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Rethinking Banking Armendariz – Morduch (Chap. 1) Week 1 Lecture 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Rethinking Banking Armendariz – Morduch (Chap. 1) Week 1 Lecture 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rethinking Banking Armendariz – Morduch (Chap. 1) Week 1 Lecture 2

2 Structure of this class Credit: An Overview Demand side Supply side Credit Constraints Through the Lens Of Neoclassical Theory Justifying Intervention Interventions via Development Banks Conclusion: The Microfinance Way of Looking at Interventions

3 Credit: An Overview


5 Demand side

6 Supply side

7 Neoclassical theory

8 Two reasons why this may not happen




12 Classical example: Irfan Aleem (1990): 78% in Pakistan

13 Justifying Intervention Two reasons: 1) Efficiency and 2) Distribution

14 Justifying Interventions In Microfinance Against a background where interventions in credit markets could not be justified neither on efficiency nor on re-distributive grounds Microfinance: GLJR  lower “agency costs”  affordable interest rates  subsidies to disseminate the GLJR Infant industry argument Technical assistance for lowering “transaction costs” Increased competition via “smart subsidies”  Next class: A-M (Chapter 2)

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