Off Campus Account O Fundraised by club

5 Cash Account O Used for depositing fundraising money O Where checks made out to “FGCU (club name)” can be deposited O Making a Deposit O Cash Account Deposit Log O Submitted at Cashier’s Window O Club treasurer required to sign off

6 A&S Account O Two ways to receive A&S funding: O Annual A&S Budget Request - allocated by the SCC Budgetary Committee each Spring O Senate Bill - funding requests for unforeseen costs in the middle of the year O SCC Budgetary Committee O Headed by the Treasurer of the SCC Exec O Coordinator approves final budgets O Budget hearings are in Spring 2012 (for funding during 2012-2013) O Unused funds are swept at the end of each fiscal year (June 30)

7 Outside Bank Accounts O Sport Clubs are permitted to have one O Still subject to FGCU Sport Club policies and disciplinary procedures O Regulations O Must not use the University’s name, tax identification number, any FGCU address or department name in conjunction with the account O Alcohol shall not be purchased from the account under any circumstances. *** Any individual who opens an outside bank account under their name must declare that account on their individual tax return. ***

8 Funding Access O What can we use this money for? O Entry fees, travel costs, uniforms, equipment O Items purchased with A&S funds can’t be personalized O How do I access our club’s money? O ANGEL for account balances O Purchase Requests & Reimbursements

9 Checking Your Account Balance O ANGEL O View up-to-date account balances O See transaction details O Link to forms on Sport Clubs website O View calendar with SCC meetings, deadlines & events


11 Purchase Requests O Payment Types O University Check O 2-3 weeks O University Credit Card O 5 business days O Purchase Order O 2-3 weeks

12 Reimbursements O Club officers and members can make purchases out of their personal account and get reimbursed O Reimbursement is not guaranteed by the Sport Club Office O No money in your account = no reimbursement O No tax can be reimbursed

13 Fuel Reimbursements O Sport Clubs Mileage log O Must be submit with reimbursement form O Include original receipts O Governed by University finance policy O No receipts or log = no fuel reimbursement

14 Forms O FINANCES O Treasurer Forms O Annual Funding Application 2011-2012 Annual Funding Application 2011-2012 O Annual Funding Guidelines & Instructions 11-12 Annual Funding Guidelines & Instructions 11-12 O Cash Account Deposit Log Cash Account Deposit Log O Purchase Request Form Purchase Request Form O Reimbursement Form Reimbursement Form O Vendor Forms O Independent Contractor Form Independent Contractor Form O Open Records Statement Open Records Statement O W-9 Form W-9 Form Example Payment

15 Travel How To’s O Booking Flights O Reserving Hotels O Renting a Vehicle

16 Travel How To’s O Booking Flights O 10+ passengers: O Team officer must contact the airline to secure a group rate O Submit quote/contract with purchase request O Less than 10 passengers: O Team officer may submit desired flight information with Purchase Request O Submit a complete roster of all persons traveling

17 Travel How To’s O Reserving Hotels O Step 1: A team officer makes reservations on their own credit card; obtain a credit card authorization form from the hotel O Step 2: Sport Clubs Office will submit the authorization form O Step 3: Hotel will switch the pending charges to the University credit card, instead of the officer’s card

18 Travel How To’s O Renting a Vehicle O Include quote for the rental price with your Purchase Request (Enterprise preferred) O Include a copy of the driver’s license in order to speed up check in when you arrive at your destination

19 Life of a Purchase Request O Step 1: Submit Paperwork O include all necessary details/documents O signatures of President & Treasurer O Step 2: Approval Process O signature of Coordinator O SCC treasurer checks for finance code compliance O Step 3: Sent to Purchaser O Procurement handles checks, PO’s reimbursements O Sport Clubs staff handles credit card purchases

20 Payment Tips O Complete the form O No really. All of it. O Plan ahead! O Make sure payment deadlines are met O Always include an invoice O If not an invoice, anything that states the price & vendor

21 Fundraising O Teams required to fundraise a certain % of annual A&S allocation O Fundraising completion form must be submitted for credit

22 Donations O Monetary O NOT tax deductible - goes to your cash account O Becomes property of team O Equipment O Tax deductible through the FGCU Foundation O Becomes property of Campus Rec

23 Questions? O Sport Clubs Office Located in the Campus Rec Modular, between the Aquatics Center & Varsity Soccer Complex O Email :: sportclubs O Phone :: 239-590-1420 O Website ::

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