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The challenge of monitoring environmental priorities: the example of HNV Farmland Zélie Peppiette 122 nd EAAE Seminar, Ancona 17-18 th February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The challenge of monitoring environmental priorities: the example of HNV Farmland Zélie Peppiette 122 nd EAAE Seminar, Ancona 17-18 th February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The challenge of monitoring environmental priorities: the example of HNV Farmland Zélie Peppiette 122 nd EAAE Seminar, Ancona 17-18 th February 2011

2 Policy context Increasing emphasis on environmental impact Development of EU AEIs since 1998 2003 UNECE Biodiversity resolution Current EU rural development policy EU2020

3 What is HNV farmland? Type 1: Semi-natural vegetation

4 What is HNV farmland? Type 2: Low intensity mosaic

5 Great Bustard (Otis tarda) What is HNV farmland? Type 3: Species specific

6 Summary of approaches: method IRENA/EEA 3 Land cover 13 Designation 12 Species data/habitat10 Sampling 1 Systems 7 IACS 5 Management schemes 4

7 Summary of approaches: outcome Type 1 only4 Type 2 only1 Type 3 only1 Types 1 & 25 Types 1 & 36 Types 1,2 & 37

8 Issues and challenges 1 Farming systems data Specific features (hedgerows, ponds etc) Abandoned land/HNV confusion Assessment of quality/condition Sampling vs full coverage Territorial level (parcel, commune, grid)

9 Issues and challenges 2 Links to IACS/LPIS Proxy/derived indicators Data variation Mutual trust Resource constraints Targeting vs monitoring

10 Where do we go now? RD policy post-2013 likely to be closely aligned to overall EU objectives, including biodiversity, climate change etc More and better environmental monitoring One concept, many methods

11 The paradox What is needed depends on the intended use BUT…… Potential use is dependent on what can be provided

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