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Augmented Memory Remembering and Forgetting By: Rachel McNeely.

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Presentation on theme: "Augmented Memory Remembering and Forgetting By: Rachel McNeely."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augmented Memory Remembering and Forgetting By: Rachel McNeely

2 More info at : Topics Covered What it is? Example of Augmented Memory Current Studies - My Life Bits Positives V's Risks

3 More info at : What is Augmented Memory? Augment - To make (something already developed or well under way) greater, as in size, extent, or quantity But what is it? Is it a device or what is it? Augmented memory is a new medium. Used to collect and store ‘digital life’. Record of everything they experience in their day.

4 More info at : What is Augmented Memory? “Your cinematic deathbed flashback will already be uploaded to your hard drive.” Scheeres 2002 Library is filled with books Human memory is filled with a persons autobiographical memories

5 More info at : Examples Automatically record / Users control Memex – Bush 1945 “A memex is a device in which an individual stores all his books, records and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility. It is an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory.” The Teddy – Turn Signals Don Norman

6 More info at : Electronic Diary Digital Photo Browser – Philips Research Supports browsing, searching and sharing of digital photos in the home environment. The Rememberance Agent – Starner  Writing a paper - suggest relevant references  Reading email and scheduling an appointment - suggest relevant constraints  Holding a conversation with a colleague at a conference – relevant associations based on the notes the user is taking Examples

7 More info at : Current Studies in Augmented Memory Nice2CU: Managing a Persons Augmented Memory Graduate school of Informaion Science – Japan Example: exchanging a business card MyLifeBits Microsoft Research Project Co–led Gordan Bell and Jim Gemmell

8 More info at : My Life Bits “A lifetime store of everything” Total Recall Book - Total Recall launched September 2009 Jim Gemmell Microsoft Researcher Gordon Bell Microsoft Researcher Gordan Bells Homepage

9 More info at : “Life Logging not Life Blogging” “Not a product but a proof of concept” Where it came from Guttenberb Project / Million book project “One day we will be able to record everything we have heard and seen” Bill Gates 1995 Gordans want to become paperless back in 1999 My Life Bits

10 More info at : My Life Bits - Total Recall Intro

11 More info at : “Its all just a bunch of bits” Gordon Gemmell developed a database and created software. Features: Add / Search Comments (text / speech) Webpages Telephone conversations Record TV / Radio GPS trails SenseCam – sense light changes, sense temp changes, movement detection My Life Bits YouTube - Total Recall: How the E-Memory Revolution will Change

12 More info at : My Life Bits - Total Recall Usage

13 More info at : LifeLog proposed by DARPA of the US Department of Defense A wearable invention Stockpile all the texts of one’s life for future use. Instantly sparked privacy debates “the “LifeLog” title alone persuades us to see our lives as potentially loggable which structures us(humans) as capturable by computers” Isabel Pedersen “I’m losing my mind and so is everybody else” Gordan “If you want you can have total recall” Gemmell “Wonderful sense of liberation” Gordan

14 More info at : Positives V's Negatives Positives Health Family and Friends / Memories from child to adult Gets rid of clutter / Space independent Citations Negatives - Negative experiences and human memory Become reliant Data-loss Original Documents needed Piracy issues Privacy and Security Youtube - Authors@Google: Gordon Bell & Jim Gemmell

15 More info at : Broad topic Look into more augmented projects Fesibility of augmented systems as wearable devices Impact projects like myLifeBits could have on us in the future Augmented reality systems Future Studies

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