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Toro Estates is built upon a terrace of Toro Creek. The Terrace gets flooded once every few decades…note fresh flood gravels above paleosol Smith (2-7-03)

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Presentation on theme: "Toro Estates is built upon a terrace of Toro Creek. The Terrace gets flooded once every few decades…note fresh flood gravels above paleosol Smith (2-7-03)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Toro Estates is built upon a terrace of Toro Creek. The Terrace gets flooded once every few decades…note fresh flood gravels above paleosol Smith (2-7-03)

2 Toro Creek terraces are numerous…screaming of sporadic base-level adjustment A terrace is an abandoned floodplain…a relict surface left after channel incision through knick-point migration 2 3 At least two more low terraces exist next to modern floodplain 1 Smith (2-7-03)

3 The latest knick point seen below migrating up valley, leaving another abandoned floodplain high and dry Recently abandoned floodplain Plunge-pool at base of steep riffle

4 Leading edge of knick point shown in previous slide Smith (2-7-03)

5 Tall, eroding banks left after knick point passed by Smith (2-7-03) Bank sloughing changes clean sand substrate to mud

6 Recently abandoned floodplain left after knick point migrated past this reach Smith (2-7-03)

7 terrace New floodplain New valley margin Smith (2-7-03)

8 Valley bottom or “floodplain” Bankfull channel Three Channels of Toro Creek Low-flow channel Smith (2-7-03) Alluvial channels commonly develop three channels, each serving a key role in channel stability and ecosystem vitality

9 Sinuous pattern in Toro Creek Smith (2-7-03) Jeff Summers measuring belt width, meander length, radius of curvature, and sinuosity

10 Hofmann & Huntington measure radius of curvature in a disturbed reach m c Rc = c 2 /8m + m/2 Smith (2-7-03)

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