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The Effect of Inlet Tube Size on a Cone Shaped Flocculater Shubha Bhar Taylor Britton.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Inlet Tube Size on a Cone Shaped Flocculater Shubha Bhar Taylor Britton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Inlet Tube Size on a Cone Shaped Flocculater Shubha Bhar Taylor Britton

2 Purpose and Goals Purpose: To study the effects of influent tube size on the growth and stability of the sludge blanket in a cone flocculator. Goals: Build up sludge blanket Take turbidity values above blanket Conduct Dimensional Analysis Determine ideal tube size

3 Velocity, Momentum, & Shear  Velocity: too slow and the flocs settle, too fast and they all wash out  Momentum: causes the interface between the sludge blanket and the overlying water to be unstable  Shear: Breaks up floc

4 Hypothesis We expected that the largest tube size will be most effective in producing the most stable sludge blanket for a given flow rate. Expected points of failure: velocity = 0.2 m/s shear = 0.1 Pa

5 Set Up

6 Flow Rates and Dosage Dose Rate and Concentrations Alum Dose50mg/L Clay100NTU Flow 1: Alum Concentration12.5g/L Clay Concentration12.2g/L Flow 2: Alum Concentration25g/L Clay Concentration24.4g/L Flow Rates Sludge Blanket Pump20mL/min Flow 1: Water Flow100mL/min Alum Pump0.46mL/min Clay Pump1.65mL/min Flow 2: Water Flow200mL/min Alum Pump0.46mL/min Clay Pump1.65mL/min

7 Trials: Q = 100 mL/min  Trial 1: Pipe diameter = 0.635 cm (0.25 inch) Q = 100 mL/min  Trial 2: Pipe diameter = 0.953 cm (3/8 inch) Q = 100 mL/min No sludge blanket formed!

8 Trials: Q = 200 mL/min  Trial 3: Pipe diameter = 0.953 cm (3/8 inch) Sludge Blanket: 27 cm  Trial 4: Pipe diameter = 0.635 cm (0.25 inch) Sludge Blanket failure  Trial 5: Pipe diameter = 0.953 cm (3/8 inch) Sludge Blanket: 15 cm  Trial 6: Trial 4: Pipe diameter = 0.635 cm (0.25 inch) Sludge Blanket failure

9 Turbidity Measurements: Trial 4 Q = 200 mL/min, sludge blanket height = 27 cm, pipe diameter = 0.953 cm

10 Turbidity: Trial 5 Q = 200 mL/min, sludge blanket height = 15 cm, pipe diameter = 0.635 cm

11 Velocity Calculations Inner Tube Diameter (cm)Q (mL/min) Velocity out of pipe (m/s) Velocity in Tank (m/s) 0.6351000.0540.0083 0.9531000.0240.0083 0.6352000.0470.0166 0.9352000.1050.0166 Mass balance used to determine velocity out of pipe and upward velocity in tank through the sludge blanket.

12 Shear Shear Values Q (mL/min)Pipe DiameterShear (Pa) 1000.6350.066 1000.9530.019 2000.6350.132 2000.9530.039

13 Froude Number  Sludge Blanket Density = 1.00094 g/mL  Fr = 0.33 Froude number proportional to (inertial force) / (gravitational force) Froude number is generally used to characterize flow, Fr numbers of less than 1 equal tranquil flow Fr numbers = 1 indicate critical flow Fr numbers greater than 1 indicate rapid flow.

14 Reynolds Number Flow is non turbulent! Q = 200 mL/min Pipe Diameter = 0.635 cm Re = 56.6 Pipe Diameter = 0.953 cm Re = 40

15 Conclusions  Our flow rates may have been too low  Success may have been influenced by alum spikes  Building sludge blankets can be unpredictable!

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