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Taking Maryvale into the Future.  2/3s of children between the ages of 4 and 7 have used an iPhone or iPod touch  85% have used one owned by a parent.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Maryvale into the Future.  2/3s of children between the ages of 4 and 7 have used an iPhone or iPod touch  85% have used one owned by a parent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Maryvale into the Future


3  2/3s of children between the ages of 4 and 7 have used an iPhone or iPod touch  85% have used one owned by a parent  "Passed back" in the car From a new report released by Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshops in collaboration with PBS Kids Raising Readers and Hotspeak.

4  Kids can learn from apps  Study - PBS KIDS programs  90 children from ages 3 to 7 played with them for two weeks  Gains in vocabulary comprehension, letter identification, and rhyming  Almost all developed mastery using the iPods and iPhones  A 2 ½ yr. old uses an iPad fo the first time. From a new report released by Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshops in collaboration with PBS Kids Raising Readers and Hotspeak.

5 Why Maryvale? Why now?

6 An iPad is a book-sized touch screen computing device.

7  Multi-touch glass with one single button  Small, 1.5 lbs.  Battery lasts up to 10 hrs.  Built-in speakers  Built-in microphone  Relatively inexpensive  Powerful  Can be used with a keyboard or a stylus Introducing the iPad -

8  Wow!  Cutting edge technology  Computer capabilities in a small package  Makes learning fun  Addresses all learning styles  Lighten the backpack  Organization

9  Instant “on”  Email  Apps  Internet  Productivity tools  Memory  Ease of use  No viruses

10  It’s time…going green, “cloud” computing  Been on the table for several years but felt that all students had adequate access to computers and Internet  Parents and students are asking for it  Creates a marketing and competitive advantage

11  Textbooks are dead - for real this time!  Assessment will be comprehensive and constant!  1:1 becomes BYOT (Bring your own Tech)  Facebook will be encouraged!  Students will surf away (kind of)!

12  The end of testing is nigh!  Students forced to use phones in class!  Content will be free for all, all the time!  Students will learn outside of school!  All data becomes compatible - globally!


14  Use "Apps"  Specialized apps for differentiated learning  Play Music  Listen to music in a foreign language or play a piano  Listen to Podcasts  Learn grammar or listen to a first hand account

15  Take Notes and Create Presentations  Use productivity tools such as Pages, Keynote and Numbers  Watch Videos  Learn about a chemical reaction  Do Research  Immediate information available at their fingertips  Read books  Never leave a book in the locker or lose it again

16  Lets the students use the technology the way they see fit  Teachers allow students to supplement learning by using the iPad when appropriate  Teachers motivate students to learn by giving them options to understand the material – such as listening to podcasts and online activities  Real time learning – always connected

17 Textbooks or specific chapters can be downloaded anytime that there is an Internet connection. They can be read even without an Internet connection.

18 FREE  Jane Eyre  A Midsummer’s Night Dream  Romeo and Juliet  Sharp Grammar – Kaplan Study Guide  The Odyssey  The Complete Works of William Shakespeare  United States Bill of Rights

19  Some textbooks available now  New ones added in the past few weeks  Can buy the entire book or buy a chapter at a time for $3.99 each  Books Available Now  Biology  Psychology  Photography  Music Appreciation  Sociology  Elements of Style  The Art of Public Speaking  Medical Physiology

20  Kindle App available for iPad  6 th grade books available on Kindle  The Giver ▪ Kindle Edition – $6.64 ▪ Paperback - $6.99  Number the Stars ▪ Kindle Edition -$6.64 ▪ Paperback - $6.99  Bridge to Terabithia ▪ Kindle Edition - $5.99 ▪ Paperback - $6.99

21 Many apps are added on a daily basis!

22  Unlike expensive software for laptops, the most commonly used apps are either free or relatively inexpensive for the iPad - from $0.99 to $9.99 (for Pages or Keynote).  Microsoft Office 2010 - Suggested retail price: $279.99

23  Citrix app available  Students and teachers can use  Access files on the Maryvale network

24  Continuous Internet access while on campus and possibly at home if a student’s family has a wireless home network set up.  Students will use their iTunes account to use the iPad.

25  Screen reader  Support for playback of closed-caption content

26 New printers are on the market that can be used with iPads.

27 Send your Pages files to yourself to be printed from a computer.

28  Parent information meetings will be held in the spring and summer 2011.  Students will sign an iPad contract when they sign their tuition agreements.  The iPad contract would be consistent with the current digital camera contract students in the Digital Photography class sign.

29  Allowing students access to the Internet and electronic resources is vital to attracting new students and maintaining our student population at Maryvale.  Piloting an iPad program for one year would give us valuable information regarding its use inside and outside of the classroom.

30  Educational comparisons between other devices and the iPad indicate that the iPad would suit our students’ needs.  Buying the iPad and by assessing a yearly $150.00 device fee, instead of having the students purchase their own, allows for all families at MVP to afford this technologically advanced learning tool for their daughters.

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